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* ===========================================================================
* National Center for Biotechnology Information
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File name: seed.h
Author: Alejandro Schaffer
Contents: header file for PHI-BLAST and pseed3.
$Revision: 6.22 $
$Log: seed.h,v $
Revision 6.22 2008/01/09 19:04:04 merezhuk
add extra hitArraySz parameter and provide error message if number of hits exceed it.
Revision 6.21 2007/03/13 20:41:20 madden
- In the prototype for seedEngineCore, the searchSpEff parameter
should be a Nlm_FloatHi, not an Nlm_FloatLo
[from Mike Gertz]
Revision 6.20 2005/07/28 14:57:10 coulouri
remove dead code
Revision 6.19 2004/04/01 13:43:08 lavr
Spell "occurred", "occurrence", and "occurring"
Revision 6.18 2002/08/28 13:37:09 madden
Lower MAX_HIT to 20000 again (for LINUX)
Revision 6.17 2002/08/09 17:32:09 madden
Raise MAX_HIT to 20000
Revision 6.16 2000/08/01 17:21:13 shavirin
Added protection for using C++ compiler.
Revision 6.15 1999/10/18 19:54:43 shavirin
Removed unused definition.
Revision 6.14 1999/10/05 19:36:54 shavirin
Changed to use functions from blast.c: BlastGetDbChunk and BlastTickProc.
Removed unused functions.
Revision 6.13 1999/09/22 17:50:18 shavirin
Now functions will collect messages in ValNodePtr before printing out.
#if !defined(SEED__H)
#define SEED__H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define ALPHABET_SIZE 25
#define MAX_HIT 20000
#define BUF_SIZE 100
#define PATTERN_BUF_SIZE 2000
#define SeqIdBufferSize 64 /*buffer size for SeqIdWrite*/
#define allone ((1 << ALPHABET_SIZE) - 1)
#define SEED_INFINITY 1000000 /*large score for array sentinel*/
#define MAX_EVALUE 1000 /*maximum e-value allowed as threshold*/
/*The following 3 flags define 3 options for running the program*/
#define SEED_FLAG 1
#define PATTERN_FLAG 2
#define PAT_SEED_FLAG 3
#define PAT_MATCH_FLAG 4
#define MaxW 11
#define MaxP (BITS_PACKED_PER_WORD * MaxW) /*threshold pattern length*/
#ifdef WIN16
#define ASCII_SIZE 256
#define DEFAULT_PARAM_C 0.6
#define PAT_PROB_THRESH 0.002 /*upper threshold for pattern probabilities*/
#define EXPECT_MATCH_THRESH 20000 /*upper threshold for number of occurrences*/
#define WILDCARD_THRESH 30 /*threshold for product of variable-length wildcards*/
/*band amounts for banded alignment*/
#define BAND_LOW (-5)
#define BAND_HIGH 5
/*Limit on length of DNA sequence*/
#define MAXDNA 200000
/* The following integer codes used for trace back in align.
Each node must implcitly store three pointers to decide where a CC DD, or
e value comes from. For example the CC value can come from a sub del or
ins edge. A DD can come from extension of a gap or an initiation of
and new gap. So th three flags are needed.
One flag have three states, the other 2 has 2 states.
The flags are packed into one integer. Let the flags be s1, s2, s3.
The integer state is then s3*20+s2*10+s1. where s1={0,1,2} s2=s3={0,1}.
