/usr/lib/ocaml/duppy/duppy.mli is in libduppy-ocaml-dev 0.5.1-1build2.
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Duppy, a task scheduler for OCaml.
Copyright 2003-2010 Savonet team
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details, fully stated in the COPYING
file at the root of the liquidsoap distribution.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
(** Advanced scheduler and monad for server-oriented programming. *)
* {R {i {v
* The bars could not hold me;
* Force could not control me now.
* They try to keep me down, yeah!
* But Jah put I around.
* (...)
* Let me tell you this -
* I'm a duppy conqueror !
* v} } }
* {R {b Lee "Scratch" Perry & Bob Marley - Duppy conqueror }}
* {2 Duppy task scheduler for OCaml.}
* {!Duppy} is a task scheduler for ocaml. It implements a wrapper
* around [Unix.select].
* Using {!Duppy.Task}, the programmer can easily submit tasks that need to wait
* on a socket even, or for a given timeout (possibly zero).
* With {!Duppy.Async}, one can use a scheduler to submit asynchronous tasks.
* {!Duppy.Io} implements recursive easy reading and writing to a [Unix.file_descr]
* Finally, {!Duppy.Monad} and {!Duppy.Monad.Io} provide a monadic interface to
* program server code that with an implicit return/reply execution flow.
* The scheduler can use several queues running concurently, each queue
* processing ready tasks. Of course, a queue should run in its own thread.*)
(** A scheduler is a device for processing tasks. Several queues might run in
* different threads, processing one scheduler's tasks.
* ['a] is the type of objects used for priorities. *)
type 'a scheduler
(** Initiate a new scheduler
* @param compare the comparison function used to sort tasks according to priorities.
* Works as in [List.sort] *)
val create : ?compare:('a -> 'a -> int) -> unit -> 'a scheduler
(** [queue ~log ~priorities s name]
* starts a queue, on the scheduler [s] only processing priorities [p]
* for which [priorities p] returns [true].
* Several queues can be run concurrently against [s].
* @param log Logging function. Default: [Printf.printf "queue %s: %s\n" name]
* @param priorities Predicate specifying which priority to process. Default: [fun _ -> _ -> true]
* An exception is raised from this call when duppy's event loops has
* crashed. This exception should be considered a MAJOR FAILURE. All current
* non-ready tasks registered for the calling scheduler are dropped. You may
* restart Duppy's queues after it is raised but it should only be used to terminate
* the process diligently!! *)
val queue :
?log:(string -> unit) -> ?priorities:('a -> bool) ->
'a scheduler -> string -> unit
(** Stop all queues running on that scheduler, causing them to return. *)
val stop : 'a scheduler -> unit
(** Core task registration.
* A task will be a set of events to watch, and a corresponding function to
* execute when one of the events is trigered.
* The executed function may then return a list of new tasks to schedule. *)
module Task :
(** A task is a list of events awaited,
* and a function to process events that have occured.
* The ['a] parameter is the type of priorities, ['b] will be a subset of possible
* events. *)
type ('a,'b) task = {
priority : 'a ;
events : 'b list ;
handler : 'b list -> ('a,'b) task list
(** Type for possible events.
* Please not that currently, under win32, all socket used in ocaml-duppy
* are expected to be in blocking mode only! *)
type event = [
| `Delay of float
| `Write of Unix.file_descr
| `Read of Unix.file_descr
| `Exception of Unix.file_descr
(** Schedule a task. *)
val add :
'a scheduler -> ('a,[< event ]) task -> unit
(** Asynchronous task module
* This module implements an asychronous API to {!Duppy.scheduler}
* It allows to create a task that will run and then go to sleep. *)
module Async :
type t
(** Exception raised when trying to wake_up a task
* that has been previously stopped *)
exception Stopped
(** [add ~priority s f] creates an asynchronous task in [s] with
* priority [priority].
* The task executes the function [f].
* If the task returns a positive float, the function will be executed
* again after this delay. Otherwise it goes to sleep, and
* you can use [wake_up] to resume the task and execute [f] again.
