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* ===========================================================================
* National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
* This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
* terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
* the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
* thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
* to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
* Government do not place any restriction on its use or reproduction.
* We would, however, appreciate having the NCBI and the author cited in
* any work or product based on this material
* Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
* and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
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* may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
* Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
* warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
* purpose.
* ===========================================================================
* File Name: gather.h
* Author: Jim Ostell
* Version Creation Date: 10/7/94
* $Revision: 6.14 $
* File Description:
* Modifications:
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Date Name Description of modification
* ------- ---------- -----------------------------------------------------
* $Log: gather.h,v $
* Revision 6.14 2006/07/13 17:06:38 bollin
* use Uint4 instead of Uint2 for itemID values
* removed unused variables
* resolved compiler warnings
* Revision 6.13 2004/10/25 20:13:27 kans
* added AssignIDsInEntityEx and GatherObjectsInEntityEx to index remotely fetched features
* Revision 6.12 2002/05/08 18:58:09 kans
* itemID is Uint4
* Revision 6.11 2001/11/15 18:34:52 kans
* added GetNextDescriptorUnindexed, requires AssignIDsInEntity be called first
* Revision 6.10 2000/01/06 00:54:50 kans
* added useSeqMgrIndexes field to GatherScope and InternalGCC structures, will implement indexed feature table exploration tomorrow
* Revision 6.9 1999/10/29 18:06:27 kans
* added GetPointerForIDs (with SW)
* Revision 6.8 1999/09/29 18:24:54 kans
* added DeleteMarkedObjects
* Revision 6.7 1999/09/28 18:10:16 kans
* added DeleteMarkedObjectsProc callback - not yet tested
* Revision 6.6 1999/09/28 12:10:25 kans
* finished implementing lightweight GatherObjectsInEntity
* Revision 6.5 1999/09/26 20:44:26 kans
* implemented most of VisitProc callbacks
* Revision 6.4 1999/09/26 00:17:14 kans
* VisitObjectsInEntity prototype added
* Revision 6.3 1999/09/07 17:59:53 kans
* AssignIDsInEntity takes datatype and dataptr for when entityID is 0, allowing unlinked components to be updated
* Revision 6.2 1999/09/07 17:00:43 kans
* added AssignIDsInEntity
* Revision 6.1 1999/01/13 23:34:20 kans
* added GatherSpecificProcLaunch
* Revision 6.0 1997/08/25 18:05:51 madden
* Revision changed to 6.0
* Revision 5.5 1997/06/19 18:37:53 vakatov
* [WIN32,MSVC++] Adopted for the "NCBIOBJ.LIB" DLL'ization
* Revision 5.4 1997/03/24 20:45:52 shavirin
* Added protection for usage with C++ compiler
* Revision 5.3 1996/11/05 17:58:57 zjing
* add a new member last to aligndata
* Revision 5.2 1996/08/29 01:18:34 ostell
* added GatherAddExtraLoc for codebreak and trna.atncodon mapping
* Revision 5.0 1996/05/28 13:23:23 ostell
* Set to revision 5.0
* Revision 4.11 1996/02/28 04:53:06 ostell
* added ObjMgrHold suport
* Revision 4.9 1996/01/03 23:01:04 ostell
* added GatherOverWrite() to support find/replace external to Gather
* Revision 4.8 1995/12/22 14:42:30 ostell
* added do_not_reload_from_cache to GatherScope
* modified calls to support it
* changed default behavior of gather to load and reclock entities
* Revision 4.7 1995/12/20 19:19:39 ostell
* added GatherContext.igccp field
* added FocusSeqEntry() function
* Revision 4.6 1995/11/21 23:08:38 ostell
* added support in GatherContext for gatherstack
* Revision 4.5 1995/11/06 22:18:38 kans
* added prototypes for ReMapIntFuzz and SeqLocReMap
* Revision 4.4 1995/11/06 21:29:03 ostell
* added newid and convert_loc to GatherScope, and new_loc to GatherContext
* added functions ReMapIntFuzz and SeqLocReMap to support them
* This allows SeqLocs on features to be copied into a remapped form by gather
* Revision 4.3 1995/10/06 19:25:24 ostell
* added fields "ignore_top" and "stop_on_annot" to GatherScope
* if "ignore_top" is TRUE, features on seglevel 0 are ignored
* if "stop_on_annot" is TRUE, segments are traversed to a maximum depth
* of gsp->seglevel, but traversing is stopped as soon as an annotation is
* found.
