/etc/root/system.rootrc is in root-system-common 5.34.30-0ubuntu8.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 | # @(#)root/config:$Id$
# Author: Fons Rademakers 22/09/95
# ROOT Environment settings are handled via the class TEnv. To see
# which values are active do: gEnv->Print().
# Path used by dynamic loader to find shared libraries.
# This path will be appended to the (DY)LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Unix
# and to PATH on Windows.
# Paths are different for Unix and Windows. The example shows the defaults
# for all ROOT applications for either Unix or Windows.
Unix.*.Root.DynamicPath: .:
WinNT.*.Root.DynamicPath: .;/usr/bin;
# Path used to find macros.
# Paths are different for Unix and Windows. The example shows the defaults
# for all ROOT applications for either Unix or Windows.
Unix.*.Root.MacroPath: .:/usr/share/root/macros:
WinNT.*.Root.MacroPath: .;/usr/share/root/macros;
# Path used to find plugin macros.
# Paths are different for Unix and Windows. The example shows the defaults
# for all ROOT applications for either Unix or Windows.
Unix.*.Root.PluginPath: :/etc/root/plugins:
WinNT.*.Root.PluginPath: ;/etc/root/plugins;
# Path where to look for TrueType fonts.
Unix.*.Root.UseTTFonts: true
*.*.Root.TTFontPath: /usr/share/root/fonts
# Use Net* API functions.
WinNT.UseNetAPI: true
# Use thread library (if exists).
Unix.*.Root.UseThreads: false
# Select the compression algorithm (0=old zlib, 1=new zlib)
# Note, setting this to `0' may be a security vulnerability.
Root.ZipMode: 1
# Show where item is found in the specified path.
Root.ShowPath: false
# Activate malloc/new, free/delete calls via the TMemStat class
# the parameter buffersize is the number of calls to malloc or free that can be stored in one memory buffer.
# when the buffer is full, the calls to malloc/free pointing to the same location
# are eliminated and not written to the final Tree. The default value 100000
# is such that between 50 and 90% of the calls are eliminated depending on the application.
# the parameter TMemStat.maxcalls is the maximum number of new/delete calls to be monitored
# 5 million calls is a reasonable number.
# if your code has been compiled with -fno-omit-frame-pointer you can specify
# gnubuiltin for Root.TMemStat.system. In this case the backtrace is much faster.
Root.TMemStat: 0
Root.TMemStat.buffersize: 100000
Root.TMemStat.maxcalls: 5000000
#Root.TMemStat.system: gnubuiltin
# Activate memory statistics (size and cnt is used to trap allocation of
# blocks of a certain size after cnt times).
Root.MemStat: 0
Root.MemStat.size: -1
Root.MemStat.cnt: -1
Root.ObjectStat: 0
# Activate memory leak checker (use in conjunction with $ROOTSYS/bin/memprobe).
# Currently only works on Linux with gcc.
Root.MemCheck: 0
Root.MemCheckFile: memcheck.out
# Global debug mode. When >0 turns on progressively more details debugging.
Root.Debug: 0
Root.ErrorHandlers: 1
Root.Stacktrace: yes
# Allow for a customized backtrace script.
#Root.StacktraceScript: $(ROOTSYS)/etc/gdb-backtrace.sh
# Allow for a customized backtrace messages (e.g. referencing your own project
# bug tracking system). Change this message rather then the entire script.
# The % characters will be replaced by newlines.
#Root.StacktraceMessage: The lines below might hint at the cause of the crash.%If they do not help you then please submit a bug report at%http://myproject/bugs. Please post the ENTIRE stack trace%from above as an attachment in addition to anything else%that might help us fixing this issue.
