/usr/include/openturns/swig/Matrix_doc.i is in libopenturns-dev 1.5-7build2.
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"Real rectangular matrix.
n_rows : int, :math:`n_r > 0`, optional
Number of rows.
Default is 1.
n_columns : int, :math:`n_c > 0`, optional
Number of columns.
Default is 1.
values : float list or 1d-array with size :math:`n_r \\\\times n_c`, optional
Values. OpenTURNS uses **column-major** ordering (like Fortran) for
reshaping the flat list of values.
Default creates a zero matrix.
Create a matrix
>>> import openturns as ot
>>> M = ot.Matrix(2, 2, range(2 * 2))
>>> print(M)
[[ 0 2 ]
[ 1 3 ]]
Get or set terms
>>> print(M[0, 0])
>>> M[0, 0] = 1.
>>> print(M[0, 0])
>>> print(M[:, 0])
[[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]]
Create an openturns matrix from a numpy 2d-array (or matrix, or 2d-list)...
>>> import numpy as np
>>> np_2d_array = np.array([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]])
>>> ot_matrix = ot.Matrix(np_2d_array)
and back
>>> np_matrix = np.matrix(ot_matrix)
Basic linear algebra operations (provided the dimensions are compatible)
>>> A = ot.Matrix([[1., 2.], [3., 4.], [5., 6.]])
>>> B = ot.Matrix(np.eye(2))
>>> C = ot.Matrix(3, 2, [1.] * 3 * 2)
>>> print(A * B - C)
[[ 0 1 ]
[ 2 3 ]
[ 4 5 ]]"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
%feature("docstring") OT::Matrix::clean
"Set elements smaller than a threshold to zero.
threshold : float
Threshold for zeroing elements.
cleaned_matrix : :class:`~openturns.Matrix`
Input matrix with elements smaller than the threshold set to zero."
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
%feature("docstring") OT::Matrix::computeQR
"Compute the QR factorization. By default, it is the *economic* decomposition which is computed.
The economic QR factorization of a rectangular matrix :math:`\\\\mat{M}` with
:math:`n_r \\\\geq n_c` (more rows than columns) is defined as follows:
.. math::
\\\\mat{M} = \\\\mat{Q} \\\\mat{R}
= \\\\mat{Q} \\\\begin{bmatrix} \\\\mat{R_1} \\\\\\\\ \\\\mat{0} \\\\end{bmatrix}
= \\\\begin{bmatrix} \\\\mat{Q_1}, \\\\mat{Q_2} \\\\end{bmatrix}
\\\\begin{bmatrix} \\\\mat{R_1} \\\\\\\\ \\\\mat{0} \\\\end{bmatrix}
= \\\\mat{Q_1} \\\\mat{R_1}
where :math:`\\\\mat{R_1}` is an :math:`n_c \\\\times n_c` upper triangular matrix,
:math:`\\\\mat{Q_1}` is :math:`n_r \\\\times n_c`, :math:`\\\\mat{Q_2}` is
:math:`n_r \\\\times (n_r - n_c)`, and :math:`\\\\mat{Q_1}` and :math:`\\\\mat{Q_2}`
both have orthogonal columns.
full_qr : bool, optional
A flag telling whether `Q`, `R` or `Q1`, `R1` are returned.
Default is *False* and returns `Q1`, `R1`.
keep_intact : bool, optional
A flag telling whether the present matrix is preserved or not in the computation of the decomposition.
Default is *True* and leaves the present matrix unchanged.
Q1 : :class:`~openturns.Matrix`
The orthogonal matrix of the economic QR factorization.
R1 : :class:`~openturns.TriangularMatrix`
The right (upper) triangular matrix of the economic QR factorization.
Q : :class:`~openturns.Matrix`
The orthogonal matrix of the full QR factorization.
R : :class:`~openturns.TriangularMatrix`
The right (upper) triangular matrix of the full QR factorization.
The economic QR factorization is often used for solving overdetermined linear
systems (where the operator :math:`\\\\mat{M}` has :math:`n_r \\\\geq n_c`) in the
least-square sense because it implies solving a (simple) triangular system:
.. math::
\\\\vect{\\\\hat{x}} = \\\\arg\\\\min\\\\limits_{\\\\vect{x} \\\\in \\\\Rset^{n_r}} \\\\|\\\\mat{M} \\\\vect{x} - \\\\vect{b}\\\\|
= \\\\mat{R_1}^{-1} (\\\\Tr{\\\\mat{Q_1}} \\\\vect{b})
This uses LAPACK's `DGEQRF <http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lapack-3.1.1/html/dgeqrf.f.html>`_
and `DORGQR <http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lapack-3.1.1/html/dorgqr.f.html>`_.
>>> import openturns as ot
>>> import numpy as np
>>> M = ot.Matrix([[1., 2.], [3., 4.], [5., 6.]])
>>> Q1, R1 = M.computeQR()
>>> np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(Q1 * R1, M)"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
%feature("docstring") OT::Matrix::computeSingularValues
"Compute the singular values.
fullSVD : bool, optional
Whether the null parts of the orthogonal factors are explicitely stored
or not.
Default is *False* and computes a reduced SVD.
keep_intact : bool, optional
A flag telling whether the present matrix can be overwritten or not.
