/usr/include/ossim/projection/ossimMapProjection.h is in libossim-dev 1.8.16-4ubuntu1.
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// License: See top level LICENSE.txt file.
// Author: Garrett Potts
// Description:
// Base class for all map projections.
// $Id: ossimMapProjection.h 20133 2011-10-12 19:03:47Z oscarkramer $
#ifndef ossimMapProjection_HEADER
#define ossimMapProjection_HEADER 1
#include <ossim/projection/ossimProjection.h>
#include <ossim/base/ossimConstants.h>
#include <ossim/base/ossimGpt.h>
#include <ossim/base/ossimKeyword.h>
#include <ossim/base/ossimString.h>
#include <ossim/base/ossimEllipsoid.h>
#include <ossim/base/ossimDatum.h>
#include <ossim/base/ossimDrect.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <ossim/base/ossimMatrix4x4.h>
class ossimKeywordlist;
class OSSIMDLLEXPORT ossimMapProjection : public ossimProjection
ossimMapProjection(const ossimEllipsoid& ellipsoid = ossimEllipsoid(),
const ossimGpt& origin=ossimGpt());
ossimMapProjection(const ossimMapProjection& src);
virtual ossimGpt origin()const;
* All map projections will convert the world coordinate to an easting
* northing (Meters).
virtual ossimDpt forward(const ossimGpt &worldPoint) const = 0;
* Will take a point in meters and convert it to ground.
virtual ossimGpt inverse(const ossimDpt &projectedPoint)const = 0;
virtual ossimDpt worldToLineSample(const ossimGpt &worldPoint)const;
virtual void worldToLineSample(const ossimGpt &worldPoint,
ossimDpt& lineSample)const;
virtual ossimGpt lineSampleToWorld(const ossimDpt &projectedPoint)const;
virtual void lineSampleToWorld(const ossimDpt &projectedPoint,
ossimGpt& gpt)const;
* This is the pure virtual that projects the image point to the given
* elevation above ellipsoid, thereby bypassing reference to a DEM. Useful
* for projections that are sensitive to elevation.
virtual void lineSampleHeightToWorld(const ossimDpt& lineSampPt,
const double& heightAboveEllipsoid,
ossimGpt& worldPt) const;
virtual void lineSampleToEastingNorthing(const ossimDpt& liineSample,
ossimDpt& eastingNorthing)const;
virtual void eastingNorthingToLineSample(const ossimDpt& eastingNorthing,
ossimDpt& lineSample)const;
virtual void eastingNorthingToWorld(const ossimDpt& eastingNorthing,
ossimGpt& worldPt)const;
/** @return The false easting. */
virtual double getFalseEasting() const;
/** @return The false northing. */
virtual double getFalseNorthing() const;
* Derived classes should implement as needed.
* This implementation returns 0.0.
* @return The first standard parallel.
virtual double getStandardParallel1() const;
* Derived classes should implement as needed.
* This implementation returns 0.0.
* @return The second standard parallel.
virtual double getStandardParallel2() const;
virtual void update();
virtual void setPcsCode(ossim_uint32 pcsCode);
//! Returns the EPSG PCS code or 32767 if the projection is a custom (non-EPSG) projection
virtual ossim_uint32 getPcsCode()const;
* Returns the projection name.
virtual ossimString getProjectionName() const;
virtual double getA() const;
virtual double getB() const;
virtual double getF() const;
virtual ossimDpt getMetersPerPixel() const;
* Returns decimal degrees per pixel as an ossimDpt with
* "x" representing longitude and "y" representing latitude.
virtual const ossimDpt& getDecimalDegreesPerPixel() const;
virtual const ossimDpt& getUlEastingNorthing() const;
virtual const ossimGpt& getUlGpt() const;
virtual const ossimDatum* getDatum() const;
const ossimEllipsoid& getEllipsoid() const { return theEllipsoid; }
const ossimGpt& getOrigin() const;
virtual bool isGeographic()const;
* Applies scale to theDeltaLonPerPixel, theDeltaLatPerPixel and
* theMetersPerPixel data members (eg: theDeltaLonPerPixel *= scale.x).
* @param scale Multiplier to be applied to theDeltaLonPerPixel,
* theDeltaLatPerPixel and theMetersPerPixel
* @param recenterTiePoint If true the will adjust the tie point by
* shifting the original tie to the upper left corner, applying scale,
* then shifting back by half of either the new
* theDeltaLat/lon or theMetersPerPixel depending on if projection
* isGeographic.
virtual void applyScale(const ossimDpt& scale, bool recenterTiePoint);
virtual void setEllipsoid(const ossimEllipsoid& ellipsoid);
virtual void setAB(double a, double b);
* Sets theDatum to datum.
* Sets theEllipsiod to datum's ellipsiod.
* Calls update().
virtual void setDatum(const ossimDatum* datum);
* Sets theOrigin to origin.
* Sets theDatum to origin's datum.
* Sets theEllipsiod to datum's ellipsiod.
* Calls update().