# Ignore errors lower than the ignore level. Possible values:
# Print, Info, Warning, Error, Break, SysError and Fatal.
Root.ErrorIgnoreLevel: Print
# Settings for X11 behaviour.
X11.Sync: no
X11.FindBestVisual: yes
X11.UseXft: no
X11.XInitThread: yes
# Settings for Cocoa backend.
# The EnableAntiAliasing flag defines if you want to have anti-aliased
# lines/polygon in a canvas/pad. Possible values:
# yes (enable AA), no (disable AA) and auto (use AA only on Retina displays)
Cocoa.EnableAntiAliasing: yes
# Settings for Win32 behavior.
Win32.UseSysPointers: no
# Default editor.
Unix.*.Editor: vi
WinNT.*.Editor: notepad
# Default 3d Viewer.
# By default 3-D views are shown in the pad,
# if the next line is activated, the default viewer will be OpenGL.
#Viewer3D.DefaultDrawOption: ogl
# Default Fitter (current choices are Minuit and Fumili).
Root.Fitter: Minuit
# Specify list of file endings which TTabCom (TAB completion) should ignore.
#TabCom.FileIgnore: .cpp:.h:.cmz
# TCanvas specific settings. Opaque move and resize show full pad during
# the operation instead of only the outline. In case you have a really very
# old graphics card turn these options off. UseScreenFactor=true means to
# size canvas according to size of screen, so a canvas still looks good on a
# low resolution laptop screen without having to change canvas size in macros.
# HighLightColor 2 = red. ShowEventStatus allows the event status bar to
# be turned on by default. AutoExec allows TExec objects to be executed
# on mouse and key events.
Canvas.MoveOpaque: true
Canvas.ResizeOpaque: true
Canvas.ShowGuideLines: true
Canvas.UseScreenFactor: false
Canvas.HighLightColor: 2
Canvas.ShowEventStatus: false
Canvas.ShowToolTips: false
Canvas.ShowToolBar: false
Canvas.ShowEditor: false
Canvas.AutoExec: true
Canvas.PrintDirectory: .
# Set the default precision when writing floating point numbers in
# TCanvas::SaveSource
Canvas.SavePrecision: 7
# Set the default TStyle
# Predefined styles are: Plain, Bold, Video, Pub, Classic, Modern.
Canvas.Style: Modern
# Default file format to be used in the Canvas "Save As" dialog
Canvas.SaveAsDefaultType pdf
# Printer settings.
#WinNT.*.Print.Command: AcroRd32.exe
#Unix.*.Print.Command: a2ps -P%p --landscape --columns=2 --margin=30 -rf8.0 %f
#Print.Printer: 32-rb20-hp
#Print.Directory: .
#Print.FileType: pdf
# Default histogram binnings for TTree::Draw().
Hist.Binning.1D.x: 100
Hist.Binning.2D.x: 40
Hist.Binning.2D.y: 40
Hist.Binning.2D.Prof: 100
Hist.Binning.3D.x: 20
Hist.Binning.3D.y: 20
Hist.Binning.3D.z: 20
Hist.Binning.3D.Profx: 100
Hist.Binning.3D.Profy: 100
# Default statistics parameters names.
Hist.Stats.Entries: Entries
Hist.Stats.Mean: Mean
Hist.Stats.MeanX: Mean x
Hist.Stats.MeanY: Mean y
Hist.Stats.MeanZ: Mean z
Hist.Stats.RMS: RMS
Hist.Stats.RMSX: RMS x
Hist.Stats.RMSY: RMS y
Hist.Stats.RMSZ: RMS z
Hist.Stats.Underflow: Underflow
Hist.Stats.Overflow: Overflow
Hist.Stats.Integral: Integral
Hist.Stats.IntegralBinWidth: Integral(w)
Hist.Stats.Skewness: Skewness
Hist.Stats.SkewnessX: Skewness x
Hist.Stats.SkewnessY: Skewness y
Hist.Stats.SkewnessZ: Skewness z
Hist.Stats.Kurtosis: Kurtosis
Hist.Stats.KurtosisX: Kurtosis x
Hist.Stats.KurtosisY: Kurtosis y
Hist.Stats.KurtosisZ: Kurtosis z
# THtml specific settings (for more see doc of THtml class).
Root.Html.SourceDir: .
