/usr/lib/ocaml/mm/audio.mli is in libmm-ocaml-dev 0.2.1-2build2.
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* Copyright 2011 The Savonet Team
* This file is part of ocaml-mm.
* ocaml-mm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
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(** Operations on audio data. *)
val samples_of_seconds : int -> float -> int
val seconds_of_samples : int -> int -> float
(** Convert decibels to linear coefficient. *)
val lin_of_dB : float -> float
(** Convert linear coefficient to decibels. *)
val dB_of_lin : float -> float
(** Operations on samples. *)
module Sample : sig
(** A sample. *)
type t = float
(** Clip a sample (ie ensure that it is between [-1.] and [1.]. *)
val clip : t -> t
(** Operations on notes. *)
module Note : sig
type t = int
val a4 : int
val c5 : int
val c0 : int
val create : int -> int -> t
val freq : t -> float
val of_freq : float -> t
val name : t -> int
val octave : t -> int
(** Returns note number and octave. *)
val modulo : t -> int * int
val to_string : t -> string
val of_string : string -> t
(** Operations on mono buffers (with only one channel). *)
module Mono : sig
(** A mono buffer. *)
type buffer = float array
val create : int -> buffer
val blit : buffer -> int -> buffer -> int -> int -> unit
val copy : buffer -> buffer
val duration : buffer -> int
val append : buffer -> buffer -> buffer
(** Clear a portion of a buffer (fill it with zeroes). *)
val clear : buffer -> int -> int -> unit
val resample : ?mode:[`Nearest | `Linear] -> float -> buffer -> int -> int -> buffer
val clip : buffer -> int -> int -> unit
(** [add b1 o1 b2 o2 len] adds [len] samples of contents of [b2] starting at
[o2] to [b1] starting at [o1]. *)
val add : buffer -> int -> buffer -> int -> int -> unit
val mult : buffer -> int -> buffer -> int -> int -> unit
module Ringbuffer_ext : Ringbuffer.R with type elt = float
module Ringbuffer : Ringbuffer.R with type elt = float
(** Buffers of variable size. These are particularly useful for temporary
buffers. *)
module Buffer_ext : sig
type t
val create : int -> t
val duration : t -> int
val prepare : t -> int -> buffer
(** Functions for analyzing audio data. *)
module Analyze : sig
(** Compute the RMS power of a portion of a buffer. *)
val rms : buffer -> int -> int -> float
(** Simple implementation of the FFT algorithm. For fastest implementations
optimized libraries such as fftw are recommended. *)
module FFT : sig
(** Internal data for computing FFT. *)
type t
(** Initialize FFT for an analysis of [2^n] samples. *)
val init : int -> t
(** Duration of the FFT buffer analysis in samples. *)
val duration : t -> int
(** [complex_create buf ofs len] create a array of complex numbers of size
[len] by copying data from [buf] from ofset [ofs] (the imaginary part
is null). *)
val complex_create : buffer -> int -> int -> Complex.t array
(** Perform an FFT analysis. *)
val fft : t -> Complex.t array -> unit
(** Frequency associated to the [k]-th coefficient of an FFT. *)
val band_freq : int -> t -> int -> float
(** Windowing functions. Thses can be used to on complex buffers in order
to improve the quality of the FFT, see
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windowing_functions. *)
module Window : sig
val cosine : Complex.t array -> unit
val hann : Complex.t array -> unit
val hamming : Complex.t array -> unit
val lanczos : Complex.t array -> unit
val triangular : Complex.t array -> unit
val bartlett_hann : Complex.t array -> unit
val blackman : ?alpha:float -> t -> Complex.t array -> unit
val nuttall : t -> Complex.t array -> unit
val blackman_harris : t -> Complex.t array -> unit
val blackman_nuttall : t -> Complex.t array -> unit
val notes : int -> t -> ?window:(Complex.t array -> unit) -> ?note_min:int -> ?note_max:int -> ?volume_min:float -> ?filter_harmonics:bool -> float array -> int -> int -> (Note.t * float) list
val loudest_note : (Note.t * float) list -> (Note.t * float) option
module Effect : sig
(** A compander following the mu-law (see
val compand_mu_law : float -> buffer -> int -> int -> unit
class type t =
method process : buffer -> int -> int -> unit
class amplify : float -> t
class clip : float -> t
class biquad_filter : int -> [ `Band_pass | `High_pass | `Low_pass | `Notch | `All_pass | `Peaking | `Low_shelf | `High_shelf ] -> ?gain:float -> float -> float -> t
(** ADSR (Attack/Decay/Sustain/Release) envelopes. *)
module ADSR : sig