* @param origin The projection origin.
virtual void setOrigin(const ossimGpt& origin);
virtual void setMetersPerPixel(const ossimDpt& gsd);
virtual void setDecimalDegreesPerPixel(const ossimDpt& gsd);
virtual void setUlTiePoints(const ossimGpt& gpt);
virtual void setUlTiePoints(const ossimDpt& eastingNorthing);
virtual void setUlEastingNorthing(const ossimDpt& ulEastingNorthing);
virtual void setUlGpt(const ossimGpt& ulGpt);
virtual void assign( const ossimProjection &aProjection);
* Method to save the state of an object to a keyword list.
* Return true if ok or false on error.
virtual bool saveState(ossimKeywordlist& kwl,
const char* prefix=0) const;
* Method to the load (recreate) the state of an object from a keyword
* list. Return true if ok or false on error.
virtual bool loadState(const ossimKeywordlist& kwl,
const char* prefix=0);
* Prints data members to stream. Returns stream&.
virtual std::ostream& print(std::ostream& out) const;
//! Compares this to arg projection and returns TRUE if the same.
//! NOTE: As currently implemented in OSSIM, map projections also contain image geometry
//! information like tiepoint and scale. This operator is only concerned with the map
//! specification and ignores image geometry differences.
virtual bool operator==(const ossimProjection& projection) const;
//! Computes the approximate resolution in degrees/pixel
virtual void computeDegreesPerPixel();
* This will go from the ground point and give
* you an approximate meters per pixel. the Delta Lat
* and delta lon will be in degrees.
virtual void computeMetersPerPixel();
void setMatrix(double rotation,
const ossimDpt& scale,
const ossimDpt& translation);
void setMatrixScale(const ossimDpt& scale);
void setMatrixRotation(double rotation);
void setMatrixTranslation(const ossimDpt& translation);
* Utility method to snap the tie point to some multiple.
* This is used to overcome inaccuracies in formats like NITF's rpc tag
* witch has a four digit decimal degree precision for the lat/lon offset.
* @param multiple Value to snap tie point to like 1.0.
* @param unitType OSSIM_METERS or OSSIM_DEGREES.
* projection: ossimUtmProjection
* tie point is: 551634.88, 4492036.16
* multiple: 1.0
* unitType: OSSIM_METERS
* new tie point: 551635.00, 4492036.00
* projection: ossimEquDistCylProjection
* tie point is: -90.3246343 42.0297589
* multiple: 0.0001
* new tie point: -90.3246 42.0298
void snapTiePointTo(ossim_float64 multiple, ossimUnitType unitType);
void snapTiePointToOrigin();
void setElevationLookupFlag(bool flag);
bool getElevationLookupFlag()const;
ossimUnitType getModelTransformUnitType()const
return theModelTransformUnitType;
void setModelTransformUnitType(ossimUnitType unit)
theModelTransformUnitType = unit;
bool hasModelTransform()const
return (theModelTransformUnitType != OSSIM_UNIT_UNKNOWN);
* @brief Implementation of pure virtual
* ossimProjection::isAffectedByElevation method.
* @return false.
virtual bool isAffectedByElevation() const { return false; }
void setProjectionUnits(ossimUnitType units) { theProjectionUnits = units; }
ossimUnitType getProjectionUnits() const { return theProjectionUnits; }
virtual bool isEqualTo(const ossimObject& obj, ossimCompareType compareType = OSSIM_COMPARE_FULL)const;
virtual ~ossimMapProjection();
// If theModelTransform is set this updates:
// theDegreesPerPixel
// theMetersPerPixel
// theUlEastingNorthing
// theUlGpt
void updateFromTransform();
* This method verifies that the projection parameters match the current
* pcs code. If not this will set the pcs code to 0.
* @return true if match, false if not.
//bool verifyPcsCodeMatches() const;
ossimEllipsoid theEllipsoid;
ossimGpt theOrigin;
* This is only set if we want to have built in datum shifting
const ossimDatum* theDatum;
* Holds the number of meters per pixel.
* x = easting
* y = northing
ossimDpt theMetersPerPixel;
* Hold the decimal degrees per pixel.
* x = longitude
* y = latitude
ossimDpt theDegreesPerPixel;
/** Hold tie point in decimal degrees. */
ossimGpt theUlGpt;
* Hold tie point as easting northing.
* x = easting,
* y = northing
ossimDpt theUlEastingNorthing;
* Hold the false easting northing.
* x = false easting,
* y = false northing
ossimDpt theFalseEastingNorthing;
//! Projection Coordinate System(PCS) code. Mutable because they may update automatically
//! after the projection is initialized, even in a const method. Normally set to 0 until the
//! corresponding EPSG code can be determined. If the projection is NOT represented by any
//! EPSG code, then the PCS is set to 32767.
mutable ossim_uint32 thePcsCode;
bool theElevationLookupFlag;
// Will always be a 4x4 matrix.
// note: only the first 2 dimensions will be used.
// if the size is 0 then it will not be used
ossimMatrix4x4 theModelTransform; // goes from image to model
ossimMatrix4x4 theInverseModelTransform; //goes from model back to image
// Output Units of the transform
ossimUnitType theModelTransformUnitType;
//! Linear units of the projection as indicated in the projection's specification:
ossimUnitType theProjectionUnits;