* Revision 4.2 1995/09/30 03:38:31 ostell
* Changed ObjMgrMessage functions to pass a structure
* Added support for selecting regions
* Added ability to remove entity when no more views on it
* Revision 4.1 1995/08/16 17:48:34 kans
* add a chain parameter for gather Seq-align (jz)
* Revision 4.0 1995/07/26 13:49:01 ostell
* force revision to 4.0
* Revision 1.15 1995/07/10 15:51:59 kans
* changes in gather_align_data (zjing)
* Revision 1.14 1995/06/01 21:53:55 kans
* support for Seq-align (zjing)
* Revision 1.13 1995/05/15 21:46:05 ostell
* added Log line
* ==========================================================================
#ifndef _GATHER_
#define _GATHER_
#include <sequtil.h>
typedef struct gatherrange {
Int4 left;
Int4 right;
Boolean l_trunc;
Boolean r_trunc;
Uint1 strand;
} GatherRange, PNTR GatherRangePtr;
typedef struct seqrange {
Int4 start;
Int4 stop;
Uint1 strand;
} SeqRange, PNTR SeqRangePtr;
typedef struct alignrange{
Uint1 segtype; /* codes for segments of alignments, _SEG below */
GatherRange gr;
SeqRange sr;
struct alignrange PNTR next;
} AlignRange, PNTR AlignRangePtr;
typedef struct aligndata {
Uint2 chain; /*the current count of the dense-diag or std-seg chain*/
Int4 master_pos; /*the start position of the master sequence*/
Int2 order; /*order of sequence in ONE chain*/
SeqIdPtr sip;
GatherRange extremes; /*two ends on the graph*/
SeqRange seqends; /*two ends on the sequence*/
AlignRangePtr arp, last;
struct aligndata PNTR next;
}AlignData, PNTR AlignDataPtr;
#define GAP_SEG 1 /* a gap */
#define REG_SEG 2 /* a segment */
#define INS_SEG 3 /* an insertion */
#define STD_SEG 4 /*a segment from StdSeg*/
#define DIAG_SEG 5 /*a diagnol segment*/
* GatherSeqEntry() and GatherItem() return a pointer to the GatherContext
* below. entityID, itemID, and thistype are the 3 minimum elements required
* for GatherItem to relocate the item.
* The fields seglevel and propagated will NOT be set by GatherItem(). They
* are ONLY set by GatherSeqEntry().
typedef struct gatherelement {
Uint4 itemID;
Uint2 itemtype;
Pointer thisitem;
Boolean tempload;
} GatherElement, PNTR GatherElementPtr;
typedef struct gathercontext {
Uint2 entityID;
Uint4 itemID;
Pointer thisitem,
Uint2 thistype,
Pointer PNTR prevlink; /* used to remove data item from chains */
SeqEntryPtr sep; /* sep that points to Bioseq or BioseqSet in thisitem */
Pointer userdata;
Boolean tempload; /* this data temporarily loaded */
Boolean hold; /* ObjMgr is in a hold state (see ObjMgrSetHold, objmgr.h) */
GatherRangePtr rdp; /* mapped intervals to global coordinates */
AlignDataPtr adp; /*for aligned data*/
Int2 num_interval; /* number of mapped intervals */
GatherRange extremes; /* extreme left and right locations */
Boolean propagated; /* is this item propagated from out of scope? */
Int2 seglevel; /* how many segment levels are we? */
Boolean product; /* TRUE if match by SeqId on product */
Int2 indent; /* indent level in containing Seq-entry */
SeqLocPtr new_loc; /* SeqLoc converted to new coordinates if
GatherScope.convert_loc == TRUE.