Root.Html.Root: http://root.cern.ch/root/html
Root.Html.ViewCVS: http://root.cern.ch/viewcvs/trunk/%f?view=log
Root.Html.Search: http://www.google.com/search?q=%s+site%3A%u+-site%3A%u%2Fsrc%2F+-site%3A%u%2Fexamples%2F
#Root.Html.OutputDir: htmldoc/
#Root.Html.Description: //____________________
#Root.Html.Author: // Author:
#Root.Html.LastUpdate: // @(#)
#Root.Html.Copyright: * Copyright
# GUI specific settings.
Gui.Backend: native
Gui.Factory: native
# GUI style: modern (flat popup menus), modern-flat (flat frames), or classic (win 95 style)
Gui.Style: modern
Gui.DefaultFont: -*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
Gui.MenuFont: -*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
Gui.MenuHiFont: -*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
Gui.DocFixedFont: -*-courier-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
Gui.DocPropFont: -*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
Gui.IconFont: -*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
Gui.StatusFont: -*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
Gui.BackgroundColor: #e8e8e8
Gui.ForegroundColor: black
Gui.HighLightColor: #d0d0d0
Gui.SelectBackgroundColor: #d0d0d0
Gui.SelectForegroundColor: black
Gui.DocumentBackgroundColor: white
Gui.DocumentForegroundColor: black
Gui.TooltipBackgroundColor: LightYellow
Gui.TooltipForegroundColor: black
Gui.IconPath: $(HOME)/icons:/usr/share/root/icons:.
Gui.MimeTypeFile: $(HOME)/.root.mimes
# If above does not exists defaults to this:
#Gui.MimeTypeFile: /etc/root/root.mimes
# Type of Browser: TRootBrowser or TRootBrowserLite
Browser.Name: TRootBrowser
# Browser Options (plugins)
# F: File browser E: Text Editor H: HTML browser
# C: Canvas I: I/O redirection P: Proof G: GL viewer
Browser.Options: FCEI
# Can be either small, big, list, details
Browser.IconStyle: small
# Can be either name, type, size, date
Browser.SortBy: name
Browser.GroupView: 10000
Browser.ShowHidden: no
Browser.AutoThumbnail: yes
# Start URL for the TRootBrowser embedded HTML renderer
Browser.StartUrl: http://localhost/doc/root/html/index.html
# OpenGL options (defaults are shown)
# Default user interaction model for 3D view manipulation assumes that user
# controls the scene (rotates or moves it). Change this to 'yes' to switch
# to viewer-centric model where controls "move" the viewer (or camera).
OpenGL.EventHandler.ViewerCentricControls: no
# Following three settings are factors scaling the effect of corresponding
# user inputs. Set to negative value to invert sense of action.
OpenGL.EventHandler.ArrowKeyFactor: 1.0
OpenGL.EventHandler.MouseDragFactor: 1.0
OpenGL.EventHandler.MouseWheelFactor: 1.0
# Area around mouse cursor used to detect underlying objects for selection
# and hihglight.
OpenGL.PickingRadius: 3.0
# Additional scaling factor for point-sizes and line-widths. The default value
# "native" sets this to 2.0 when running on mac in retina mode and 1.0
# otherwise. Any floating-point number can be set but values above 4.0 do not
# make much sense.
OpenGL.PointLineScalingFactor: "native"
