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* Copyright (C) 2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
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* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
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// -*- C++ -*-
* Copyright (C) 1990,91 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
______________ S I L I C O N G R A P H I C S I N C . ____________
| $Revision: $
| Description:
| This file defines the base SoPickedPoint class.
| Author(s) : Paul S. Strauss
______________ S I L I C O N G R A P H I C S I N C . ____________
#include <Inventor/SbLinear.h>
#include <Inventor/SbViewportRegion.h>
#include <Inventor/SoLists.h>
class SoDetail;
class SoGetMatrixAction;
class SoPath;
class SoState;
// Class: SoPickedPoint
// An SoPickedPoint represents a point on the surface of an object
// that was picked by applying an SoRayPickAction to a scene. It
// contains the point of intersection, the surface normal and texture
// coordinates at that point, and other items.
// C-api: prefix=SoPickPt
class SoPickedPoint {
// Copy constructor
SoPickedPoint(const SoPickedPoint &pp);
// Destructor
// Returns an instance that is a copy of this instance. The caller
// is responsible for deleting the copy when done.
SoPickedPoint * copy() const;
// These return the intersection point and surface normal in world
// space, and the texture coordinates in image space:
// C-api: name=getPt
const SbVec3f & getPoint() const { return worldPoint; }
// C-api: name=getNorm
const SbVec3f & getNormal() const { return worldNormal; }
// C-api: name=getTexCoords
const SbVec4f & getTextureCoords() const { return imageTexCoords; }
// Returns the index into the current set of materials of the
// material active at the intersection point. Note that if the
// materials are interpolated between vertices, the index will
// correspond to the material at one of the vertices.
// C-api: name=getMtlInd
int getMaterialIndex() const { return materialIndex; }
// Returns the path to the object that was intersected
SoPath * getPath() const { return path; }
// Returns whether the intersection is actually on the geometry of
// the character that was hit, as opposed to being on the bounding
// box. The pick style affects this decision.
// C-api: name=isOnGeom
SbBool isOnGeometry() const { return onGeometry; }
// The following methods all take a pointer to a node in the
// returned path. If the node pointer is NULL (the default), the
// information corresponding to the tail of the path is returned.
// Returns the detail that corresponds to the given node in the path
// C-api: name=getDtl
const SoDetail * getDetail(const SoNode *node = NULL) const;
// These return the transformation matrices between world space
// and the object space corresponding to the given node in the path
// C-api: name=getObjToWorld
SbMatrix getObjectToWorld(const SoNode *node = NULL) const;
// C-api: name=getWorldToObj
SbMatrix getWorldToObject(const SoNode *node = NULL) const;
// These return the texture transformation matrices between image
// space and the object space corresponding to the given node in
// the path
// C-api: name=getObjToImage
SbMatrix getObjectToImage(const SoNode *node = NULL) const;
// C-api: name=getImageToObj
SbMatrix getImageToObject(const SoNode *node = NULL) const;
// These return the intersection point, surface normal, and
// texture coordinates in the object space corresponding to the
// given node in the path
// C-api: name=getObjPt
SbVec3f getObjectPoint(const SoNode *node = NULL) const;
// C-api: name=getObjNorm
SbVec3f getObjectNormal(const SoNode *node = NULL) const;
// C-api: name=getObjTexCoords
SbVec4f getObjectTextureCoords(const SoNode *node=NULL) const;
SoEXTENDER public:
// NOTE: these methods should be called ONLY by the node that
// causes the SoPickedPoint instance to be created, and ONLY at
// the time it is created. Setting or changing the normal or
// texture coordinates at a later time may cause undefined results.
// Sets the normal in object space
void setObjectNormal(const SbVec3f &normal);
// Sets the texture coordinates in object space
void setObjectTextureCoords(const SbVec4f &texCoords);
// Sets the material index
void setMaterialIndex(int index) { materialIndex = index; }
// Sets the detail corresponding to the given node in the path.
// NULL may be passed to remove a detail. All detail pointers are
// NULL by default.
void setDetail(SoDetail *detail, SoNode *node);
SoINTERNAL public:
// The constructor is internal since instances are created only by
// the SoRayPickAction
SoPickedPoint(const SoPath *path, SoState *state,
const SbVec3f &objSpacePoint);
// This action is used to get the world-to-object matrix
static SoGetMatrixAction *matrixAction;
// Intersection point and normal in world space, and texture
// coordinates in image space
SbVec3f worldPoint;
SbVec3f worldNormal;
SbVec4f imageTexCoords;
// ViewportRegion, which is needed when figuring out matrices
SbViewportRegion vpRegion;
// Material index
int materialIndex;
// TRUE if pick was on geometry of shape as opposed to bbox
SbBool onGeometry;
// The path to the shape that was picked
SoPath *path;
// Details corresponding to nodes in path, one per node in path.
// Many may be NULL.
SoDetailList details;
// The pointer to the state allows us to access matrices to
// convert from object space to world and image space. This
// pointer is valid only during construction and setting of the
// info inside the instance.
SoState *state;
// Returns index in path of given node, or -1 if not found
int getNodeIndex(const SoNode *node) const;
// Applies SoGetMatrixAction to path to node
void getMatrix(const SoNode *node) const;
// Multiplies SbVec4f by matrix - for transforming texture coords
static SbVec4f multVecMatrix4(const SbMatrix &m, const SbVec4f v);
#endif /* _SO_PICKED_POINT_ */