/usr/share/racket/pkgs/profile-lib/sampler.rkt is in racket-common 6.3-1.
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;; The core profiler sample collector
;; (This module is a private tool for collecting profiling data, and should not
;; be used as is.)
(provide create-sampler)
(require errortrace/errortrace-key)
;; (cons sexp srcloc) -> (cons sexp srcloc)
;; abbreviate the expression for concise reports
;; we take the first symbol we can find, and wrap it in a stub expression
(define (errortrace-preprocess frame)
(cons (and (car frame)
(let loop ([e (car frame)])
(cond [(symbol? e) (list e '...)]
[(pair? e) (loop (car e))]
[else (error 'errortrace-preprocess
"unexpected frame: ~a" frame)])))
(and (cdr frame)
(apply srcloc (cdr frame)))))
;; create-sampler : creates a sample collector thread, which tracks the given
;; `to-track' value every `delay' seconds.
;; Uses errortrace annotations when #:use-errortrace? is specified, otherwise
;; uses the native stack traces provided by `cms->context`.
;; * The input value can be either a thread (track just that thread), a
;; custodian (track all threads managed by the custodian), or a list of
;; threads and/or custodians. If a custodian is given, it must be
;; subordinate to the current custodian or to the given super custodian.
;; Also optionally takes a list of continuation mark keys, which will be
;; monitored in addition to the stack trace continuation mark key.
;; * The collected values are (<thread-id> <thread-time> . <stack>), where
;; - The <thread-id> is an integer number identifying the thread, starting
;; from 0. If the collected data has thread ids in a 0..N range
;; (exclusive) , then there were N threads that were observed. (This can
;; be relevant when tracking a custodian, where threads can change
;; dynamically.)
;; - The <thread-time> is the result of `current-process-milliseconds' for
;; the thread that this sample came from. Note that these numbers will not
;; start at 0, since threads are likely to run before a sample is
;; collected.
;; - Finally, the <stack> part is a snapshot of the thread's stack, as
;; grabbed by `continuation-mark-set->context'. The values in these
;; snapshots are interned to reduce memory load.
;; The results are collected sequentially, so they're always sorted from the
;; newest to the oldest. Remember that these results should be considered
;; private for the profiler collection, and can change when more information
;; needs to be collected.
;; * Returns a "controller" function that accepts messages to control the
;; sampler thread. The current set of messages that the controller
;; understands are:
;; - 'pause and 'resume: stops or resumes collecting samples. These messages
;; can be nested. Note that the thread will continue running it just won't
;; collect snapshots.
;; - 'stop: kills the collector thread. Should be called when you have your
;; data. (There is no message to start a new sampler thread, although
;; adding one will not be difficult.)
;; - 'set-tracked! <new>: changes the thread/s and/or custodian/s to track.
;; (Custodians should still be subordinate to the original one or to the
;; given argument.)
;; - 'set-delay! <new>: changes the sampling delay. This means that we won't
;; have a direct correlation between the number of samples and the time
;; they represent -- but the samples are statistical snapshots anyway, and
;; the results are not formulated in terms of time spent. (The time spent
;; could be added of course, but it is best to do that in terms of the
;; start/stop times)
;; - 'get-snapshots: returns the currently collected list of snapshots. Note
;; that this can be called multiple times, each will return the data that
;; is collected up to that point in time.
;; - 'get-custom-snapshots: returns the currently collected list of custom
;; key snapshots. Returns a list of samples, where each sample is in the
;; same format as the output of continuation-mark-set->list*.
(define (create-sampler to-track delay
[super-cust (current-custodian)]
[custom-keys #f]
#:use-errortrace? [do-errortrace #f])
;; the collected data
(define snapshots '())
;; listof (cons continuation-mark-key value/#f)
(define custom-snapshots '())
;; intern the entries (which are (cons id/#f srcloc/#f))
(define entry-table (make-hash))
(define (intern-entry entry)
(define key (or (cdr entry) (car entry)))
(define en (hash-ref entry-table key #f))
(if en
;; ELI: is this sanity check needed?
;; (if (equal? en entry)
;; en
;; (error 'profile "internal error: assumption invalid"))
(begin (hash-set! entry-table key entry) entry)))
(define (validate to-track who)
(unless (or (not custom-keys) (list? custom-keys))
who "list of continuation mark keys" custom-keys))
(let loop ([t to-track])
[(thread? t)]
[(list? t) (for-each loop t)]
[(not (custodian? t))
who "thread, custodian, or a list of threads/custodians" to-track)]
;; test that it's subordinate
[(with-handlers ([exn:fail:contract? (λ (_) #t)])
(custodian-managed-list t super-cust) #f)
(error who "got an insubordinate custodian")])))
(define paused 0)
(define thread-id
(let ([next-id 0] [t (make-weak-hasheq)])
(λ (thd)
(or (hash-ref t thd #f)
(let ([id next-id])
(set! next-id (add1 next-id))
(hash-set! t thd id)
(define (sampler)
(sleep delay)
(when (paused . <= . 0)
(let loop ([t to-track])
(cond [(thread? t)
(unless (eq? t sampler-thread)
(when custom-keys
(set! custom-snapshots
(cons (continuation-mark-set->list*
(continuation-marks t)
custom-keys) ; frames
(set! snapshots
(cons (list* (thread-id t)
(current-process-milliseconds t)
(if do-errortrace
(for/list ([frame (in-list
(continuation-marks t)
(intern-entry (errortrace-preprocess frame)))
(map intern-entry
(continuation-marks t)))))
[(custodian? t)
(for-each loop (custodian-managed-list t super-cust))]
;; cannot assume that it's a list: we might get other values from
;; a custodian managed list
[(list? t) (for-each loop t)])))
(define cpu-time 0)
(define start-time (current-process-milliseconds))
(define (add-time)
(when (paused . <= . 0)
(define cur (current-process-milliseconds))
(set! cpu-time (+ cpu-time (- cur start-time)))
(set! start-time cur)))
(define (ignore-time)
(when (paused . <= . 0)
(set! start-time (current-process-milliseconds))))
(define sampler-thread
(begin (validate to-track 'create-sampler)
(thread sampler)))
;; use a sema to avoid mutations from different threads, the sampler thread
;; is only reading these values so it doesn't use it.
(define sema (make-semaphore 1))
(define (sampler-controller msg [arg #f])
(define-syntax-rule (w/sema body ...)
(call-with-semaphore sema (λ () body ...)))
(case msg
[(pause) (w/sema (add-time) (set! paused (add1 paused)))]
[(resume) (w/sema (set! paused (sub1 paused)) (ignore-time))]
[(stop) (kill-thread sampler-thread) (add-time) (set! paused +inf.0)]
[(set-tracked!) (validate arg 'sampler-controller)
(w/sema (set! to-track arg))]
[(set-delay!) (w/sema (set! delay arg))]
[(get-snapshots) (add-time) (cons cpu-time snapshots)]
[(get-custom-snapshots) custom-snapshots]
[else (error 'sampler-controller "unknown message: ~e" msg)]))