(** An ADSR enveloppe. *)
type t
(** Create an envelope with specified Attack/Decay/Sustain/Release times
in seconds (excepting sustain which is an amplification coefficient
between [0.] and [1.]). Negative sustain means that that notes should
be released just after decay. *)
val make : int -> float * float * float * float -> t
(** Current state in the ADSR envelope. *)
type state
(** Initial state for processing. *)
val init : unit -> state
val release : state -> state
val dead : state -> bool
val process : t -> state -> buffer -> int -> int -> state
(** Sound generators. *)
module Generator : sig
(** A sound generator. *)
class type t =
method set_volume : float -> unit
method set_frequency : float -> unit
(** Fill a buffer with generated sound. *)
method fill : buffer -> int -> int -> unit
(** Same as [fill] but adds the sound to the buffer. *)
method fill_add : buffer -> int -> int -> unit
(** Release the generator (used for generator with envelopes). *)
method release : unit
(** Is the generator still producing sound? This should become false soon
after release has been triggered. *)
method dead : bool
(** Generate a sine waveform. *)
class sine : int -> ?volume:float -> ?phase:float -> float -> t
(** Generate a square waveform. *)
class square : int -> ?volume:float -> ?phase:float -> float -> t
(** Generate a saw waveform. *)
class saw : int -> ?volume:float -> ?phase:float -> float -> t
class white_noise : ?volume:float -> int -> t
class chain : t -> Effect.t -> t
class add : t -> t -> t
class mult : t -> t -> t
(** Apply an ADSR envlope on a generator. *)
class adsr : Effect.ADSR.t -> t -> t
(** An audio buffer. *)
type buffer = Mono.buffer array
(** [create chans len] creates a buffer with [chans] channels and [len] samples
as duration. *)
val create : int -> int -> buffer
(** Create a buffer with the same number of channels and duration as the given
buffer. *)
val create_same : buffer -> buffer
(** Clear the buffer (sets all the samples to zero). *)
val clear : buffer -> int -> int -> unit
(** Copy the given buffer. *)
val copy : buffer -> buffer
val append : buffer -> buffer -> buffer
val channels : buffer -> int
(** Duration of a buffer in samples. *)
val duration : buffer -> int
(** Convert a buffer to a mono buffer by computing the mean of all channels. *)
val to_mono : buffer -> Mono.buffer
(** Convert a mono buffer into a buffer. Notice that the original mono buffer is
not copied an might thus be modified afterwards. *)
val of_mono : Mono.buffer -> buffer
module U8 : sig
val of_audio : buffer -> int -> string -> int -> int -> unit
val to_audio : string -> int -> buffer -> int -> int -> unit
module S16LE : sig
val length : int -> int -> int
val duration : int -> int -> int
val of_audio : buffer -> int -> string -> int -> int -> unit
val make : buffer -> int -> int -> string
val to_audio : string -> int -> buffer -> int -> int -> unit
val resample : ?mode:[`Nearest | `Linear] -> float -> buffer -> int -> int -> buffer
(** Same as [Array.blit] for audio data. *)
val blit : buffer -> int -> buffer -> int -> int -> unit
val clip : buffer -> int -> int -> unit
(** Amplify a portion of the buffer by a given coefficient. *)
val amplify : float -> buffer -> int -> int -> unit
(** Pan a stereo buffer from left to right (the buffer should have exactly two
channels!). The coefficient should be between [-1.] and [1.]. *)
val pan : float -> buffer -> int -> int -> unit
val add : buffer -> int -> buffer -> int -> int -> unit
val add_coeff : buffer -> int -> float -> buffer -> int -> int -> unit
(** Buffers of variable size. These are particularly useful for temporary
buffers. *)
module Buffer_ext : sig
type t
(** Create an extensible buffer of given channels and initial size in
samples. *)
val create : int -> int -> t
(** Current duration (in samples) of the buffer. *)
val duration : t -> int
(** Make sure that the buffer can hold at least a given number of samples. *)
val prepare : t -> ?channels:int -> int -> buffer
(** Circular ringbuffers. *)
module Ringbuffer : sig
(** A ringbuffer. *)
type t
(** Create a ringbuffer of given number of channels and size (in samples). *)
val create : int -> int -> t
val channels : t -> int
val read_space : t -> int
val write_space : t -> int
val read_advance : t -> int -> unit
val write_advance : t -> int -> unit
val peek : t -> buffer -> int -> int -> unit
val read : t -> buffer -> int -> int -> unit
