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* ===========================================================================
* National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
* This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
* terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
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* thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
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* Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
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* purpose.
* ===========================================================================
* File Name: asn2graphicp.h
* Author: Eric Northup
* Version Creation Date: 11/8/01
* $Revision: 6.40 $
* File Description:
* Modifications:
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* ==========================================================================
#ifndef _ASN2GRAPHICP_
#define _ASN2GRAPHICP_
#include <asn2graphic.h>
#include <objfdef.h>
#define NLM_EXTERN extern
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define APPEARANCEITEM_Alignment (FEATDEF_MAX + 2)
typedef enum {
Layout_Inherit = 0, /* inherit layout from higher-level entity */
/* Layout_DiagonalSawtooth, */
/* Layout_AllInOneLine, */
} LayoutAlgorithm;
typedef enum {
Do_Not_Render = 0,
Render_CappedLine, /* |---------| */
} RenderAlgorithm;
typedef enum {
LabelUnset = 0,
LabelAboveClip, /* above, but not wider than the feature*/
LabelAboveCull, /* above, but only displayed iff wider than the feature */
} LabelLocEnum;
typedef enum {
NoGap = 0,
} GapEnum;
typedef struct appearanceItem {
Uint1 LabelColor [3];
Uint1 Color [3];
RenderAlgorithm RenderChoice;
Int1 VibLinestyle; /* these are as in AddAttribute */
Uint1 Height;
Int1 VibShading;
Boolean ShowArrow;
GapEnum GapChoice;
Boolean AddDescToLabel;
Boolean AddTypeToLabel;
FonT LabelFont;
LabelLocEnum LabelLoc;
Uint1 format; /* label format, currently only valid for alignments. */
} AppearanceItem, PNTR AppearanceItemPtr;
typedef enum {
NoLabel = 0,
} GroupLabelLocation;
typedef struct bioseqAppearanceItem {
Boolean drawScale;
Uint1 bioseqColor [3];
Uint1 labelColor [3];
Uint1 scaleColor [3];
FonT labelFont;
FonT scaleFont;
GroupLabelLocation labelLoc;
Uint1 height;
Uint1 scaleHeight;
Uint1 format;
} BioseqAppearanceItem, PNTR BioseqAppearanceItemPtr;
typedef struct appearance {
ValNodePtr AppearanceItemList; /* data.ptrvalue == AppearanceItemPtr */
CharPtr name;
AppearanceItemPtr FeaturesAppearanceItem [APPEARANCEITEM_MAX];
BioseqAppearanceItemPtr bioseqAIP;
Boolean ShadeSmears; /* if FALSE, multi-feature smears (which can't be selected/edited like normal features) will be hollow instead of filled */
Uint2 MaxScaleForArrow;
Uint2 MinPixelsForArrow;
Uint1 GroupLabelColor [3];
FonT GroupLabelFont;
Uint1 GroupBoxColor [3];
Uint1 AnnotLabelColor [3];
FonT AnnotLabelFont;
Uint1 AnnotBoxColor [3];
} Appearance, PNTR AppearancePtr;
typedef enum {
InvalidFilter = 0,
} FilterType;
typedef enum {
InvalidStrand = 0,
} StrandChoice;
typedef enum {
TristateUnset = 0,
} Tristate;
#define BOOL_TO_TRISTATE(aBool) ((aBool) ? (TristateTrue) : (TristateFalse))
/* bool_from_SET_tristate means that the tristate has already been checked, and was not "TristateUnset" */
#define BOOL_FROM_SET_TRISTATE(aTri) ((aTri == TristateTrue) ? (TRUE) : (FALSE))
/* IncludeFeature[featdef_xxx] is either 0 (not included) or a number which indictes its order in this filter (1 = first, ..., APPEARANCEITEM_MAX = last) */
typedef struct filterItem {
FilterType Type;
CharPtr GroupLabel;
Uint1 GroupLabelColor [3];
Boolean GroupLabelColorSet;
FonT GroupLabelFont;
Boolean GroupLabelFontSet;
Uint1 GroupBoxColor [3];
Boolean GroupBoxColorSet;
Uint1 IncludeFeature [APPEARANCEITEM_MAX];
Uint2 IntraRowPaddingPixels; /* number of blank (pixel) rows after _each_ row in this group*/
Uint2 GroupPadding; /* number of blank (pixel) rows after this group */
LayoutAlgorithm LayoutChoice;
GroupLabelLocation GroupLabelLoc;
Boolean DrawGroupBox;
Boolean FillGroupBox;
StrandChoice MatchStrand;
Tristate AddDescToLabel;
Tristate AddTypeToLabel;
LabelLocEnum LabelLoc;
Tristate DrawScale;
} FilterItem, PNTR FilterItemPtr;
typedef struct filter {
ValNodePtr FilterItemList; /* data.ptrvalue == FilterItemPtr */