* Only a single call to [f] is done at each time.
* Multiple [wake_up] while previous task has not
* finished will result in sequentialized calls to [f]. *)
val add : priority:'a -> 'a scheduler -> (unit -> float) -> t
(** Wake up an asynchronous task.
* Raises [Stopped] if the task has been stopped. *)
val wake_up : t -> unit
(** Stop and remove the asynchronous task. Doesn't quit a running task.
* Raises [Stopped] if the task has been stopped. *)
val stop : t -> unit
(** Easy parsing of [Unix.file_descr].
* With {!Duppy.Io.read}, you can pass a file descriptor to the scheduler,
* along with a marker, and have it run the associated function when the
* marker is found.
* With {!Duppy.Io.write}, the schdeduler will try to write recursively to the file descriptor
* the given string. *)
module Io :
(** Type for markers.
* [Split s] recognizes all regexp allowed by the
* [Pcre] module. *)
type marker = Length of int | Split of string
(** Type of [Bigarray] used here. *)
type bigarray = (char, Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t
(** Different types of failure.
* [Io_error] is raised when reading or writing
* returned 0. This usually means that the socket
* was closed. *)
type failure =
| Io_error
| Unix of Unix.error*string*string
| Unknown of exn
| Timeout
(** Wrapper to perform a read on a socket and trigger a function when
* a marker has been detected, or enough data has been read.
* It reads recursively on a socket, splitting into strings seperated
* by the marker (if any) and calls the given function on the list of strings.
* Can be used recursively or not, depending on the way you process strings.
* Because of Unix's semantic, it is not possible to stop reading
* at first marker, so there can be a remaining string. If not used
* recursively, the second optional argument may contain a remaining
* string. You should then initiate the next read with this value.
* The [on_error] function is used when reading failed on the socket.
* Depending on your usage, it can be a hard failure, or simply a lost client.
* The string passed to [on_error] contains data read before error
* occured.
* @param recursive recursively read and process, default: [true]
* @param init initial string for reading, default: [""]
* @param on_error function used when read failed, default: [fun _ -> ()]
* @param timeout Terminate with [Timeout] failure if nothing has been read
* after the given amout of time in seconds. More precisely,
* the exception is raised when no character have been read
* and the socket was not close while waiting. Default: wait
* forever. *)
val read :
?recursive:bool -> ?init:string -> ?on_error:(string*failure -> unit) ->
?timeout:float -> priority:'a -> 'a scheduler -> Unix.file_descr ->
marker -> (string*(string option) -> unit) -> unit
(** Similar to [read] but less complex.
* [write ?exec ?on_error ?string ?bigarray ~priority scheduler socket]
* write data from [string], or from [bigarray] is no string is given,
* to [socket], and executes [exec] or [on_error] if errors occured.
* @param exec function to execute after writing, default: [fun () -> ()]
* @param on_error function to execute when an error occured, default: [fun _ -> ()]
* @param string write data from this string
* @param bigarray write data from this bigarray, if no [string] is given
* @param timeout Terminate with [Timeout] failure if nothing has been written
* after the given amout of time in seconds. More precisely,
* the exception is raised when no character have been written
* and the socket was not close while waiting. Default: wait
* forever. *)
val write :
?exec:(unit -> unit) -> ?on_error:(failure -> unit) ->
?bigarray:bigarray -> ?string:string -> ?timeout:float -> priority:'a ->
'a scheduler -> Unix.file_descr -> unit
(** Monadic interface to {!Duppy.Io}.
* This module can be used to write code
* that runs in various Duppy's tasks and
* raise values in a completely transparent way.
* You can see examples of its use
* in the [examples/] directory of the
* source code and in the files
* [src/tools/{harbor.camlp4,server.camlp4}]
* in liquidsoap's code.
* When a server communicates
* with a client, it performs several
* computations and, eventually, terminates.
* A computation can either return a new
* value or terminate. For instance:
* - Client connects.
* - Server tries to authenticate the client.
