/usr/lib/ocaml/mm/MIDI.mli is in libmm-ocaml-dev 0.2.1-2build2.
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* Copyright 2011 The Savonet Team
* This file is part of ocaml-mm.
* ocaml-mm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
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(** Operations on MIDI data. *)
(** Units for delta-times. *)
type division =
| Ticks_per_quarter of int (** Ticks per quarter note. *)
| SMPTE of int * int (** SMPTE (frames per second, ticks per frame). *)
type event =
| Note_off of Audio.Note.t * float
| Note_on of Audio.Note.t * float
| Aftertouch of int * float
| Control_change of int * int
| Patch of int
| Channel_aftertouch of int
| Pitch of int
(* Meta-events *)
| Sequence_number of int
| Text of string
| Copyright of string
| Track_name of string
| Instrument_name of string
| Lyric of string
| Marker of string
| Cue of string
| End_of_track
| Tempo of int
| Time_signature of int * int * int * int
| Key_signature of int * bool
| Custom of string
(** A MIDI buffer. *)
type buffer
val data : buffer -> (int * event) list
(** Create a MIDI buffer of given length in samples. *)
val create : int -> buffer
(** Create a copy of a MIDI buffer. *)
val copy : buffer -> buffer
val blit : buffer -> int -> buffer -> int -> int -> unit
val blit_all : buffer -> buffer -> unit
(** [merge b1 b2] merges the buffer [b2] into [b1]. *)
val merge : buffer -> buffer -> unit
val add : buffer -> int -> buffer -> int -> int -> unit
val clear_all : buffer -> unit
val insert : buffer -> (int * event) -> unit
module Multitrack : sig
type t = buffer array
type buffer = t
val channels : buffer -> int
val duration : buffer -> int
(** Create a multitrack MIDI buffer with given number of channels and length
in samples. *)
val create : int -> int -> buffer
val clear : ?channel:int -> buffer -> int -> int -> unit
module IO : sig
module Reader : sig
class type t =
(** Read data at with given samplerate for events, in a given track, with a
given length in samples. *)
method read : int -> Multitrack.buffer -> int -> int -> int
(** Close the stream. *)
method close : unit
class of_file : string -> t
module Writer : sig
class type t =
method put : int -> event -> unit
method note_off : int -> int -> float -> unit
method note_on : int -> int -> float -> unit
method advance : int -> unit
method close : unit
class to_file : int -> ?tracks:int -> string -> t