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* Copyright (C) 2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
* free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement
* or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or
* otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if
* any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with
* other software, or any other product whatsoever.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Contact information: Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy,
* Mountain View, CA 94043, or:
* http://www.sgi.com
* For further information regarding this notice, see:
* http://oss.sgi.com/projects/GenInfo/NoticeExplan/
// -*- C++ -*-
* Copyright (C) 1990,91 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
______________ S I L I C O N G R A P H I C S I N C . ____________
| $Revision: $
| Description:
| This file contains definitions of the SbString and SbName
| classes, which are useful variations on our friend, the
| character string.
| Author(s) : Paul S. Strauss, Nick Thompson
______________ S I L I C O N G R A P H I C S I N C . ____________
#ifndef _SB_STRING_
#define _SB_STRING_
#include <Inventor/SbBasic.h>
#include <string.h>
// Class: SbString
// "Smart" character strings, which allow things like concatenation
// with the "+=" operator and automatic storage management.
// C-api: prefix=SbStr
class SbString {
// Default constructor
SbString() { string = staticStorage;
string[0] = '\0'; }
// Constructor that initializes to given character string
// C-api: name=CreateStr
SbString(const char *str) { string = staticStorage;
*this = str; }
// Constructor that initializes to given character string
// C-api: name=CreateSubStr
SbString(const char *str, int start, int end);
// Constructor that initializes to given SbString
// C-api: name=CreateCopy
SbString(const SbString &str) { string = staticStorage;
*this = str.string; }
// Constructor that initializes to string formed from given integer.
// For example, SbString(1234) gives the string "1234".
// C-api: name=CreateInt
SbString(int digitString);
// Destructor
// Returns a reasonable hash key for string
uint32_t hash() { return SbString::hash(string); }
// Returns length of string
// C-api: name=getLen
int getLength() const { return strlen(string); }
// Sets string to be the empty string (""). If freeOld is TRUE
// (default), any old storage is freed up
// C-api: name=empty
void makeEmpty(SbBool freeOld = TRUE);
// Returns pointer to the character string
// C-api: name=getStr
const char * getString() const { return string; }
// Returns new string representing sub-string from startChar to
// endChar, inclusive. If endChar is -1 (the default), the
// sub-string from startChar until the end is returned.
// C-api: name=getSubStr
SbString getSubString(int startChar, int endChar = -1) const;
// Deletes the characters from startChar to endChar, inclusive,
// from the string. If endChar is -1 (the default), all characters
// from startChar until the end are deleted.
// C-api: name=deleteSubStr
void deleteSubString(int startChar, int endChar = -1);
// Assignment operator for character string, SbString
// C-api: name=CopyStr
SbString & operator =(const char *str);
SbString & operator =(const SbString &str)
{ return (*this = str.string); }
// Concatenation operator "+=" for string, SbString
// C-api: name=concatStr
SbString & operator +=(const char *str);
// C-api: name=concat
SbString & operator +=(const SbString &str);
// Unary "not" operator; returns TRUE if string is empty ("")
int operator !() const { return (string[0] == '\0'); }
// Equality operator for SbString/char* and SbString/SbString comparison
// C-api: name=IsEqStr
friend int operator ==(const SbString &str, const char *s);
// C-api: end
friend int operator ==(const char *s, const SbString &str)
{ return (str == s); }
// C-api: begin
friend int operator ==(const SbString &str1, const SbString &str2)
{ return (str1 == str2.string); }
// Inequality operator for SbString/char* and SbString/SbString comparison
// C-api: name=IsNEqStr
friend int operator !=(const SbString &str, const char *s);
// C-api: end
friend int operator !=(const char *s, const SbString &str)
{ return (str != s); }
// C-api: begin
friend int operator !=(const SbString &str1,
const SbString &str2)
{ return (str1 != str2.string); }
SoINTERNAL public:
static uint32_t hash(const char *s); // Hash function
char *string; // String pointer
int storageSize;
// This is used if the string fits in a reasonably small space
void expand(int bySize); // Makes more room
// Class: SbNameEntry (internal to SB)
// This is used to make lists of SbName instances.
// C-api: end
SoINTERNAL class SbNameEntry {
// Returns TRUE if entry's string is empty ("")
SbBool isEmpty() const { return (string[0] == '\0'); }
// Returns TRUE if entry's string is same as passed string
SbBool isEqual(const char *s) const
{ return (string[0] == s[0] && ! strcmp(string, s)); }
static int nameTableSize; // Number of buckets in name table
static SbNameEntry **nameTable; // Array of name entries
static struct SbNameChunk *chunk; // Chunk of memory for string storage
const char *string; // String for this entry
uint32_t hashValue; // Its hash value
SbNameEntry *next; // Pointer to next entry
// Initializes SbNameEntry class - done only once
static void initClass();
// Constructor
SbNameEntry(const char *s, uint32_t h, SbNameEntry *n)
{ string = s; hashValue = h; next = n; }
// Inserts string in table
static const SbNameEntry * insert(const char *s);
friend class SbName;
// Class: SbName
// An SbName is a character string that is stored in a special table.
// When a string is stored in this table, a pointer to the storage is
// returned. Two identical strings will return the same pointer. This
// means that comparison of two SbNames for equality can be
// accomplished by comparing their pointers!
// C-api: begin
class SbName {
// Default constructor
// Constructor that initializes to given character string
// C-api: name=CreateStr
SbName(const char *s) { entry = SbNameEntry::insert(s); }
// Constructor that initializes to given SbString
// C-api: name=CreateSbStr
SbName(const SbString &s) { entry = SbNameEntry::insert(s.getString()); }
// Constructor that initializes to another SbName
// C-api: name=CreateSbName
// C-api: keepSbName
SbName(const SbName &n) { entry = n.entry; }
~SbName() {}
// Returns pointer to the character string
// C-api: name=getStr
const char *getString() const { return entry->string; }
// Returns length of string
// C-api: name=getLen
int getLength() const { return strlen(entry->string); }
// Returns TRUE if given character is a legal starting character
// for an identifier
static SbBool isIdentStartChar(char c);
// Returns TRUE if given character is a legal nonstarting
// character for an identifier
static SbBool isIdentChar(char c);
// Returns TRUE if given character is a legal starting character
// for an SoBase's name
static SbBool isBaseNameStartChar(char c);
// Returns TRUE if given character is a legal nonstarting
// character for an SoBase's name
static SbBool isBaseNameChar(char c);
// Unary "not" operator; returns TRUE if string is empty ("")
int operator !() const { return entry->isEmpty(); }
// Equality operator for SbName/char* and SbName/SbName comparison
// C-api: name=IsEqStr
// C-api: keepSbName
friend int operator ==(const SbName &n, const char *s)
{ return n.entry->isEqual(s); }
// C-api: end
friend int operator ==(const char *s, const SbName &n)
{ return n.entry->isEqual(s); }
// C-api: begin
// C-api: keepSbName
friend int operator ==(const SbName &n1, const SbName &n2)
{ return n1.entry == n2.entry; }
// Inequality operator for SbName/char* and SbName/SbName comparison
// C-api: name=IsNEqStr
// C-api: keepSbName
friend int operator !=(const SbName &n, const char *s)
{ return ! n.entry->isEqual(s); }
// C-api: end
friend int operator !=(const char *s, const SbName &n)
{ return ! n.entry->isEqual(s); }
// C-api: begin
// C-api: keepSbName
friend int operator !=(const SbName &n1, const SbName &n2)
{ return n1.entry != n2.entry; }
const SbNameEntry *entry; // Name string storage
#endif /* _SB_STRING_ */