/usr/share/z88dk/lib/z88s_crt0.asm is in z88dk-data 1.8.ds1-10.
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; Startup stub for z88 Shell programs
; Created 12/2/2002 djm
; $Id: z88s_crt0.asm,v 1.8 2007/06/27 20:49:28 dom Exp $
INCLUDE "#stdio.def"
INCLUDE "#error.def"
INCLUDE "#shellapi.def"
org shell_loadaddr-shell_headerlen
defm "!bin"
defb shell_verh
defb shell_verm
defb shell_verl
defb 13
defw 0 ; Fill in by make program
defw start
; Code starts executing from here
push bc ; Preserve registers that need to be
push de
ld (saveix),ix
ld (saveiy),iy
ld (start1+1),sp ;Save starting stack
ld hl,(shell_cmdlen)
ld de,(shell_cmdaddr)
add hl,de
ld (hl),0 ; terminate command line
ld hl,-100 ; atexit stack (64) + argv space
add hl,sp
ld sp,hl
ld (exitsp),sp
call doerrhan ;Initialise a laughable error handler
; Initialise the (ANSI) stdio descriptors so we can be called agin
ld hl,__sgoioblk+2
ld (hl),19 ;stdin
ld hl,__sgoioblk+6
ld (hl),21 ;stdout
ld hl,__sgoioblk+10
ld (hl),21 ;stderr
;; Read in argc/argv
ld hl,0 ; NULL pointer at end just in case
push hl
;; Try and work out the length available
ld hl,(shell_cmdlen)
ld de,(shell_cmdaddr)
add hl,de ; points to end
ex de,hl ; end now in de, hl=cmdaddr
ld bc,(shell_cmdptr)
add hl,bc ; start in hl
push de ; save end
ex de,hl ; hl = end, de = start
and a
sbc hl,de ; hl is length available
ex de,hl ; is now in de
pop hl ; points to terminator
ld c,0 ; number of arguments
ld a,d
or e
jr z,argv_none
dec hl
dec de ; available length
ld a,d
or e
jr z,argv_exit
ld a,(hl)
cp ' '
jr nz,argv_loop2
ld (hl),0 ; terminate previous one
inc hl
inc c
push hl
dec hl
dec hl
dec de
jr argv_loop
push hl ; first real argument
inc c
ld hl,end ; program name
inc c
push hl
ld hl,0
add hl,sp ; address of argv
ld b,0
push bc ; argc
push hl ; argv
ld hl,(shell_cmdlen)
ld (shell_cmdptr),hl
call_oz(gn_nln) ; Start a new line...
IF DEFINED_farheapsz
call init_far ;Initialise far memory if required
call _main ;Run the program
IF DEFINED_farheapsz
call freeall_far ;Initialise far memory if required
pop bc ; kill argv
pop bc ; kill argc
.cleanup ;Jump back here from exit() if needed
LIB closeall
call closeall ;Close any open files (fopen)
call resterrhan ;Restore the original error handler
.start1 ld sp,0 ;Restore stack to entry value
ld ix,(saveix) ;Get back those registers
ld iy,(saveiy)
pop de
pop bc
jp shell_next ; phew! back to Forth at last.
; Install the error handler
xor a
ld (exitcount),a
ld b,0
ld hl,errhand
ld (l_erraddr),hl
ld (l_errlevel),a
; Restore BASICs error handler
ld hl,(l_erraddr)
ld a,(l_errlevel)
ld b,0
.processcmd ;processcmd is called after os_tin
ld hl,0
; The error handler
ret z ;Fatal error
cp rc_esc
jr z,errescpressed
ld hl,(l_erraddr) ;Pass everything to BASIC's handler
.l_dcal jp (hl) ;Used for function pointer calls also
call_oz(os_esc) ;Acknowledge escape pressed
jr cleanup ;Exit the program
; Select which vfprintf routine is needed
IF DEFINED_floatstdio
LIB vfprintf_fp
jp vfprintf_fp
IF DEFINED_complexstdio
LIB vfprintf_comp
jp vfprintf_comp
IF DEFINED_ministdio
LIB vfprintf_mini
jp vfprintf_mini
; Far memory setup
IF DEFINED_farheapsz
LIB freeall_far
XDEF farpages
XDEF malloc_table
XDEF farmemspec
XDEF pool_table
INCLUDE "#init_far.asm"
; Variables that can't be place in the normal defvars
.copybuff defs 258
defs ((farheapsz/256)+1)*2
; Now some memory shared with Forth - same as application setup
pool_table ds.b 224
malloc_table ds.w 1
farpages ds.w 1
farmemspec ds.b 1
; This bit of code allows us to use OZ ptrs transparently
; We copy any data from up far to a near buffer so that OZ
; is happy about it
; Prototype is extern void __FASTCALL__ *cpfar2near(far void *)
IF DEFINED_farheapsz
LIB strcpy_far
pop bc ;ret address
pop hl
pop de ;far ptr
push bc ;keep ret address
ld a,e
and a
ret z ;already local
push ix ;keep ix safe
ld bc,0 ;local
push bc
ld bc,copybuff
push bc ;dest
push de ;source
push hl
call strcpy_far
pop bc ;dump args
pop bc
pop bc
pop bc
pop ix ;get ix back
ld hl,copybuff
; We have no far code installed so all we have to do is fix the stack
pop bc
pop hl
pop de
push bc
; The system() function for the shell
XDEF _system
pop de ; DE=return address
pop bc ; BC=command address
push bc
push de
push bc ; Forth stack: addr--
ld hl,system_forthcode
call _shellapi
; Forth stack: flag--
pop hl ; HL=0 or error code
defw shell_also,shell_internal,shell_ztos,shell_eval,shell_previous
defw shellapi_back
; The shellapi() interface
XDEF _shellapi
push hl
call resterrhan ;restore forth error handler
pop de ; DE=Forth's IP
ld iy,(saveiy) ; IY=Forth's UP
ld ix,(saveix) ; IX=Forth's RSP
pop hl
dec ix
ld (ix+0),h ; save return address on Forth's return stack
dec ix
ld (ix+0),l
pop bc ; BC=TOS
jp shell_next ; execute Forth code
push bc ; stack TOS
ld e,(ix+0)
ld d,(ix+1)
push de ; stack return address
call doerrhan ;put c error hander back
; Define the stdin/out/err area. For the z88 we have two models - the
; classic (kludgey) one and "ANSI" model
INCLUDE "#stdio_fp.asm"
defw -11,-12,-10
; Now some variables
.l_erraddr defw 0 ; BASIC error handler address
.l_errlevel defb 0 ; And error level
.coords defw 0 ; Current graphics xy coordinates
.base_graphics defw 0 ; Address of the Graphics map
.gfx_bank defb 0 ; And the bank
._std_seed defw 0 ; Seed for integer rand() routines
.exitsp defw 0 ; Address of where the atexit() stack is
.exitcount defb 0 ; How many routines on the atexit() stack
.snd_asave defb 0 ; Sound variable
.snd_tick defb 0 ; " "
.heaplast defw 0 ; Address of last block on heap
.heapblocks defw 0 ; Number of blocks
.packintrout defw 0 ; Address of user interrupt routine
.saveix defw 0 ; Save ix for system() calls
.saveiy defw 0 ; Save iy for system() calls
; Unnecessary file signature
defm "Small C+ z88shell"
.end defb 0
; Floating point
IF NEED_floatpack
INCLUDE "#float.asm"
.fp_seed defb $80,$80,0,0,0,0 ; FP seed (unused ATM)
.extra defs 6 ; Extra register temp store
.fa defs 6 ; ""
.fasign defb 0 ; ""