# Default scaling of lines used for drawing of polygons in wireframe mode ('w').
# This can be set for every viewer in GLViewer GUI editor.
OpenGL.WireframeLineScalingFactor: 1.0
# Default scaling of lines used for polygon outline in outline mode ('t').
# This can be set for every viewer in GLViewer GUI editor.
OpenGL.OutlineLineScalingFactor: 1.0
# Save pictures using framebuffer objects which works even when GL window is
# not on screen or is covered by other windows. Image scaling is supported
# but there is no GUI support -- call corresponding TGLViewer functions.
# FBOs might not work on some machines or over ssh due to buggy GL support.
OpenGL.SavePicturesViaFBO: yes
# If saving via FBO fails, fallback to using back-buffer for image capture.
OpenGL.SavePictureFallbackToBB: yes
# Enable multi-sampling (full-scene antialisaing), if supported.
# Set to 1 to use lowest available settings or a higher integer to request
# a specific number of samples per pixel (4 (linux) or 8 (mac) is reasonable).
OpenGL.Framebuffer.Multisample: 0
# Flag to set CanvasPreferGL via gStyle
OpenGL.CanvasPreferGL: 0
# EVE options (defaults are shown)
# Autmoatically hide/roll up GL viewer menu-bars.
Eve.Viewer.HideMenus: 1
# Rint (interactive ROOT executable) specific alias, logon and logoff macros.
Rint.Load: rootalias.C
Rint.Logon: rootlogon.C
Rint.Logoff: rootlogoff.C
### Prompt colors
# Whether to use default colors for light-on-dark (i.e. reverse) color scheme:
#Rint.ReverseColor: no
# Prompt colors: #rgb or #rrggbb or color names:
# "black", "red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "magenta", "cyan", "white"
# "default" will keep the current terminal color.
# can be combined with string containing "under" and "bold".
#Rint.TypeColor: bold blue
#Rint.BracketColor: bold green
#Rint.BadBracketColor: bold red underlined
#Rint.PromptColor: default
#Rint.TabComColor: magenta
### History
# Record session commands, set to "-" to turn off command recording.
Rint.History: $(HOME)/.root_hist
# History file size, once HistSize is reached remove all but HistSave entries,
# set to 0 to turn off command recording.
# Can be overridden by environment variable ROOT_HIST=size[:save],
# the ":save" part is optional.
# Rint.HistSize: 500
# Set to -1 for sensible default (80% of HistSize), set to 0 to disable history.
# Rint.HistSave: 400
# Print a single line welcome message instead of the default verbose version
# Rint.WelcomeLite: no
# When the interactive ROOT starts, it can automatically load some frequently
# used includes. However, this introduces several overheads
# - A long list of CINT and system files will be kept open during the session
# - The initialisation takes more time (noticeable when using gdb or valgrind)
# - Memory overhead of about 5 Mbytes (1/3 of the base ROOT executable) when
# including <vector>
# You can set the variable below to 0 to disable the loading of these
# includes at startup. You can set the variable to 1 (default) to load
# only <iostream> , <string> and <RTypesCint.h>. You can set it to 2 to
# load in addition <vector> and <pair>. We strongly recommend setting
# the variable to 2 if your scripts include <vector> and you execute
# your scripts multiple times.
Rint.Includes: 1
# ACLiC customization.
# ACLiC.Linkdef specifies the suffix that will be added to the script name to
# try to locate a custom linkdef file when generating the dictionary.
ACLiC.Linkdef: _linkdef
