/usr/share/gnudatalanguage/lib/imsl_zerosys.pro is in libgnudatalanguage0 0.9.6v2-1build1.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | ; by Sylwester Arabas <slayoo (at) igf.fuw.edu.pl>
function imsl_zerosys, f, n, double=double, err_rel=err_rel, $
fnorm=fnorm, jacobian=jacobian, itmax=itmax, xguess=xguess
on_error, 2
; informing about not supported keywords
fmt = '(%"Warning: Keyword parameter %s not supported in call to: IMSL_ZEROSYS. Ignored.")'
if keyword_set(err_rel) then message, string('ERR_REL', format=fmt), /continue
if keyword_set(fnorm) then message, string('FNORM', format=fmt), /continue
if keyword_set(jacobian) then message, string('JACOBIAN', format=fmt), /continue
; sanity checks
if n_params() eq 0 then message, $
'please supply a name of a function defining the system as the first parameter'
if n_params() eq 1 && ~keyword_set(xguess) then message, $
'please supply the size of the system as the second parameter'
; calling NEWTON with the magick /HYBRID keyword for switching to the modified
; Powell hydrid algorithm (FIXME: error messages prefixed by NEWTON)
if ~keyword_set(xguess) then xguess = keyword_set(double) ? dblarr(n) : fltarr(n)
return, newton(xguess, f, double=double, itmax=itmax, /hybrid)