/usr/share/perl5/Dealer/Dist.pm is in dealer 0.20040530-4.
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## Dist.pm package, v1.2, (c) 1997 François DELLACHERIE
## Feel free to distribute as long as you keep
## the names of all contributors to this piece of perl in
## this header.
## If you encounter bugs, mail me at
## sr007-2@dial.oleane.com
package Dist;
use strict;
use Carp;
my $DefaultLanguage = 'English';
my $Language = $DefaultLanguage;
my %SuitLanguage = (French => 'pckt', English => 'shdc');
my $Suits = $SuitLanguage{$DefaultLanguage}; # default mode
my %Permut = (1 => [ qw /0/ ],
2 => [ qw /01 10/ ],
3 => [ qw /012 021 102 120 201 210/ ],
4 => [ qw /0123 0132 0213 0231 0312 0321 1023 1032 1230 1203 1320 1302 2013 2031 2130 2103 2301 2310 3012 3021 3120 3102 3201 3210/ ]);
my @dev_results;
sub _recursively_develops {
my $one_suit_length;
my ($joker,$shape,$count,$depth,$nb_suits,$min,$max,@ranges) = @_;
$depth || (@dev_results = ()) ;
for $one_suit_length (split('', $ranges[$depth])){
my $mycount;
my $myshape;
$mycount = $count + ($one_suit_length eq 'x' ? 0 : $one_suit_length);
next if $mycount > $max;
$myshape = $shape.$one_suit_length;
if($depth + 1 == $nb_suits) {
next unless ($joker || $mycount >= $min);
push(@dev_results, $myshape);
} else {&_recursively_develops($joker,$myshape,$mycount,$depth+1,$nb_suits,$min,$max,@ranges)}
sub _permute_one_shape { # permute one shape w/ the permutation (01...n)->($permutation)
my ($shape, $permutation) = @_;
my $len = length($shape);
$len == length($permutation) || carp "** Warning **: trying to permute $shape w/ $permutation : wrong length ?";
my $permuted = ' ' x $len;
while($len--){substr($permuted, substr($permutation, $len, 1), 1) = substr($shape, $len, 1)}
sub _permute_shapes { # permute an array of shapes w/ all the possible permutations
my %shapes;
my @shapes = @_;
my $shape;
for $shape (@shapes) {
for (@{$Permut{length($shape)}}) {
$shapes{_permute_one_shape($shape, $_)}++;
return(keys %shapes);
sub _expand_shape { # low-level parsing : no permutations made in this function !
my $nb_suits = 0;
my $joker;
my $max_in_one_suit = 9; # not considering hands w/ a very very long suit !!
my @ranges;
my ($regular_shape, $min, $max) = @_;
$max && ($max_in_one_suit = ($max < 10 ? $max : 9));
while($regular_shape) {
my $range;
(($_) = $regular_shape =~ /^(\d[-+]*|\[[-\d]+\]|x)/) ||
confess "Could not parse beginning of $regular_shape";
$regular_shape = $';
$range = $_;
/x/ and $joker = 'yes'; # 'x' is what we call a joker
s/(\d)\+/[$1-9]/ unless /^\[/; # \d+ means 'at least \d cards in that suit'
s/(\d)\-/[0-$1]/ unless /^\[/; # \d+ means 'at most \d cards in that suit'
s/^\[/\[^/; # the garbage that follows in order to develop
/^\[/ and do { # the perl-like range into a string containing
$range = '0123456789'; # all the length-in-one-suit possibilities
$range =~ s/$_//g;
push(@ranges, $range);
return( &_recursively_develops($joker,'',0,0,$nb_suits,$min,$max,@ranges) );
sub _count_shape { # Counting the number of known cards in a shape
my $shape = shift;
my $count;
for(split ('', $shape)) {$count += $_ if /\d/}
$count > 13 && confess "Rock Bottom !! I got >13 cards here in shape $shape !!"; # should not happen ?
return $count;
sub _reduce { # permute a set of shapes w/ a given permutation, replacing the joker by the
# known number of cards (e.g: there remains only one joker in a shape),
# and finally eliminates the duplicatas w/ a jivaro reduction...
my ($shape_ref, $permutation) = @_;
my %jivaro;
my $replace_the_joker_by_;
for (@$shape_ref){
my $permuted = '';
$replace_the_joker_by_ = 13 - _count_shape($_);
(tr /x// == 1 || ($replace_the_joker_by_ == 0)) && $replace_the_joker_by_ < 10 && (s/x/$replace_the_joker_by_/g);
$permutation && ($permuted = _permute_one_shape($_, $permutation));
$jivaro{$permuted || $_}++;
@$shape_ref = keys %jivaro;
sub _reduce_by_ordering_suits {
my %jivaro;
for (@_) {
$jivaro{join '', sort {$b cmp $a} split('', $_)}++;
return keys %jivaro;
sub _extract_permutation_from_shape { # returns the permutation to apply on the results if one
# uses a shape like (example in french...) 5c4t(xx)...
my $shape = shift;
my $permutation = '';
if($shape =~ /[$Suits]/i){
$shape =~ s/[^$Suits]//gi;
$shape =~ lc($shape);
($permutation = $Suits) =~ s/[$shape]//gi;
eval "(\$permutation = \$shape.\$permutation) =~ tr/$Suits/0123/;";
return $permutation;
sub _parse_shape { # parses a 'regular expression' of a shape, returning 'staveren's-dealer
# -compatible' shapes
my $shape_exp = shift;
my $shape = $shape_exp;
my $logical = '';
my $suit_order_permutation;
my @results_wo_logical;
my @results;
($shape =~ /:/) and ( ($shape, $logical) = ($shape =~ m/^(.+):(.+)/) );
$suit_order_permutation = _extract_permutation_from_shape($shape); # treating expressions like 5s4c(31)...