# Set a top directory for storing the libraries produced by ACLiC.
#ACLiC.BuildDir: /where/I/would/like/my/compiled/scripts
# Add additional include directives for ACLiC compilations.
#ACLiC.IncludePaths: -I/where/the/includes/are
# Select whether and how ACLiC tracks the dependency of the libraries.
# 0 - No tracking
# 1 - [Default] New libraries are explicitly linked to all currently loaded libraries
# 2 - Generate and use rootmap file for each library
# 3 - Generate rootmap file for each library _and_ explicitly link to the
# needed libraries.
# On Windows, the default is 3
#ACLiC.LinkLibs: 1
# PROOF related variables
# PROOF debug options.
# Proof.DebugLevel: 0
# Proof.DebugMask: -1
# PROOF GDB hooks
# allows a debugger to be attached early in the startup phase of proofserv
# 0 - don't wait
# 1 - master proofserv enters wait loop
# 2 - slave proofserv enters wait loop
# 3 - any proofserv enters wait loop
# Proof.GdbHook: 0
# To control the number of processes in PROOF-Lite (0 disables PROOF-Lite).
# This setting cannot be overwritten in the user rootrc files.
# ProofLite.MaxWorkers: -1
# On the master enable parallel startup of workers using threads
# Proof.ParallelStartup: no
# Proof.StatsHist: no
# Proof.StatsTrace: no
# Proof.SlaveStatsTrace: no
# Proof.CondorHome: /opt/condor
# Proof.CondorConfig: /opt/condor/etc/condor_config
# PEAC.GmUrl: http://somewhere:8080/clarens/
# PEAC.LmUrl: http://elsewhere:8080/clarens/
# Certificate and key
# Clarens.CertFile: $(HOME)/.globus/usercert.pem
# Clarens.KeyFile: $(HOME)/.globus/userkey.pem
# Variables related to authentication to rootd and proofd.
# Default authentication method for rootd and proofd.
# These are supported for backward compatibility but have a very
# low priority. System defaults are generated by configure as a list
# in system.rootauthrc in $ROOTSYS/etc/ or /etc/root; the file
# $HOME/.rootauthrc can be used to override the system defaults.
# (0=UsrPwd, 1=SRP, 2=Krb5, 3=Globus,4=SSH, 5=UidGid)
Rootd.Authentication: 0
Proofd.Authentication: 0
# Connection is shutdown at timeout expiration. Timeout is in seconds.
# Negotiation cannot be attempted at low level (i.e. inside
# TAuthenticate::Authenticate()) because of synchronization
# problems with the server.
# At higher level, TAuthenticate::HasTimedOut() gives information
# about timeout: 0 = no timeout; 1 = timeout, no methods left;
# 2 = timeout, still methods to be tried .
# Caller should decide about an additional attempt.
# Timeout disabled (< 0) by default. Can be changed on-the-fly
# with the static method TAuthenticate::SetTimeOut(to_value)
# Auth.Timeout: -1
# Password dialog box.
# Set to 0 if you do not want a dialog box to be popped-up
# when a password is requested.
# Default is 1.
# Auth.UsePasswdDialogBox: 0
# Set this to 1 if you want full SRP authentication in PROOF
# (Client-to-Master and Master-to-Slave).
Proofd.SendSRPPwd: 0
# Set this to 1 to use SSH authentication in PROOF servers
# (Master-to-Slave or Slaves-to-DataServers). This is switched
# off by default because credentials forwarding for SSH is not
# controlled by the system; however the user may have other
# ways to guarantee it, so it may want to switch it on.
ProofServ.UseSSH: 0
# Default login name (if not defined is taken from $(HOME)).
#UsrPwd.Login: qwerty
#SRP.Login: qwerty
#Krb5.Login: qwerty@LOCAL.DOM.AIN
#Globus.Login: cd:~/.globus cf:usercert.pem kf:userkey.pem ad:/etc/grid-security/certificates