val write : t -> buffer -> int -> int -> unit
val transmit : t -> (buffer -> int -> int -> int) -> int
module Ringbuffer_ext : sig
type t
val create : int -> int -> t
val channels : t -> int
val read_space : t -> int
val write_space : t -> int
val read_advance : t -> int -> unit
val write_advance : t -> int -> unit
val peek : t -> buffer -> int -> int -> unit
val read : t -> buffer -> int -> int -> unit
val write : t -> buffer -> int -> int -> unit
val transmit : t -> (buffer -> int -> int -> int) -> int
module Analyze : sig
val rms : buffer -> int -> int -> float array
(** Audio effects. *)
module Effect : sig
(** A possibly stateful audio effect. *)
class type t =
(** Apply the effect on a buffer. *)
method process : buffer -> int -> int -> unit
class chain : t -> t -> t
class of_mono : int -> (unit -> Mono.Effect.t) -> t
class type delay_t =
inherit t
method set_delay : float -> unit
method set_feedback : float -> unit
(** [delay chans samplerate d once feedback] creates a delay operator for
buffer with [chans] channels at [samplerate] samplerate with [d] as delay
in seconds and [feedback] as feedback. If [once] is set to [true] only one
echo will be heard (no feedback). *)
val delay : int -> int -> float -> ?once:bool -> ?ping_pong:bool -> float -> delay_t
(** Hardknee compressor with RMS look-ahead envelope calculation and
adjustable attack/decay. Given parameters are [attack] and [release] in
seconds, [ratio] n means n:1 compression, [threshold] and [knee] in dB,
and [rms_window] in second is the duration for RMS acquisition. [gain] is
an additional pre-gain. *)
class compress : ?attack:float -> ?release:float -> ?threshold:float -> ?ratio:float -> ?knee:float -> ?rms_window:float -> ?gain:float -> int -> int ->
inherit t
method set_attack : float -> unit
method set_gain : float -> unit
method set_knee : float -> unit
method set_ratio : float -> unit
method set_release : float -> unit
method set_threshold : float -> unit
method reset : unit
(** A biquadratic filter. [gain] in dB is only used by peaking, low and high shelves. *)
class biquad_filter : int -> int -> [ `Band_pass | `High_pass | `Low_pass | `Notch | `All_pass | `Peaking | `Low_shelf | `High_shelf ] -> ?gain:float -> float -> float -> t
val auto_gain_control : int -> int -> ?rms_target:float -> ?rms_window:float -> ?kup:float -> ?kdown:float -> ?rms_threshold:float -> ?volume_init:float -> ?volume_min:float -> ?volume_max:float -> unit -> t
(** Sound generators. *)
module Generator : sig
val white_noise : buffer -> int -> int -> unit
class type t =
method set_volume : float -> unit
method set_frequency : float -> unit
method fill : buffer -> int -> int -> unit
method fill_add : buffer -> int -> int -> unit
method release : unit
method dead : bool
class of_mono : Mono.Generator.t -> t
class chain : t -> Effect.t -> t
(** Operation for reading and writing audio data from files, streams or
devices. *)
module IO : sig
(** The file is not valid. *)
exception Invalid_file
(** The operation is not valid on the file/device. *)
exception Invalid_operation
(** Trying to read past the end of the stream. *)
exception End_of_stream
module Reader : sig
class type t =
(** Number of channels. *)
method channels : int
(** Sample rate in samples per second. *)
method sample_rate : int
(** Duration in samples. *)
method duration : int
(** Duration in seconds. *)
method duration_time : float
(** Seek to a given sample. *)
method seek : int -> unit
(** Close the file. This method should only be called once. The members of
the object should not be accessed anymore after this method has been
called. *)
method close : unit
method read : buffer -> int -> int -> int
(** Create a reader object from a wav file. *)
class of_wav_file : string -> t
module Writer : sig
class type t =
method write : buffer -> int -> int -> unit
method close : unit
(** Create a writer to a file in WAV format with given number of channels,
sample rate and file name.*)
class to_wav_file : int -> int -> string -> t
module RW : sig
class type t =
method read : buffer -> int -> int -> unit
method write : buffer -> int -> int -> unit
method close : unit
class virtual bufferized : int -> min_duration:int -> fill_duration:int -> max_duration:int -> drop_duration:int ->
method virtual io_read : buffer -> int -> int -> unit
method virtual io_write : buffer -> int -> int -> unit
method read : buffer -> int -> int -> unit
method write : buffer -> int -> int -> unit