Default is *True* and leaves the present matrix unchanged.
singular_values : :class:`~openturns.NumericalPoint`
The vector of singular values with size :math:`n = \\\\min(n_r, n_c)` that
form the diagonal of the :math:`n_r \\\\times n_c` matrix
:math:`\\\\mat{\\\\Sigma}` of the SVD decomposition.
See also
>>> import openturns as ot
>>> M = ot.Matrix([[1., 2.], [3., 4.], [5., 6.]])
>>> print(M.computeSingularValues(True))
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
%feature("docstring") OT::Matrix::computeSVD
"Compute the singular values decomposition (SVD).
The singular values decomposition of a rectangular matrix :math:`\\\\mat{M}` with
size :math:`n_r > n_c` reads:
.. math::
\\\\mat{M} = \\\\mat{U} \\\\mat{\\\\Sigma} \\\\Tr{\\\\mat{V}}
where :math:`\\\\mat{U}` is an :math:`n_r \\\\times n_r` orthogonal matrix,
:math:`\\\\mat{\\\\Sigma}` is an :math:`n_r \\\\times n_c` diagonal matrix and
:math:`\\\\mat{V}` is an :math:`n_c \\\\times n_c` orthogonal matrix.
fullSVD : bool, optional
Whether the null parts of the orthogonal factors are explicitely stored
or not.
Default is *False* and computes a reduced SVD.
keep_intact : bool, optional
A flag telling whether the present matrix can be overwritten or not.
Default is *True* and leaves the present matrix unchanged.
singular_values : :class:`~openturns.NumericalPoint`
The vector of singular values with size :math:`n = \\\\min(n_r, n_c)` that
form the diagonal of the :math:`n_r \\\\times n_c` matrix
:math:`\\\\mat{\\\\Sigma}` of the SVD.
U : :class:`~openturns.SquareMatrix`
The left orthogonal matrix of the SVD.
VT : :class:`~openturns.SquareMatrix`
The transposed right orthogonal matrix of the SVD.
This uses LAPACK's `DGESDD <http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lapack-3.1.1/html/dgesdd.f.html>`_.
>>> import openturns as ot
>>> import numpy as np
>>> M = ot.Matrix([[1., 2.], [3., 4.], [5., 6.]])
>>> singular_values, U, VT = M.computeSVD(True)
>>> Sigma = ot.Matrix(M.getNbRows(), M.getNbColumns())
>>> for i in range(singular_values.getSize()):
... Sigma[i, i] = singular_values[i]
>>> np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(U * Sigma * VT, M)"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
%feature("docstring") OT::Matrix::getNbColumns
"Accessor to the number of columns.
n_columns : int"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
%feature("docstring") OT::Matrix::getNbRows
"Accessor to the number of rows.
n_rows : int"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
%feature("docstring") OT::Matrix::solveLinearSystem
"Solve a rectangular linear system whose the present matrix is the operator.
rhs : :class:`~openturns.NumericalPoint` or :class:`~openturns.Matrix` with :math:`n_r` values or rows, respectively
The right hand side member of the linear system.
keep_intact : bool, optional
A flag telling whether the present matrix can be overwritten or not.
Default is *True* and leaves the present matrix unchanged.
solution : :class:`~openturns.NumericalPoint` or :class:`~openturns.Matrix`
The solution of the rectangular linear system.
This will handle both matrices and vectors, as well as underdetermined, square
or overdetermined linear systems although you'd better type explicitely your
matrix if it has some properties that could simplify the resolution (see
:class:`~openturns.TriangularMatrix`, :class:`~openturns.SquareMatrix`).
This uses LAPACK's `DGELSY <http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lapack-3.1.1/html/dgelsy.f.html>`_.
The `RCOND` parameter of this routine can be changed through the `MatrixImplementation-DefaultSmallPivot`
key of the :class:`~openturns.ResourceMap`.
>>> import openturns as ot
>>> import numpy as np
>>> M = ot.Matrix([[1., 2.], [3., 4.], [5., 6.]])
>>> b = ot.NumericalPoint([1.] * 3)
>>> x = M.solveLinearSystem(b)
>>> np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(M * x, b)"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
%feature("docstring") OT::Matrix::transpose
"Transpose the matrix.
MT : :class:`~openturns.Matrix`
The transposed matrix.
>>> import openturns as ot
>>> M = ot.Matrix([[1., 2.], [3., 4.], [5., 6.]])
>>> print(M)
[[ 1 2 ]
[ 3 4 ]
[ 5 6 ]]
>>> print(M.transpose())
[[ 1 3 5 ]
[ 2 4 6 ]]"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
%feature("docstring") OT::Matrix::computeGram
"Compute the associated Gram matrix.
MT : :class:`~openturns.Matrix`
The Gram matrix.
>>> import openturns as ot
>>> M = ot.Matrix([[1., 2.], [3., 4.], [5., 6.]])
>>> print(M.computeGram())
[[ 35 44 ]
[ 44 56 ]]"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
%feature("docstring") OT::Matrix::isEmpty
"Tell if the matrix is empty.
is_empty : bool
True if the matrix contains no element.
>>> import openturns as ot
>>> M = ot.Matrix([[]])
>>> M.isEmpty()