#SSH.Login: qwerty
#UidGid.Login: qwerty
# To be prompted for login information.
#UsrPwd.LoginPrompt: yes
#SRP.LoginPrompt: yes
#Krb5.LoginPrompt: yes
#Globus.LoginPrompt: yes
#SSH.LoginPrompt: yes
#UidGid.LoginPrompt: yes
# To reuse established security context.
UsrPwd.ReUse: yes
SRP.ReUse: no
Krb5.ReUse: no
Globus.ReUse: yes
SSH.ReUse: yes
# Duration validity of the sec context for UsrPwd, SRP and SSH.
# Format: <hours>:<minutes> (default 24:00)
#UsrPwd.Valid: 24:00
#SRP.Valid: 24:00
#SSH.Valid: 24:00
# To control password encryption for UsrPwd authentication.
UsrPwd.Crypt: yes
# Globus miscellanea.
# Globus Proxy duration: HH:MM (ex 12:15 for 12 hours and 15 min)
# 'default' for system default.
Globus.ProxyDuration: default
#Globus.ProxyDuration: 14
# Number of bits for the initial key.
Globus.ProxyKeyBits: 1024
# Path to alternative 'ssh' (to override $PATH if ever needed).
#SSH.ExecDir: /usr/bin
# In case of error, SSH returns 1 (or 256 = 0x100).
# To trap those errors for which one should retry, error printouts
# must be parsed; any substring found under the Env SSH.ErrorRetry
# triggers a retry condition; strings can be added here
# in the form (including double quotes):
# +SSH.ErrorRetry: "<error_string>"
# This is what one usually gets if the server has reached the maximum
# number of sshd daemons (defined by MaxStartups in sshd_config);
# this is a typical case in which one should retry.
SSH.ErrorRetry: "Connection closed by remote host"
# Max number of retries for SSH in case of retry error (see above).
SSH.MaxRetry: 100
# Type of key to be used for RSA encryption:
# 0 = local; 1 = SSL (default if openssl available).
RSA.KeyType: 1
# In case of 'RSA.KeyType: 1' this specifies the number of bits to
# be used for the Blowfish key used to encrypt the exchanged information
# Default 256, minimum 128, maximum 15912.
#SSL.BFBits: 256
# Server authentication in TServerSocket.
# General: file with server access rules
#SrvAuth.DaemonRc: /etc/root/system.daemonrc
# UsrPwd: check of host equivalence via /etc/hosts.equiv or $HOME/.rhosts.
#SrvAuth.CheckHostsEquivalence: 1
# SRP: pass file (default $HOME/.srootdpass).
#SrvAuth.SRPpassfile: $HOME/.srootdpass
# Globus/GSI: hostcert configuration file.
#SrvAuth.HostCert: /etc/root/hostcert.conf
# Globus/GSI: gridmap file.
#SrvAuth.GridMap: /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile
# SSH: port for the sshd daemon.
#SrvAuth.SshdPort: 22
# Force file opening via TNetFile (TXNetFile) if a hostname is specified
# in the Url.
# By default, for local files TFile::Open() invokes directly TFile
#TFile.ForceRemote: yes
# Control the action to be taken when opening an existing ROOT file which
# looks corrupted; by default an attempt to recover the file is made; if
# this variable is set to no the file is just flagged as zombie.
#TFile.Recover: no
# Control the usage of asynchronous reading capabilities eventually
# supported by the underlying TFile implementation. Default is yes.
#TFile.AsyncReading: no
# Control the usage of asynchronous prefetching capabilities irrespective
# of the TFile implementation. By default it is disabled.
#TFile.AsyncPrefetching: no
# Enable cross-protocol redirects
TFile.CrossProtocolRedirects: yes
# List of S3 servers known to support multi-range HTTP GET requests.
# This is the value sent back by the S3 server in the 'Server:' header
# of the HTTP response.
# Please note that Amazon S3 servers do not support this feature.
# Add one line per server type with syntax:
# +TS3WebFile.Root.MultiRangeServer: Mucura
TS3WebFile.Root.MultiRangeServer: Huawei OBS
# Special cases for the TUrl parser, where the special cases are parsed
# in a protocol + file part, like rfio:host:/path/file.root,
# castor:/path/file.root or /alien/path/file.root.
# In case the file namespace descriptor ends with - the namespace
# is not a part of the filename.
# Extend in private .rootrc with a +Url.Special line.
Url.Special: file: rfio: hpss: castor: gfal: dcache:
+Url.Special: /alien/- /castor/
# PROOF XRD client variables
# Debug level (<0 : errors, 0 : minimal, 1 : low, 2 : medium, 3 : high) [-1]
# XProof.Debug: 0
# Socket read timeout [in secs: default 10 secs]
# XProof.ReadTimeout: 10
# The following env vars are handled by TXNetFile and related classes
# (module netx, libNetx.so).
# XNet.ConnectTimeout - maximum time to wait before server's
# response on a connect [120 s]
# XNet.RequestTimeout - maximum time to wait before considering
# a read/write failure [300 s]
# XNet.ConnectDomainAllowRE
# - sequence of TRegexp regular expressions
# separated by a |.
# A domain is granted access to for the
# first connection if it matches one of these
# regexps. Example:
# slac.stanford.edu|pd.infn.it|fe.infn.it
# XNet.ConnectDomainDenyRE
# - sequence of TRegexp regular expressions
# separated by a |.
# A domain is denied access to for the
# first connection if it matches one of these
# regexps. Example:
# slac.stanford.edu|pd.infn.it|fe.infn.it
# XNet.RedirDomainAllowRE
# - sequence of TRegexp regular expressions
# separated by a |.
# A domain is granted access to for a
# redirection if it matches one of these
# regexps. Example:
# slac.stanford.edu|pd.infn.it|fe.infn.it
# XNet.RedirDomainDenyRE
# - sequence of TRegexp regular expressions
# separated by a |.
# A domain is denied access to for a
# redirection if it matches one of these
# regexps. Example:
# slac.stanford.edu|pd.infn.it|fe.infn.it
# XNet.MaxRedirectCount - maximum number of redirections from
# server [16]
# XNet.Debug - log verbosity level
# (0=nothing,
# 1=messages of interest to the user,
# 2=messages of interest to the developers
# (includes also user messages),
# 3=dump of all sent/received data buffers
# (includes also user and developers
# messages). [0]
# 4=dump also the data received/sent at the lower level
# XNet.ReconnectWait - sleep-time before going back to the
# load balancer (or rebouncing to the same
# failing host) after a read/write error
# [5 s]
# XNet.ReadAheadSize - read ahead value, in bytes, to use with the XrdClient
# internal caching scheme
# Generally not much useful together with the TFile cache,
# which will disable the readahead as soon it starts operating,
# i.e. requesting async data through XrdClient.
# Note that we cannot suppose that the TFile cache
# will start working at the beginning of the data processing.
# Setting a read ahead size > 0 will involve this phase,
# sometimes it could be an advantage, sometimes not.
# If > 0, TXNetFile will switch it on again if it sees that
# synchronous ReadBuffer requests are issued again
XNet.ReadAheadSize: 0
# XNet.ReadCacheSize - Default read cache size inside XrdClient, in bytes.
# TXNetFile/TFileReadCache automatically sets this to a
# 'correct' value when needed.
# Set a value here to override a *minimum*
# size. It is not preallocated.
# TFile/TXNetFile can anyway make it grow
# automatically when needed.
XNet.ReadCacheSize: 10000000
# XNet.FirstConnectMaxCnt
# - Number of connect retries to the first host
# XNet.PrintTAG - Print a particular string the developers
# can choose to quickly recognize the
# version at run time [0]
# XNet.ParStreamsPerPhyConn
# - Number of additional TCP streams to use per
# each physical connection
# 0=monostream mode
# 1-15=multistream mode
XNet.ParStreamsPerPhyConn: 0
# XNet.DfltTcpWindowSize
# - Default size of the TCP window; set to 0 to use the
# system default, which means automatic scaling under Linux
# and MacOsX (at least). Value in bytes [0]
# XNet.DfltTcpWindowSize 262144
# XNet.TransactionTimeout
# - The maximum amount of time either a request or a server
# wait request can be before the client declares an error.
# XNet.TransactionTimeout: 28800
# The following env vars are handled by TNetXNGFile (new xrootd client interface)
# and related classes (module netxng, libNetxNG.so).
# Use the old xrootd client (libNetx) instead of the new (libNetxNG)
# NetXNG.ConnectionWindow - A time window for the connection establishment. A
# connection failure is declared if the connection
# is not established within the time window. If a
# connection failure happens earlier then another
# connection attempt will only be made at the
# beginning of the next window.