There numbers above are from this packing. */
#define DELETE_CODE 20
#define INSERT_CODE 10
/* #define BLAST_DB_CHUNK_SIZE 500
#define BLAST_NTICKS 50 */
typedef struct hit_str {
Int4 score;
Int4 l_score;
Nlm_FloatHi mul; /*multiplier for scores of characters*/
Int4 hit_pos, hit_end;
Int4 bi, bj, ei, ej; /*beginning and end of pattern occurrence
in query sequence
and database sequence, respectively*/
struct hit_str *next; /*next hit in linked list*/
} *hit_ptr, hit_node;
typedef struct store_str {
Int4 l_score;
Uint1Ptr seq;
Char *header;
Int4 seqno;
hit_ptr hit_list;
struct store_str *next;
} store_node, *store_ptr;
typedef struct qseq {
Uint1Ptr lseq, rseq, sseq;
Int4 llen, rlen, slen;
} query_seq, *qseq_ptr;
typedef struct seedSearchItems {
Nlm_FloatHi charMultiple[ALPHABET_SIZE];
Nlm_FloatHi paramC; /*used in e-value computation*/
Nlm_FloatHi paramLambda; /*used in e-value computation*/
Nlm_FloatHi paramK; /*used in the bit score computation*/
Int4 cutoffScore; /*lower bound for what is a hit*/
Nlm_FloatHi standardProb[ALPHABET_SIZE]; /*probability of each letter*/
Char order[ASCII_SIZE];
Char pchars[ALPHABET_SIZE+1];
Char name_space[BUF_SIZE]; /*name of a pattern*/
Char pat_space[PATTERN_SPACE_SIZE]; /*string description
of pattern*/
} seedSearchItems;
typedef struct seedResultItems {
store_ptr listOfMatchingSequences;
} seedResultItems;
typedef struct patternSearchItems {
Int4 numWords; /*number of words need to hold bit representation
of pattern*/
Int4 match_mask; /*bit mask representation of input pattern
for patterns that fit in a word*/
Int4 match_maskL[BUF_SIZE]; /*bit mask representation of input pattern
for long patterns*/
/*which positions can a character occur in for long patterns*/
Int4 bitPatternByLetter[ASCII_SIZE][MaxW];
Int4 *whichPositionPtr; /*used to pass a piece a row of the arrays*/
Uint4 *DNAwhichPrefixPosPtr, *DNAwhichSuffixPosPtr; /*similar for DNA patterns*/
/*which positions can a character occur in for short patterns*/
Int4 whichPositionsByCharacter[ASCII_SIZE];
Uint4 DNAwhichPrefixPositions[ASCII_SIZE]; /*for DNA sequence where
prefix of DNA 4-mer matches pattern*/
Uint4 DNAwhichSuffixPositions[ASCII_SIZE]; /*similar to above for suffixes*/
/*for each letter in the alphabet and each word in the masked
pattern representation, holds a bit pattern saying for which
positions the letter will match*/
whichPositionsByCharacter for many-word patterns*/
/*similar to DNAwhichPrefixPositions for many word patterns*/
/*similar to DNAwhichSuffixPositions for many word patterns*/
Char flagPatternLength; /*indicates if pattern fits in 1 word,
some words, or is too long*/
Nlm_FloatHi patternProbability; /*probability of this letter
Int4 whichMostSpecific; /*which word in an extra long pattern
has the lowest probability of a match*/
Int4 numPlacesInWord[MAX_WORDS_IN_PATTERN]; /*when pattern has more than 7
words keep track of how many places of pattern in each word of
the representation; was called lening */
Int4 spacing[MAX_WORDS_IN_PATTERN]; /*spaces until next word due to
Int4 inputPatternMasked[MaxP];
Int4 highestPlace; /*number of places in pattern representation
as computed in input_pattern; was called num*/
Int4 minPatternMatchLength; /*minimum length of string to match this pattern*/
Int4 wildcardProduct; /*product of wildcard lengths*/
} patternSearchItems;
typedef struct alignSearchItems {
Int4** matrix; /*score matrix*/
Int4 gapOpen; /*penalty to open a gap*/
Int4 gapExtend; /*penalty to extend a gap one position*/
Int4 gapCost; /*gapOpen + gapExtend*/
} alignSearchItems;
typedef struct seedParallelItems {
ReadDBFILEPtr rdpt; /*pointer to database*/
qseq_ptr query_seq; /*multi-piece representation of query sequence*/
Int4 lenPatMatch; /*number of characters in the pattern occurrence*/
GapAlignBlkPtr gap_align; /*structure for description of the gapped
Boolean is_dna; /*is this DNA or protein data*/
patternSearchItems * patternSearch; /*holds items about the pattern*/