$logical =~ s/\s*,\s*/ ~ /g; # ',' stands for 'and' in a regshape...replace by ~ for hack-value
$shape =~ s/[$Suits]//gi; # Removes the (if present) suit permutation signs
$shape =~ s/\s+//g; # Remove useless \s
if($shape =~ m/^\((.*)\)$/) { # Complete permutation on the 4 suits
my $shape = $1;
return (map {"any $_"} &_reduce_by_ordering_suits(&_expand_shape($shape, 13, 13)) ) unless ($logical) ;
@results_wo_logical = _permute_shapes (&_expand_shape($shape, 13, 13));
} elsif($shape =~ /^(.+)\((.+)\)$/) { # Partial permutation
my ($fixed, $float) = ($1, $2);
my $fx;
for $fx (&_expand_shape($fixed, 0, 13)) {
my ($min, $max) = (0, 0);
$max = 13 - _count_shape($fx);
$min = $max unless ($fx =~ /x/);
push(@results_wo_logical, map {$fx.$_} _permute_shapes(&_expand_shape($float, $min, $max))) ;
} elsif ($shape !~ /[()]/) { # w/o any permutation at all
@results_wo_logical = &_expand_shape($shape, 13, 13);
} else { # There must be something wrong...
confess "Couldn't understand this shape : $shape";
_reduce(\@results_wo_logical, $suit_order_permutation);
if($logical) {
@results = ();
my $i;
if( /x/ ){
for $i(0..3) {
my $s = substr($Suits, $i, 1);
$logical =~ /$s/i and substr($_, $i, 1) eq 'x' and substr($_, $i, 1) = '=';
push(@results, s/=/0+/g ? &_expand_shape($_, 13, 13) : $_);
$logical =~ s/([$Suits])/sprintf "substr(\$_,%d,1)",index($Suits,$1)/gie;
$logical =~ s/ ~ / and /;
return grep {eval "no strict;$logical"} &_reduce(\@results);
return @results_wo_logical;
sub _staveren_expand {
my $shape_list = shift;
my $shape;
my @stav_results;
my $majors = substr($Suits, 0, 2);
my $minors = substr($Suits, 2, 2);
my ($diamond, $club) = split '', $minors;
my ($spade, $heart) = split '', $majors;
$shape_list =~ /([^|\#]*m[^|\#]*m[^|\#]*)/ and confess "$1: Multiple <m> not implemented ! (use permuations instead)";
$shape_list =~ /([^|\#]*[$minors][^|\#:]*m[^|\#]*)/ and confess "$1: Multiple <m> not implemented ! (use permuations instead)";
$shape_list =~ /([^|\#]*m[^|\#:]*[$minors][^|\#]*)/ and confess "$1: Multiple <m> not implemented ! (use permuations instead)";
$shape_list =~ /([^|\#]*[$majors][^:|\#]*M[^|\#]*)/ and confess "$1: Multiple <M> not implemented ! (use permuations instead)";
$shape_list =~ /([^|\#]*M[^|\#:]*[$majors][^|\#]*)/ and confess "$1: Multiple <M> not implemented ! (use permuations instead)";
$shape_list =~ /([^|\#]*M[^|\#]*M[^|\#]*)/ and confess "$1: Multiple <M> not implemented ! (use permuations instead)";
$shape_list =~ s/([^|\#]*)m([^|\#]*)/$1$diamond$2|$1$club$2/g;
$shape_list =~ s/([^|\#]*)M([^|\#]*)/$1$spade$2|$1$heart$2/g;
for $shape (split /[|\#]+/, $shape_list) {
push(@stav_results, &_parse_shape($shape));
return join ' + ', &_reduce( \@stav_results );
############################################ Methods ##############################
sub language {
my $self = shift;
ref $self && confess "You can use ->language method ONLY on the whole class !";
@_ > 1 && confess "Usage: Class->language(LANG)";
if(@_) {
my $lang = shift;
my $suits = $SuitLanguage{$lang} or confess "Language $lang not implemented";
$Suits = $suits;
$Language = $lang;
return $Language;
sub shape {
my $self = shift;
(ref $self && @_ < 2) || confess "Usage: Object->shape(SHAPE)";
$self->{SHAPE} = shift if @_;
return $self->{SHAPE};
sub zone {
my $self = shift;
(ref $self && @_ < 2) || confess "Usage: Object->zone(ZONE)";
$self->{ZONE} = shift if @_;
return $self->{ZONE};
sub to_dealer {
my $self = shift;
ref $self || confess "Usage: Object->to_dealer()";
@_ && carp "Ignoring Args:: @_ in to_dealer, no options implemented yet !";
return &_staveren_expand($self->shape);
sub new {
my $self = shift;
ref $self && confess "Cannot call method new on object";
my $dist_ref = {};
$dist_ref->{SHAPE} = undef;
$dist_ref->{ZONE} = undef;
return bless $dist_ref, $self;
############################ Comments #####
# This is part of a big bridge-package I'm developping and I cannot release yet.
# It allows to specify complex types of shapes for a bridge hand, and convert them
# into shapes compatible with Hans van Staveren's Dealer program.
# Methods:
# Dist->new : creates a Dist-object
# Dist->language('English'|'French') : sets the language for suits (shdc or pckt)
# Obj->shape('shape') : creates a shape
# Obj->to_dealer : produces a list of shape suitable for 'dealer'
# Obj->zone : used for another package