# NetXNG.ConnectionRetry - Number of connection attempts that should be
# made (number of available connection windows)
# before declaring a permanent failure.
# NetXNG.RequestTimeout - Default value for the time after which an error
# is declared if it was impossible to get a
# response to a request.
# NetXNG.SubStreamsPerChannel - Number of streams per session.
# NetXNG.TimeoutResolution - Resolution for the timeout events. Ie. timeout
# events will be processed only every
# NetXNG.StreamErrorWindow - Time after which the permanent failure flags are
# cleared out and a new connection may be
# attempted if needed.
# NetXNG.RunForkHandler - Determines whether the fork handlers should be
# enabled, making the API fork safe.
# NetXNG.RedirectLimit - Maximum number of allowed redirections.
# NetXNG.WorkerThreads - Number of threads processing user callbacks.
# NetXNG.CPChunkSize - Size of a single data chunk handled by xrdcopy.
# NetXNG.CPParallelChunks - Maximum number of asynchronous requests being
# processed by the xrdcopy command at any given
# time.
# NetXNG.PollerPreference - A comma separated list of poller implementations
# in order of preference. The default is:
# libevent,built-in.
# NetXNG.ClientMonitor - Path to the client monitor library.
# NetXNG.ClientMonitorParam - Additional optional parameters that will be
# passed to the monitoring object on initialization.
# NetXNG.QueryReadVParams - Query the server for acceptable vector read parameters
# Parameters that influence the behavior of TDavixFile/TDavixSystem. These
# classes give a comprehensive client side support for HTTP and WebDAV,
# with all the goodies (session caching, flexible authentication, support
# for different dialects like S3, and others)
# Use the old TWebFile instead of the new libDavix based version
Davix.UseOldClient: yes
# Verbosity level of the external Davix library
# Davix.Debug: 0
# Path to the X.509 user proxy
# Davix.GSI.UserProxy: /my/path/my_proxy
# Paths to the X.509 user certificate and key, in PEM format
# Davix.GSI.UserCert: /my/path/my_cert
# Davix.GSI.UserKey: /my/path/my_key
# Path to the directory containing the CAs
# Davix.GSI.CAdir: /etc/grid-security/certificates
# Enable/disable the Check on the peer's certificate
# Davix.GSI.CACheck: y
# Sets the HTTP client in Grid mode, to talk to Grid HTTP SEs
# without having to set additional parameters
# Grid mode enable the following action:
# - Auto-detect and use the available voms proxy certificate
# - Add the standard grid security CAs as valid CAs
# - Use the grid specific extensions if needed.
# Davix.GSI.GridMode: y
# Sets the Amazon S3 authentication parameters
# Davix.S3.SecretKey: secret
# Davix.S3.AccessKey: token
# NOTE: The authentication of TDavixFile/TDavixSystem can be influenced
# through some well known environment variables:
# They have the usual meaning for the X509 Grid things. The gEnv vars
# have higher priority over the these envvars.
# Example of custom setting for the Rint application (root.exe).
# This overrides the default specified above for a generic application.
# Color 5 is yellow.
Rint.Canvas.HighLightColor: 5
# Set a size factor for auto sizing TTreeCache for TTrees. The estimated
# cluster size for the TTree and this factor is used to give the cache size.
# If option is set to zero auto cache creation is disabled and the default
# cache size is the historical one (equivalent to factor 1.0). If set to
# non zero auto cache creation is enabled and both auto created and
# default sized caches will use the configured factor:
# 0.0 no automatic cache (default)
# >0.0 enable automatic cache
# Can be overridden by the environment variable ROOT_TTREECACHE_SIZE
# TTreeCache.Size: 0.0
# Set the default TTreeCache prefilling type.
# The prefill type may be: 0 No Prefill (default)
# 1 All Branches
# Can be overridden by the environment variable ROOT_TTREECACHE_PREFILL
# TTreeCache.Prefill: 0