/usr/include/dcmtk/dcmnet/dcasccfg.h is in libdcmtk-dev 3.6.1~20150924-5.
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* Copyright (C) 2003-2015, OFFIS e.V.
* All rights reserved. See COPYRIGHT file for details.
* This software and supporting documentation were developed by
* OFFIS e.V.
* R&D Division Health
* Escherweg 2
* D-26121 Oldenburg, Germany
* Module: dcmnet
* Author: Marco Eichelberg
* Purpose:
* class DcmAssociationConfiguration
#ifndef DCASCCFG_H
#define DCASCCFG_H
#include "dcmtk/config/osconfig.h"
#include "dcmtk/ofstd/ofcond.h" /* for class OFCondition */
#include "dcmtk/dcmnet/assoc.h" /* for T_ASC_Parameters */
#include "dcmtk/dcmnet/dccftsmp.h" /* for class DcmTransferSyntaxMap */
#include "dcmtk/dcmnet/dccfpcmp.h" /* for class DcmPresentationContextMap */
#include "dcmtk/dcmnet/dccfrsmp.h" /* for class DcmRoleSelectionMap */
#include "dcmtk/dcmnet/dccfenmp.h" /* for class DcmExtendedNegotiationMap */
#include "dcmtk/dcmnet/dccfprmp.h" /* for class DcmProfileMap */
/** This class maintains a list of association negotiation configuration
* profiles. A profile is a combination of the following components:
* A list of presentation contexts, an optional list of SCP/SCU role
* selection items and an optional list of extended negotiation items.
* A presentation context itself consist of an abstract syntax and
* a list of transfer syntaxes, the latter each being separate components.
* Role selection and extended negotation items are atomic (i.e. they do not
* reference other components). All components are identified by a
* unique symbolic name.
* All components are re-usable since they are only referenced from a
* profile by their respective symbolic names. E.g. a list of transfer
* syntaxes can be referenced from various presentation contexts. This
* approach has been taken in order to save memory since, for instance,
* in many presentation contexts, the list of supported transfer syntaxes
* will be the same.
class DCMTK_DCMNET_EXPORT DcmAssociationConfiguration
/// default constructor
/// destructor
/// Copy constructor, performs deep copy
DcmAssociationConfiguration(const DcmAssociationConfiguration& arg);
/// Copy assignment operator, performs deep copy
DcmAssociationConfiguration& operator=(const DcmAssociationConfiguration& arg);
/// Reset configuration.
void clear();
/** this method prepares a T_ASC_Parameters structure according to the settings
* of a profile maintained by this object. It is used by an association initiator.
* @param symbolic profile name, must not be NULL
* @param params T_ASC_Parameters structure to be filled
* @return EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise
OFCondition setAssociationParameters(
const char *profile,
T_ASC_Parameters& params) const;
/** this method evaluates an incoming association request according to the settings
* of a profile maintained by this object. It is used by an association acceptor.
* @param symbolic profile name, must not be NULL
* @param assoc T_ASC_Association structure to be evaluated
* @return EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise
OFCondition evaluateAssociationParameters(
const char *profile,
T_ASC_Association &assoc) const;
/** adds the given transfer syntax UID to the list of transfer syntaxes
* maintained under the given key. If key is not yet known, a new list
* is created under this key.
* @param key transfer syntax list key, must not be NULL
* @param transferSyntaxUID transfer syntax UID in symbolic or numeric format
* @return EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise
OFCondition addTransferSyntax(
const char *key,
const char *transferSyntaxUID);
/** adds the given abstract syntax UID and transfer syntax list key to
* the list of presentation contexts maintained under the given key.
* If key is not yet known, a new list is created under this key.
* One list of presentation contexts may not have more than 128 entries
* because of the limitations of the DICOM ACSE protocol.
* @param key presentation context list key, must not be NULL
* @param abstractSyntaxUID abstract syntax UID in symbolic or numeric format
* @param transferSyntaxKey symbolic key that has been used in a call
* to addTransferSyntax() prior to this call.