* - If authentication is ok, proceed with the next step.
* - Otherwise terminate.
* The purpose of the monad is to embed
* computations which can either return
* a new value or raise a value that is used
* to terminate. *)
module Monad :
(** Type representing a computation
* which returns a value of type ['a]
* or raises a value of type ['b] *)
type ('a,'b) t
(** [return x] create a computation that
* returns value [x]. *)
val return : 'a -> ('a,'b) t
(** [raise x] create a computation that raises
* value [x]. *)
val raise : 'b -> ('a,'b) t
(** Compose two computations.
* [bind f g] is equivalent to:
* [let x = f in g x] where [x]
* has f's return type. *)
val bind : ('a,'b) t -> ('a -> ('c,'b) t) -> ('c,'b) t
(** [>>=] is an alternative notation
* for [bind] *)
val (>>=) : ('a,'b) t -> ('a -> ('c,'b) t) -> ('c,'b) t
(** [run f ~return ~raise ()] executes [f] and process
* returned values with [return] or raised values
* with [raise]. *)
val run : return:('a -> unit) -> raise:('b -> unit) -> ('a,'b) t -> unit
(** [catch f g] redirects values [x] raised during
* [f]'s execution to [g]. The name suggests the
* usual [try .. with ..] exception catching. *)
val catch : ('a,'b) t -> ('b -> ('a,'c) t) -> ('a,'c) t
(** [=<<] is an alternative notation for catch. *)
val (=<<) : ('b -> ('a,'c) t) -> ('a,'b) t -> ('a,'c) t
(** [fold_left f a [b1; b2; ..]] returns computation
* [ (f a b1) >>= (fun a -> f a b2) >>= ...] *)
val fold_left : ('a -> 'b -> ('a,'c) t) -> 'a -> 'b list -> ('a,'c) t
(** [iter f [x1; x2; ..]] returns computation
* [f x1 >>= (fun () -> f x2) >>= ...] *)
val iter : ('a -> (unit,'b) t) -> 'a list -> (unit,'b) t
(** This module implements monadic
* mutex computations. They can be used
* to write blocking code that is compatible
* with duppy's tasks, i.e. [Mutex.lock m] blocks
* the calling computation and not the calling thread. *)
module Mutex :
(** Information used to initialize a Mutex module.
* [priority] and [scheduler] are used to initialize a task
* which treat mutexes as well as conditions from the below
* [Condition] module. *)
module type Mutex_control =
type priority
val scheduler : priority scheduler
val priority : priority
module type Mutex_t =
(** Type for a mutex. *)
type mutex
module Control : Mutex_control
(** [create ()] creates a mutex. *)
val create : unit -> mutex
(** A computation that locks a mutex
* and returns [unit] afterwards. Computation
* will be blocked until the mutex is sucessfuly locked. *)
val lock : mutex -> (unit,'a) t
(** A computation that tries to lock a mutex.
* Returns immediatly [true] if the mutex was sucesfully locked
* or [false] otherwise. *)
val try_lock : mutex -> (bool,'a) t
(** A computation that unlocks a mutex.
* Should return immediatly. *)
val unlock : mutex -> (unit,'a) t
module Factory(Control : Mutex_control) : Mutex_t
(** This module implements monadic
* condition computations. They can be used
* to write waiting code that is compatible
* with duppy's tasks, i.e. [Condition.wait c m] blocks
* the calling computation and not the calling thread
* until [Condition.signal c] or [Condition.broadcast c] has
* been called. *)
module Condition :
module Factory(Mutex : Mutex.Mutex_t) :
(** Type of a condition, used in [wait] and [broadcast] *)
type condition
(** Create a condition. Implementation-wise,
* a duppy task is created that will be used to select a
* waiting computation, and resume it.