CharPtr name;
Uint2 MaxScaleWithLabels; /* turn off all labels if scale > MaxScaleWithLabels*/
Boolean GroupByAnnot; /* features or alignments in named annotations group separately? */
Boolean DrawAnnotBox; /* draw a box around such features. */
GroupLabelLocation AnnotLabelLoc;
Uint1 AnnotBoxColor[3];
Boolean AnnotBoxColorSet;
FonT AnnotLabelFont;
Boolean AnnotLabelFontSet;
Uint1 AnnotLabelColor [3];
Boolean AnnotLabelColorSet;
} Filter, PNTR FilterPtr;
typedef enum endPointType {
EndAbsolute = 0,
} EndPointType;
typedef struct relevantFeatureItem {
Int4 Left, Right;
Uint1 featstrand;
EndPointType LeftEnd;
EndPointType RightEnd;
CharPtr ContentLabel;
Uint1 featdeftype;
Int4Ptr ivals;
Int2 numivals;
Uint2 entityID, itemType;
Uint4 itemID;
Uint1 circularSpanningOrigin; /* on a bioseq w/ Circular topology, this feature crosses the origin */
SeqAnnotPtr sap; /* was this feature found in a named SeqAnnot table? 0 if not, else a pointer to the SeqAnnot */
} RelevantFeatureItem, PNTR RelevantFeatureItemPtr;
typedef struct relevantFeatures {
Uint4 featureCount;
ValNodePtr featVNP; /* data.ptrvalue == RelevantFeatureItem [RELEVANT_FEATS_PER_CHUNK] */
Uint1 sapCount;
SeqAnnotPtr PNTR sapList;
} RelevantFeatures, PNTR RelevantFeaturesPtr;
typedef struct viewerConfigs {
Boolean ArraysPopulated;
Uint1 AppearanceCount;
AppearancePtr PNTR AppearanceArray;
CharPtr PNTR AppearanceNameArray;
Uint1 FilterCount;
FilterPtr PNTR FilterArray;
CharPtr PNTR FilterNameArray;
/* the linked-lists are only used while this structure is being built. */
ValNodePtr AppearanceList; /* data.ptrvalue == CharPtr */
ValNodePtr AppearanceNameList;
ValNodePtr FilterList;
ValNodePtr FilterNameList;
Uint2 DefaultMaxScaleWithLabels;
Uint2 DefaultMaxScaleForArrow;
Uint2 DefaultMinPixelsForArrow;
Uint2 DefaultGroupPadding;
Uint2 DefaultRowPadding;
Boolean DefaultShadeSmears;
} ViewerConfigs, PNTR ViewerConfigsPtr;
/* Public Functions */
NLM_EXTERN SegmenT CreateGraphicViewFromBsp (
BioseqPtr bsp,
SeqLocPtr location,
Int4 scale,
Int4Ptr ceiling,
SegmenT topLevel,
AppearancePtr AP,
FilterPtr FP,
LayoutAlgorithm overrideLayout,
GraphicViewExtrasPtr extras
/* If the same Bioseq will be rendered multiple times, it will be more efficient to use these functions */
NLM_EXTERN SegmenT CreateGraphicViewInternal (
BioseqPtr bsp,
Int4 from,
Int4 to,
Boolean allFeatures,
RelevantFeaturesPtr feats,
Int4 scale,
Int4Ptr ceiling,
SegmenT topLevel,
AppearancePtr AP,
FilterPtr FP,
LayoutAlgorithm overrideLayout,
GraphicViewExtrasPtr extras
NLM_EXTERN RelevantFeaturesPtr CollectFeatures (BioseqPtr bsp);
NLM_EXTERN RelevantFeaturesPtr FreeCollectedFeatures (RelevantFeaturesPtr RFP);
/* GetGraphicConfigParseResults() parses the configuration file the 1st time it is called, but returns a cached copy afterward */
NLM_EXTERN ViewerConfigsPtr GetGraphicConfigParseResults (void);
NLM_EXTERN FilterPtr FindFilterByName (CharPtr name, ViewerConfigsPtr VCP);
NLM_EXTERN AppearancePtr FindAppearanceByName (CharPtr name, ViewerConfigsPtr VCP);
NLM_EXTERN LayoutAlgorithm FindLayoutByName (CharPtr name);
/* Functions for Manipulating Filter and Appearance Structures */
NLM_EXTERN Uint2 ParseConfigFile (ViewerConfigsPtr VCP);
NLM_EXTERN FilterPtr CreateFilter (CharPtr name, ViewerConfigsPtr VCP);
NLM_EXTERN AppearancePtr CreateAppearance (CharPtr newname, ViewerConfigsPtr VCP);
NLM_EXTERN void AddFeatureToFilterItem (FilterItemPtr FIP, Uint1 newFeatdef, ViewerConfigsPtr VCP);
NLM_EXTERN void RemoveFeatureFromFilterItem (FilterItemPtr FIP, Uint1 newFeatdef, ViewerConfigsPtr VCP);
NLM_EXTERN FilterItemPtr CreateNewFilterItemInFilter (CharPtr name, FilterPtr parent, ViewerConfigsPtr VCP);
NLM_EXTERN FilterPtr DestroyFilter (FilterPtr FP, ViewerConfigsPtr VCP);
NLM_EXTERN AppearancePtr DestroyAppearance (AppearancePtr AP, ViewerConfigsPtr VCP);
NLM_EXTERN void AddAppearanceItemToAppearance (AppearanceItemPtr AIP, AppearancePtr AP, Uint1 newFeatdef, ViewerConfigsPtr VCP);
NLM_EXTERN Uint2 GetAppearanceCount (void);
NLM_EXTERN Uint2 GetFilterCount (void);
NLM_EXTERN Uint2 GetLayoutCount (void);
NLM_EXTERN Uint2 GetAlnScoreCount (void);
NLM_EXTERN Uint2 GetAlnScoreCutoffCount (void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define NLM_EXTERN
#endif /* _ASN2GRAPHICP_ */