SeqLocPtr PNTR extra_loc; /* converted SeqLocs for CodeBreak or tRNA.anticodon
filled in if GatherScope.convert_loc = TRUE
WARNING: USER MUST FREE extra_loc[i] */
Int2 extra_loc_cnt, /* number of cells in extra_loc containing converted
locs */
extra_loc_total; /* size of extra_loc array */
GatherElementPtr gatherstack; /* thisitem is gcp->indent, parent gcp->indent - 1 */
Int2 numstack; /* gatherstack total size */
Pointer igccp; /* really InternalGCCPtr. use with care */
} GatherContext, PNTR GatherContextPtr;
typedef Boolean (*GatherItemProc) (GatherContextPtr gcp);
typedef struct gatherscope {
SeqEntryPtr scope; /* NULL, or SeqEntry to limit data items to */
Boolean get_feats_location, /* get all features if location on Bioseq */
get_feats_product; /* get all features if product on Bioseq */
SeqLocPtr target; /* limit features to a range on the Bioseq */
Int4 offset; /* offset features this much */
Boolean ignore[OBJ_MAX]; /* if TRUE, this GITEM does not call userfunc */
Boolean nointervals; /* if TRUE, don't populate GatherIntervals */
Boolean mapinsert; /*if TRUE, map the gaps in master as insertion*/
Int2 seglevels, /* number of segment levels to traverse */
currlevel; /* current segment depth */
Boolean stop_on_annot; /* if TRUE, stop traversing down when Seq-annot found */
Boolean ignore_top; /* if TRUE, ignore Seq-annot on top level segment */
Boolean split_packed_pnt; /* if TRUE, give itemID to each point */
Boolean convert_loc; /* if TRUE, create a copy of Seq-loc for features and
put in GatherContext.new_loc. Only works if "target"
is not NULL and get_feats... is TRUE */
SeqIdPtr newid; /* SeqId to use if convert_loc is TRUE */
Boolean do_not_reload_from_cache; /* if TRUE, gather does not automatically reload cached entity */
Boolean useSeqMgrIndexes; /* explore targeted feature tables with feature indexing functions */
} GatherScope, PNTR GatherScopePtr;
typedef struct internalgcc {
GatherContext gc;
GatherScope scope;
GatherItemProc userfunc;
Boolean rev; /* TRUE if scope->target is on complement */
Int2 max_interval;
BioseqPtr bsp; /* for checking a range on a Bioseq */
Uint4 itemIDs[OBJ_MAX];
SeqLocPtr segloc; /* if target is segmented and seglevel > 0 */
Int2 first_seg, last_seg; /* see SeqLocCopyPart() in edutil.h */
Int2 segcnt; /* count of segments in segloc */
Int4Ptr seglens; /* length of each segment in seqloc */
BoolPtr found_annot; /* TRUE if annot found in this region of current Bioseq */
/* Not an indication of annot found in this segment */
Uint1 locatetype; /* itemtype to locate */
Uint4 locateID; /* itemID to locate */
Pointer locatePtr; /* data item to locate */
ObjMgrDataPtr omdp; /* top level omdp in entity */
Boolean reloaded; /* TRUE if entity was reloaded from cache by IGCCBuild() */
Boolean useSeqMgrIndexes; /* explore targeted feature tables with feature indexing functions */
} InternalGCC, PNTR InternalGCCPtr;
#define NLM_EXTERN extern
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
NLM_EXTERN Boolean SeqLocOffset PROTO((SeqLocPtr seq_loc, SeqLocPtr sfp_loc, GatherRangePtr range, Int4 offset));
NLM_EXTERN Boolean get_align_ends PROTO((SeqAlignPtr align, SeqIdPtr id, Int4Ptr start, Int4Ptr stop, Uint1Ptr strand));
NLM_EXTERN AlignDataPtr FreeAlignData PROTO((AlignDataPtr adp));
NLM_EXTERN AlignDataPtr gather_align_data PROTO((SeqLocPtr m_slp, SeqAlignPtr align, Int4 offset, Boolean ck_interval, Boolean map));