* Thus, [priority] and [s] represents, resp., the priority
* and scheduler used when running calling process' computation. *)
val create : unit -> condition
(** [wait h m] is a computation that:
* {ul
* {- Unlock mutex [m]}
* {- Wait until [Condition.signal c] or [Condition.broadcast c]
has been called}
* {- Locks mutex [m]}
* {- Returns [unit]}} *)
val wait : condition -> Mutex.mutex -> (unit,'a) t
(** [broadcast c] is a computation that
* resumes all computations waiting on [c]. It should
* return immediately. *)
val broadcast : condition -> (unit,'a) t
(** [signal c] is a computation that resumes one
* computation waiting on [c]. It should return
* immediately. *)
val signal : condition -> (unit,'a) t
(** This module implements monadic computations
* using [Duppy.Io]. It can be used to create
* computations that read or write from a socket,
* and also to redirect a computation in a different
* queue with a new priority. *)
module Io :
(** {2 Type } *)
(** A handler for this module
* is a record that contains the
* required elements. In particular,
* [on_error] is a function that transforms
* an error raised by [Duppy.Io] to a reply
* used to terminate the computation.
* [data] is an internal data buffer. It should
* be initialized with [""]. It contains the
* remaining data that was received when
* using [read]. If an error occured,
* [data] contain data read before the
* error. *)
type ('a,'b) handler =
{ scheduler : 'a scheduler ;
socket : Unix.file_descr ;
mutable data : string ;
on_error : Io.failure -> 'b }
(** {2 Execution flow } *)
(** [exec ?delay ~priority h f] redirects computation
* [f] into a new queue with priority [priority] and
* delay [delay] ([0.] by default).
* It can be used to redirect a computation that
* has to run under a different priority. For instance,
* a computation that reads from a socket is generally
* not blocking because the function is executed
* only when some data is available for reading.
* However, if the data that is read needs to be processed
* by a computation that can be blocking, then one may
* use [exec] to redirect this computation into an
* appropriate queue. *)
val exec : ?delay:float -> priority:'a -> ('a,'b) handler ->
('c,'b) t -> ('c,'b) t
(** [delay ~priority h d] creates a computation that returns
* [unit] after delay [d] in seconds. *)
val delay : priority:'a -> ('a,'b) handler -> float -> (unit,'b) t
(** {2 Read/write } *)
(** [read ?timeout ~priority ~marker h] creates a
* computation that reads from [h.socket]
* and returns the first string split
* according to [marker]. This function
* can be used to create a computation that
* reads data from a socket. [timeout] parameter
* forces the computation to return an error if
* nothing has been read for more than [timeout]
* seconds. Default: wait forever. *)
val read : ?timeout:float -> priority:'a ->
marker:Io.marker -> ('a,'b) handler ->
(string,'b) t
(** [read_all ?timeout ~priority s sock] creates a
* computation that reads all data from [sock]
* and returns it. Raised value contains data
* read before an error occured. *)
val read_all : ?timeout:float ->
priority:'a ->
'a scheduler ->
Unix.file_descr -> (string,(string*Io.failure)) t
(** [write ?timeout ~priority h s] creates a computation
* that writes string [s] to [h.socket]. This
* function can be used to create a computation
* that sends data to a socket. [timeout] parameter
* forces the computation to return an error if
* nothing has been written for more than [timeout]
* seconds. Default: wait forever. *)
val write : ?timeout:float -> priority:'a -> ('a,'b) handler ->
string -> (unit,'b) t
(** [write_bigarray ?timeout ~priority h ba] creates a computation
* that writes data from [ba] to [h.socket]. This function
* can to create a computation that writes data to a socket. *)
val write_bigarray : ?timeout:float -> priority:'a -> ('a,'b) handler ->
Io.bigarray -> (unit,'b) t
(** {2 Some culture..}
* {e Duppy is a Caribbean patois word of West African origin meaning ghost or spirit.
* Much of Caribbean folklore revolves around duppies.
* Duppies are generally regarded as malevolent spirits.
* They are said to come out and haunt people at night mostly,
* and people from the islands claim to have seen them.
* The 'Rolling Calf', 'Three footed horse' or 'Old Higue' are examples of the more malicious spirits. }
* {R {{:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duppy} http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duppy}}*)