* @return EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise
OFCondition addPresentationContext(
const char *key,
const char *abstractSyntaxUID,
const char *transferSyntaxKey);
/** adds the given abstract syntax UID and role to
* the list of SCP/SCU role selection items maintained under the given key.
* If key is not yet known, a new list is created under this key.
* One abstract syntax UID must not appear twice within one list.
* @param key role list key, must not be NULL
* @param abstractSyntaxUID abstract syntax UID in symbolic or numeric format
* @param role role enum
* @return EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise
OFCondition addRole(
const char *key,
const char *abstractSyntaxUID,
T_ASC_SC_ROLE role);
/** adds the given abstract syntax UID and extended negotiation data to
* the list of extended negotiation items maintained under the given key.
* If key is not yet known, a new list is created under this key.
* One abstract syntax UID must not appear twice within one list.
* @param key role list key, must not be NULL
* @param abstractSyntaxUID abstract syntax UID in symbolic or numeric format
* @param rawData pointer to raw data, must not be NULL
* @param length length of data block pointed to by data, in bytes
* @return EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise
OFCondition addExtendedNegotiation(
const char *key,
const char *abstractSyntaxUID,
const unsigned char *rawData,
Uint32 length);
/** creates a new association negotiation profile under the given key.
* A profile consists of a list of presentation contexts and may optionally
* also include a list of SCP/SCU role selection items and a list of
* extended negotiation items. This method checks the consistency of the
* three lists, i.e. makes sure that all abstract syntaxes mentioned either
* in the list of role selection items or the list of extended negotiation
* items are also contained in at least one presentation context.
* @param key profile key, must not be NULL
* @param presentationContextKey presentation context list key, must not be NULL
* @param roleSelectionKey role selection list key, may be NULL
* @param extendedNegotiationKey extended negotiation list key, may be NULL
* @return EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise
OFCondition addProfile(
const char *key,
const char *presentationContextKey,
const char *roleSelectionKey=NULL,
const char *extendedNegotiationKey=NULL);
/** checks if the profile is known
* @param key profile name, must not be NULL
* @return true if profile is known, false otherwise
OFBool isKnownProfile(const char *key) const;
/** returns profile identified by given name
* @param profileName the name of the profile to look for
* @return the profile if existant, otherwise NULL
const DcmProfileEntry* getProfileEntry(const OFString& profileName);
/** checks if the profile is suitable for use by an SCP.
* A profile is suitable for use by an SCP if each SOP class in the
* list of presentation contexts appears at most once.
* @param key profile name, must not be NULL
* @return true if profile is suitable for use by an SCP, false otherwise
OFBool isValidSCPProfile(const char *key) const;
/** find a list of transfer syntaxes that matches the given list and return
* its name. A match is only found if the number of transfer syntaxes is
* the same, each transfer syntax exists in the other list and the order
* is preserved.
* @param tslist the list of transfer syntaxes to look for
* @return the symbolic name of the list found. If nomatch is found,
* an empty string is returned.
OFString findTSKey(const OFList<OFString>& tslist);
/** dumps all profiles or a selected profile to the given output stream.
* Mainly useful for debugging.
* @param out output stream to be used
* @param profileName if not empty, only the profile defined by the given is
* dumped. Otherwise, all profiles are dumped.
void dumpProfiles(STD_NAMESPACE ostream &out,
const OFString& profileName = "");
/** dump a single association profile, mainly interesting for
* debugging purposes.
* @param out output stream to be used
* @param profile profile to dump
* @param profileName name of the profile to dump (used for debug output)
void dumpProfile(STD_NAMESPACE ostream &out,
const DcmProfileEntry* profile,
const OFString& profileName);
/// map of transfer syntax lists
DcmTransferSyntaxMap xferSyntaxes_;
/// map of presentation context lists
DcmPresentationContextMap contexts_;
/// map of role selection lists
DcmRoleSelectionMap roleselection_;
/// map of extended negotiation lists
DcmExtendedNegotiationMap extneg_;
/// map of profiles
DcmProfileMap profiles_;