seedResultItems * seedResults; /*holds the results for this thread*/
seedSearchItems * seedSearch; /*holds preprocessing info about the
Int4 totalOccurrences; /*total number of pattern occurrences
found in this thread*/
Int4 matchIndex; /* total number of matches with reportable score in
this thread; match ===> occurrenece, but
occurrence !===> match */
/* threadInfoItems *threadInfo; */
BlastThrInfoPtr thr_info;
} seedParallelItems;
void PGPOutTextMessages(ValNodePtr info_vnp, FILE *fd);
Char * LIBCALL strsave PROTO((Char *s));
ValNodePtr LIBCALL seedEngineCore PROTO((BlastSearchBlkPtr search,
BLAST_OptionsBlkPtr options, Uint1Ptr query, Uint1Ptr unfilter_query,
CharPtr database, CharPtr patfile, Int4 program_flag, FILE * patfp,
Boolean is_dna, Boolean reverseDb, seedSearchItems *seedSearch,
Nlm_FloatHi posEThresh, Nlm_FloatHi searchSpEff,
posSearchItems * posSearch, SeqLocPtr *seed_seq_loc, Boolean showDiagnostics, ValNodePtr PNTR info_vnp));
void LIBCALL init_order PROTO((Int4 **matrix, Int4 program_flag, Boolean is_dna,
seedSearchItems *seedSearch));
Int4 LIBCALL convertProgramToFlag PROTO((Char * program, Boolean * is_dna));
void LIBCALL initProbs PROTO((seedSearchItems * seedSearch));
Int4 LIBCALL find_hits PROTO((Int4 *hitArray, Uint1Ptr seq, Int4 len, Boolean is_dna, patternSearchItems * patternSearch));
Int4 LIBCALL init_pattern PROTO((Uint1 *pattern, Boolean is_dna, patternSearchItems * patternSearch, seedSearchItems *seedSearch, ValNodePtr * error_return));
Int4 LIBCALL align_of_pattern PROTO((Uint1 *querySeq, Uint1 *dbSeq, Int4 lenQuerySeq, Int4 lenDbSeq, Int4 *alignScript, Int4 **tback, GapAlignBlkPtr gap_align, Int4 *useful_score, Nlm_FloatHi *multiple, patternSearchItems *patternSearch, seedSearchItems * seedSearch));
void LIBCALL pat_output PROTO((Uint1 *seq, Int4 begin, Int4 end, patternSearchItems *patternSearch, ValNodePtr PNTR info_vnp));
qseq_ptr LIBCALL split_target_seq PROTO((Uint1 *seq, Int4 seed, Int4 len_pat, Int4 len_query));
hit_ptr LIBCALL get_hits PROTO((qseq_ptr qp, Int4 len_of_pat,
Uint1Ptr seq_db, Int4 len_seq_db, GapAlignBlkPtr gap_align,
Boolean is_dna, patternSearchItems * patternSearch,
seedSearchItems * seedSearch, Int4 * newOccurrences));
void LIBCALL search_pat PROTO((ReadDBFILEPtr rdpt, Char *patternFileName, Boolean is_dna, seedSearchItems *seedSearch, patternSearchItems *patternSearch, ValNodePtr * error_return, ValNodePtr PNTR info_vnp));
SeqAlignPtr LIBCALL output_hits PROTO((ReadDBFILEPtr rdpt,
Boolean score_only, Uint1 *seq1, qseq_ptr qp,
Int4 len, Nlm_FloatHi dbLength, GapAlignBlkPtr gap_align, Boolean is_dna,
Int4 effectiveOccurrences, seedSearchItems *seedSearch, seedResultItems *seedResults,
patternSearchItems * patternSearch, Boolean reverse,
Int4 numOccurrences, Nlm_FloatHi eThresh,
SeqIdPtr query_id, Nlm_FloatHi posEthresh,
posSearchItems *posSearch, Int4 numMatches,
Int4 *totalBelowEThresh, Boolean showDiagnostics,
ValNodePtr PNTR info_vnp));
Char* LIBCALL get_a_pat PROTO((FILE *fp, Char **name, Int4Ptr hitArray, Int4Ptr fullHitArray,
Int4 * numPatOccur, Int4 *numEffectiveOccurrences, Int4 program_flag,
Uint1Ptr unfilter_seq, Uint1Ptr seq, Int4 len, Boolean is_dna,
patternSearchItems *patternSearch, seedSearchItems * seedSearch,
Boolean showDiagnostics, ValNodePtr * error_return,
ValNodePtr PNTR info_vnp, Int4 hitArraySz));
void LIBCALL quicksort_hits PROTO((Int4 no_of_seq, seedResultItems *seedResults));
Int4 LIBCALL eValueFit PROTO((Nlm_FloatHi eThresh, Nlm_FloatHi dbLength,
seedSearchItems *seedSearch, Int4 numOccurrences,
Nlm_FloatHi patternProbability));
void LIBCALL storeOneMatch PROTO((hit_ptr hit_list, Int4 seqno, Uint1Ptr seq,
seedResultItems *seedResults));
void LIBCALL seed_free_all PROTO((seedResultItems *seedResults));
ValNodePtr LIBCALL SeedPruneHitsFromSeedReturn PROTO((ValNodePtr seedReturn, Int4 number_of_descriptions));
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /*define SEED__H*/