NLM_EXTERN IntFuzzPtr ReMapIntFuzz PROTO((IntFuzzPtr ifp, Boolean rev, SeqLocPtr seq_loc, SeqLocPtr sfp_loc, Int4 offset));
NLM_EXTERN SeqLocPtr SeqLocReMap PROTO((SeqIdPtr newid, SeqLocPtr seq_loc, SeqLocPtr head, Int4 offset, Boolean rev));
* GatherEntity (entityID, userdata, userproc, scope)
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL GatherEntity PROTO((Uint2 entityID, Pointer userdata, GatherItemProc userfunc, GatherScopePtr scope));
* GatherSeqEntry (sep, userdata, userproc, scope)
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL GatherSeqEntry PROTO((SeqEntryPtr sep, Pointer userdata, GatherItemProc userfunc, GatherScopePtr scope));
* FocusSeqEntry (sep, scope)
* zeros out all fields in scope
* sets scope.target, .scope, appropriately for
* SeqEntry
* if (Bioseq)
* target is the bioseq
* entityID is the containing set if any
* scope.scope is null
* if (BioseqSet)
* target is NULL
* entityID is the containing set if any
* scope.scope is sep
* return of FOCUS_INITIALIZED means scope is initialized
* return of FOCUS_NOT_NEEDED means send NULL for GatherScope.. you
* don't need to scope for this SeqEntryPtr
* return of FOCUS_ERROR means it could not be initialized
* NOTE: If this function returns FOCUS_INITIALIZED, the CALLER MUST
* call SeqLocFree(scope.target) to remove any target this function
* had to install. WARNING!
NLM_EXTERN Int2 LIBCALL FocusSeqEntry PROTO((SeqEntryPtr sep, GatherScopePtr scope));
#define FOCUS_ERROR 0
* GatherItem (entityID, itemID, itemtype, userdata, userproc)
* Get an item by entityID, itemID, itemtype
* GatherContext.seglevel and GatherContext.propagated will not be
* set on the callback.
* itemtype is as defined in objmgr.h for OBJ_
* only those included in GITEM_ defined above will be found
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL GatherItem PROTO((Uint2 entityID, Uint4 itemID, Uint2 itemtype,
Pointer userdata, GatherItemProc userfunc));
* GatherData (entityID, itemID, itemtype, userdata, userproc)
* Get an item by entityID, itemtype, and a Pointer of itemtype
* GatherContext.seglevel and GatherContext.propagated will not be
* set on the callback.
* Sets in_scope to FALSE so that the callback is not called
* Scope is NULL, so in_scope is never TRUE
* Sets ignore TRUE for everything not needed to find item
* Sets locatetype and locateID, which are checked in the traversal
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL GatherData PROTO((Uint2 entityID, Pointer dataptr, Uint2 itemtype,
Pointer userdata, GatherItemProc userfunc));
* GatherItemIDByData (entityID, itemtype, dataptr)
* Looks in entityID for an element of itemtype that matches the pointer
* dataptr.
* if found, returns the itemID
* else returns 0
* itemtype is as defined in objmgr.h for OBJ_
NLM_EXTERN Uint4 LIBCALL GatherItemIDByData PROTO((Uint2 entityID, Uint2 itemtype, Pointer dataptr));
* GatherDataForProc(ompcp, sel)
* fills in data, choice, and choictype in OMProcControlPtr
* sets ompcp->whole_entity TRUE if appropriate
* returns TRUE if it did it
* if (sel == TRUE), fills in ompcp with data from ObjMgrGetSelect first.
* returns FALSE if nothing selected.. Does ErrPostEx() for it
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL GatherDataForProc PROTO((OMProcControlPtr ompcp, Boolean sel));
* DetachDataForProc(ompcp, sel)
* fills in data, choice, and choictype in OMProcControlPtr
* sets ompcp->whole_entity TRUE if appropriate
* returns TRUE if it did it
* if (sel == TRUE), fills in ompcp with data from ObjMgrGetSelect first.
