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version="version qmatrix.lib Jun_2013 "; // $Id: 0ff9b9f42c3021528e3920ce6700195dc3d55673 $
LIBRARY: qmatrix.lib Quantum matrices, quantum minors and symmetric groups
AUTHORS: Lobillo, F.J., jlobillo@ugr.es
@* Rabelo, C., crabelo@ugr.es
SUPPORT: 'Metodos algebraicos y efectivos en grupos cuanticos', BFM2001-3141, MCYT, Jose Gomez-Torrecillas (Main researcher).
quantMat(n, [p]); generates the quantum matrix ring of order n;
qminor(u, v, nr); calculate a quantum minor of a quantum matrix
SymGroup(n); generates an intmat containing S(n), each row is an element of S(n)
LengthSymElement(v); calculates the length of the element v of S(n)
LengthSym(M); calculates the length of each element of M, being M a subset of S(n)
LIB "ncalg.lib";
LIB "nctools.lib"; // for rootofUnity
proc SymGroup(int n)
"USAGE: SymGroup(n); n an integer (positive)
RETURN: intmat
PURPOSE: represent the symmetric group S(n) via integer vectors (permutations)
NOTE: each row of the output integer matrix is an element of S(n)
SEE ALSO: LengthSym, LengthSymElement
EXAMPLE: example SymGroup; shows examples
if (n<=0)
"n must be positive";
intmat M[1][1]=0;
if (n==1)
intmat M[1][1]=1;
def N=SymGroup(n-1); // N is the symmetric group S(n-1)
int m=nrows(N); // The order of S(n-1)=(n-1)!
intmat M[m*n][n]; // Matrix to save S(n), m*n=n*(n-1)!=n!=#S(n)
int i,j,k;
for (i=1; i<=m; i++)
{ // fixed an element i of S(n-1)
for (j=n; j>0; j--)
{ // and fixed a position j to introduce an "n"
for (k=1; k<j; k++)
{ // we want to copy the i-th element until position j-1
M[n*(i-1)+(n-j+1),j]=n; // we write the "n" in the position j
for (k=j+1; k<=n; k++)
M[n*(i-1)+(n-j+1),k]=N[i,k-1]; // and we run until the end of copying
return (M);
// "S(3)={(1,2,3),(1,3,2),(3,1,2),(2,1,3),(2,3,1),(3,2,1)}";
// This procedure calculates the length of an element v of a symmetric group
// If size(v)=n, the group is S(n). The permutation is i->v[i].
proc LengthSymElement(intvec v)
"USAGE: LengthSymElement(v); v intvec
PURPOSE: determine the length of the permutation given by v in some S(n)
ASSUME: v represents an element of S(n); otherwise the output may have no sense
SEE ALSO: SymGroup, LengthSym
EXAMPLE: example LengthSymElement; shows examples
int n=size(v);
int l=0;
int i,j;
for (i=1; i<n; i++)
for (j=i+1; j<=n; j++)
if (v[j]<v[i]) {l++;}
return (l);
intvec v=1,3,4,2,8,9,6,5,7,10;
proc LengthSym(intmat M)
"USAGE: LengthSym(M); M an intmat
RETURN: intvec
PURPOSE: determine a vector, where the i-th element is the length of the permutation of S(n) given by the i-th row of M
ASSUME: M represents a subset of S(n) (each row must be an element of S(n)); otherwise, the output may have no sense
SEE ALSO: SymGroup, LengthSymElement
EXAMPLE: example LengthSym; shows examples
int n=ncols(M); // this n is the n of S(n)
int m=nrows(M); // m=num of element of S(n) in M, if M=S(n) m=n!
intvec L=0;
int i;
for (i=1; i<=m; i++)
return (L);
def M = SymGroup(3); M;
proc quantMat(int n, list #)
"USAGE: quantMat(n [, p]); n integer (n>1), p an optional integer
RETURN: ring (of quantum matrices). If p is specified, the quantum parameter q
@* will be specialized at the p-th root of unity
PURPOSE: compute the quantum matrix ring of order n
NOTE: activate this ring with the \"setring\" command.
@* The usual representation of the variables in this quantum
@* algebra is not used because double indexes are not allowed
@* in the variables. Instead the variables are listed by reading
@* the rows of the usual matrix representation, that is, there
@* will be n*n variables (one for each entry an n*N generic matrix),
@* listed row-wise
SEE ALSO: qminor
EXAMPLE: example quantMat; shows examples
if (n>1)
int nv=n^2;
intmat m[nv][nv];
int i,j;
for (i=1; i<=nv; i++)
int chr = 0;
if ( size(#) > 0 )
if ( typeof( #[1] ) == "int" )
chr = #[1];
ring @rrr=(0,q),(y(1..nv)),Dp;
minpoly = rootofUnity(chr);
matrix C[nv][nv]=0;
matrix D[nv][nv]=0;
intvec idyi, idyj;
for (i=1; i<nv; i++)
for (j=i+1; j<=nv; j++)
if (idyi[1]==idyj[1] || idyi[2]==idyj[2])
if (idyi[2]<idyj[2])
D[i,j]=(1/q - q)*y(ijtoi(idyi[1],idyj[2],n))*y(ijtoi(idyj[1],idyi[2],n));
def @@rrr=nc_algebra(C,D);
return (@@rrr);
"ERROR: n must be greater than 1";
"EXAMPLE:"; echo=2;
def r = quantMat(2); // generate O_q(M_2) at q generic
setring r; r;
kill r;
def r = quantMat(2,5); // generate O_q(M_2) at q^5=1
setring r; r;
proc qminor(intvec I, intvec J, int nr)
"USAGE: qminor(I,J,n); I,J intvec, n int
RETURN: poly, the quantum minor of a generic n*n quantum matrix
ASSUME: I is the ordered list of the rows to consider in the minor,
@* J is the ordered list of the columns to consider in the minor,
@* I and J must have the same number of elements,
@* n is the order of the quantum matrix algebra you are working with (quantMat(n)).
@* The base ring should be constructed using @code{quantMat}.
SEE ALSO: quantMat
EXAMPLE: example qminor; shows examples
poly d=0;
poly f=0;
int k=0;
int n=size(I);
if ( size(I)!=size(J) )
"#I must be equal to #J";
def Sn=SymGroup(n);
def L=LengthSym(Sn);
int m=size(L); // m is the order of S(n)
int i,j;
for (i=1; i<=m; i++)
for (j=1; j<=n; j++)
return (d);
def r = quantMat(3); // let r be a quantum matrix of order 3
setring r;
intvec u = 1,2;
intvec v = 2,3;
intvec w = 1,2,3;
// For tecnical reasons we work with a list of variables {y(1)...y(n^2)}.
// In quantum matrices the usual is to work with a square matrix of variables {y(ij)}.
// The formulas are easier if we use matricial notation.
// The following two procedures change the index of a list to a matrix and viceversa in order
// to use matricial notation in the calculus but use list notation in input and output.
// n is the order of the quantum matrix algebra where we are working.
static proc itoij(int i,int n)
intvec ij=0,0;
ij[1]=((i-1) div n)+1;
ij[2]=((i-1) mod n)+1;
static proc ijtoi(int i,int j,int n)