/usr/share/doc/epix/examples/log.xp is in epix 1.2.14-1.
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#include "epix.h"
using namespace ePiX;
// October 28, 2006
// This file depicts two sheets of the Riemann surface of log, together
// with the log function over the unit circle. Surface and path elements
// must be drawn together. However, path-like mesh elements must be drawn
// after surface elements that lie at the same location in the scene,
// since otherwise surface elements' edges occlude the path.
// A mesh_elt class stores the necessary P data as well as a flag marking
// the element as a segment or a surface patch. Elements are stored in a
// std::vector (global to the scene) and sorted by distance. To ensure that
// surface patches are printed first, their true distance is increased by a
// "fudge" amount (0.25), making the By_distance class see them as farther
// than they really are.
// Path elements are drawn in green; surface patches are shaded gray
// according to the angle between the incoming light (from a point source)
// and the surface normal.
// Surface patches are drawn as octagons to make the mesh appear smoother
// than a quadrilateral mesh. The vertices of a patch are the images of the
// corners and midpoints of a coordinate quadrilateral, "retracted" inward
// by a small "gap" EPS (possibly zero). A positive gap simulates surface
// transparency.
// (u,v+dv) (u+0.5*du,v+dv) (u+du,v+dv)
// +----------------------+-----------------------+
// | *--------------------*---------------------* |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// + * (u+EPS,v+0.5*dv) * + (u+du,v+0.5*dv)
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | (u+EPS,v+EPS) | |
// | *--------------------*---------------------* |
// +----------------------+-----------------------+
// (u,v) (u+0.5*du,v) (u+du,v)
const P LIGHT(2, 2, 0); // location of light, for shading
const P VIEWPT(15,-10,6);
// surface and path mesh fineness
const int N1(18);
const int N2(80);
const int N3(120);
const double du(4.5/N1);
const double dv(6.0/N2);
const double dt(4.0/N3);
// "gap size" between surface mesh elements
const double EPS(0); // (0.002);
// visual styles
void path_color() { green(0.8); }
void label_color() { yellow(0.5); }
void dot_color() { red(); }
void path_width() { pen(1.5); }
// class can represent either a surface element or a path element
class mesh_elt {
P pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5, pt6, pt7, pt8, center;
double fudge; // artificial increment to distance
static bool last_was_seg;
bool is_segment;
double how_far() const
return fudge + norm(center - camera.viewpt());
mesh_elt(P f(double u, double v), double u0, double v0)
: pt1(f(u0+EPS,v0+EPS)), pt2(f(u0+0.5*du,v0+EPS)),
pt3(f(u0+du-EPS,v0+EPS)), pt4(f(u0+du-EPS,v0+0.5*dv)),
pt5(f(u0+du-EPS,v0+dv-EPS)), pt6(f(u0+0.5*du,v0+dv-EPS)),
pt7(f(u0+EPS,v0+dv-EPS)), pt8(f(u0+EPS,v0+0.5*dv)),
center(0.25*(pt1 + (pt3 + (pt5 + pt7)))),
fudge(0.25), is_segment(false) { }
mesh_elt(P f(double), double t0)
: pt1(f(t0)), pt2(f(t0+0.25*dt)), pt3(f(t0+0.5*dt)),
pt4(f(t0+0.75*dt)), pt5(f(t0+dt)), pt6(), pt7(), pt8(),
center(0.333*(pt1 + (pt3 + pt5))),
fudge(0), is_segment(true) { }
void draw() const
if (!is_segment) {
P normal((pt2 - pt1)*(pt4 - pt1));
normal *= 1/norm(normal);
double dens(0.5*(1-((normal|LIGHT)/norm(LIGHT))));
if (mesh_elt::last_was_seg)
plain(); // reset pen width
std::vector<P> bd;
path temp(bd, true, true); // closed and filled
else { // segment
if (!mesh_elt::last_was_seg)
std::vector<P> bd;
path temp(bd, false, false);
} // end of mesh_elt::draw()
}; // end of class mesh_elt
// initialize static data
bool mesh_elt::last_was_seg = false;
class By_distance {
bool operator() (const mesh_elt arg1, const mesh_elt arg2)
return (arg1.how_far()) > (arg2.how_far());
// the maps to be plotted
P C_log(double u, double v)
return polar(exp(u), M_PI*v) + P(0, 0, u+M_PI*v);
P C_log1(double t)
return C_log(0,t);
int main() {
bounding_box(P(-6, -12),P(6,12));
// label_angle(90);
label(P(0, ymin()), P(0,4),
"$z=\\mathrm{Re}\\,\\log(x+iy) + \\mathrm{Im}\\,\\log(x+iy)$", t);
// label_angle(0);
std::vector<mesh_elt> mesh_data;
// surface elements
for (int i=0; i<N1; ++i)
for (int j=0; j<N2; ++j)
mesh_data.push_back(mesh_elt(C_log, -3+du*i, -3+dv*j));
// path elements
for (int i=0; i<N3; ++i)
mesh_data.push_back(mesh_elt(C_log1, -2+i*dt));
stable_sort(mesh_data.begin(), mesh_data.end(), By_distance());
for (int i=0; i<mesh_data.size(); ++i)
marker(C_log(0,-2), BOX);
marker(C_log(0, 0), BOX);
marker(C_log(0, 2), BOX);
label(C_log(0,-2), P(6, 0), "$-2\\pi i$", r);
label(C_log(0, 0), P(6, 0), "$0$", r);
label(C_log(0, 2), P(-6, 0), "$2\\pi i$", l);