* returns FALSE if nothing selected.. Does ErrPostEx() for it
* Detaches data item from surrounding data if necessary
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL DetachDataForProc PROTO((OMProcControlPtr ompcp, Boolean sel));
* AttachDataForProc(ompcp, sel)
* fills in data, choice, and choictype in OMProcControlPtr
* sets ompcp->whole_entity TRUE if appropriate
* returns TRUE if it did it
* if (sel == TRUE), fills in ompcp with data from ObjMgrGetSelect first.
* returns FALSE if nothing selected.. Does ErrPostEx() for it
* Attaches data in output section of ompcp into the input section
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL AttachDataForProc PROTO((OMProcControlPtr ompcp, Boolean sel));
* CopyDataForProc(ompcp, sel)
* fills in data, choice, and choictype in OMProcControlPtr
* sets ompcp->whole_entity TRUE if appropriate
* returns TRUE if it did it
* if (sel == TRUE), fills in ompcp with data from ObjMgrGetSelect first.
* returns FALSE if nothing selected.. Does ErrPostEx() for it
* Attaches copy of data in output section of ompcp
* adds to objmgr as necessary, but does NOT register copy
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL CopyDataForProc PROTO((OMProcControlPtr ompcp, Boolean sel));
* ReplaceDataForProc(ompcp, sel)
* fills in data, choice, and choictype in OMProcControlPtr
* sets ompcp->whole_entity TRUE if appropriate
* returns TRUE if it did it
* if (sel == TRUE), fills in ompcp with data from ObjMgrGetSelect first.
* returns FALSE if nothing selected.. Does ErrPostEx() for it
* Replaces data in input section of ompcp with the output section
* Data in input section is deleted
* This replaces all contained data!! Replacing a Bioseq replaces any
* attached descriptors or annots or history as well, for example.
* This does NOT send update messages to the ObjMgr for you.
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL ReplaceDataForProc PROTO((OMProcControlPtr ompcp, Boolean sel));
* GatherProcLaunch(proctype, sel, entityID, itemID, itemtype,
* inputtype, subinputtype, outputtype, suboutputtype)
* looks for proctype of highest priority that
* matches inputtype and outputtype
* if (sel) then fills in entityID,itemID,itemtype with currently selected
* item
* else
* uses the function arguments
* locates the data pointer, determines the subtype (if any)
* then finds the highest priority process
* 0 on outputtype, inputsubtype, outputsubtype matches any
* if subtype can be matched on input/output, takes in preference over
* more general proc
* 1) To launch an editor for the currently selected item
* GatherProcLaunch(OMPROC_EDIT,TRUE,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
* 2) To launch an editor to create a new seq_descr of type pub
* GatherProcLaunch(OMPROC_EDIT,FALSE,0,0,0,OBJ_SEQDESC,Seq_descr_pub,0,0);
* 3) To launch an editor for a specific seq_descr
* GatherProcLaunch(OMPROC_EDIT,FALSE,2,1,4,0,0,0,0);
* (where the 3 numbers identify the seq_descr)
* 4)To launch an editor which will create a new seq_descr and attach it
* to the currently selected Bioseq
* GatherProcLaunch(OMPROC_EDIT,TRUE,0,0,0,OBJ_SEQDESC,Seq_descr_pub,0,0)
* Note in this case ompcp->input_entityid, .input_itemid, input_itemtype
* well refer to a Bioseq. The editor should check the input_itemtype
* and decide if it can attach it's output to it, or if it is an
* input type mismatch error.
* 5) To launch an editor which will create a new seq_descr and attach to
* a specific Bioseq
* (Same as (4) but sel=FALSE, and entitid,itemid,itemtype filled in
* for the Bioseq).
* All this means the function will be called with OMProcControlPtr (ompcp)
* fields filled in (input_entityid, input_itemid, input_itemtype) as:
* 1) Create new one, place in desktop = 0,0,0
* 2) Edit old one, non-zero values, with input_itemtype matching the type
* of the editor.
* 3) Create a new one, attach it to something else, non-zero values,
* with input_itemtype not matching the type of the editor.
* Functions to install the returned values are for the cases above:
* 1) ObjMgrRegister()
* 2) GatherReplaceDataForProc()
* 3) GatherAttachDataForProc()
* returns the return from the proc, or OM_MSG_RET_NOPROC if not found
NLM_EXTERN Int2 GatherProcLaunch PROTO((Uint2 proctype, Boolean sel, Uint2 entityID, Uint4 itemID,
Uint2 itemtype, Uint2 inputtype, Uint2 subinputtype, Uint2 outputtype, Uint2 suboutputtype));
* GatherSpecificProcLaunch(procid, procname, proctype, sel, entityID, itemID, itemtype)
* Launches specific viewer or editor
NLM_EXTERN Int2 GatherSpecificProcLaunch PROTO((Uint2 procid, CharPtr procname, Uint2 proctype,
Boolean sel, Uint2 entityID, Uint4 itemID, Uint2 itemtype));
* GatherOverWrite (oldptr, newptr, type)
* type is OBJ_...
* overwrites oldptr with contents of newptr
* sets any "next" pointers contained in newptr to point to the same
* chain as those in oldptr did
* At the end, oldptr contains the data from newptr,
* newptr contains the data from oldptr
* newptr is removed from any chain
* oldptr remains in whatever chain it was in before
* CALLER must call appropriate free function for newptr
* this function is used for making a varient copy of an object, then
* replacing it in another object without changing points to or from
* this object
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL GatherOverWrite PROTO((Pointer oldptr, Pointer newptr, Uint2 type));
* AssignIDsInEntity (entityID, datatype, dataptr)
* Assigns entityID/itemID/itemtype, parent pointer, and prevlink to several
* data objects. If entityID is > 0 it looks up the registered datatype and
* dataptr from the object manager. Otherwise it uses the remaining parameters,
* assigning entityID 0 to the unregistered components.
* GatherObjectsInEntity (entityID, datatype, dataptr, callback, userdata, objMgrFilter)
* Calls callback for objects within entity. If the objMgrFilter parameter is NULL,
* every object type is visited, otherwise the array length should be OBJ_MAX, and
* the elements are from the OBJ_ list.
* The Ex versions take a ValNodePtr parameter whose data.ptrvalue fields point to
* a Bioseq that contains a SeqAnnot with remotely fetched features.
typedef struct gatherobject {
Uint2 entityID;
Uint2 itemtype;
Uint1 subtype;
Uint2 parenttype;
Uint4 itemID;
Pointer dataptr;
Pointer parentptr;
Pointer PNTR prevlink;
Pointer userdata;
} GatherObject, PNTR GatherObjectPtr;
typedef Boolean (*GatherObjectProc) (GatherObjectPtr gop);
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL AssignIDsInEntity (
Uint2 entityID,
Uint2 datatype,
Pointer dataptr
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL AssignIDsInEntityEx (
Uint2 entityID,
Uint2 datatype,
Pointer dataptr,
ValNodePtr extra
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL GatherObjectsInEntity (
Uint2 entityID,
Uint2 datatype,
Pointer dataptr,
GatherObjectProc callback,
Pointer userdata,
BoolPtr objMgrFilter
NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL GatherObjectsInEntityEx (
Uint2 entityID,
Uint2 datatype, Pointer dataptr,
GatherObjectProc callback,
Pointer userdata,
BoolPtr objMgrFilter,
ValNodePtr extra
* DeleteMarkedObjects (entityID, datatype, dataptr)
* Unlinks and removes all objects whose GatherIndex.deleteme flag is not 0.
NLM_EXTERN Boolean DeleteMarkedObjects (Uint2 entityID, Uint2 datatype, Pointer dataptr);
* GetPointerForIDs (entityID, itemID, itemtype)
* Finds pointer of specified object (GatherItem replacement).
NLM_EXTERN Pointer LIBCALL GetPointerForIDs (Uint2 entityID, Uint4 itemID, Uint2 itemtype);
* GetNextDescriptorUnindexed (bsp, choice, curr)
* After AssignIDsInEntity, gets next descriptor up the set hierarchy.
NLM_EXTERN SeqDescrPtr GetNextDescriptorUnindexed (
BioseqPtr bsp,
Uint1 choice,
SeqDescrPtr curr
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define NLM_EXTERN