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Copyright (C) 2008 Roland Lichters
Copyright (C) 2009, 2014 Jose Aparicio
This file is part of QuantLib, a free-software/open-source library
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/*! \file basket.hpp
\brief basket of issuers and related notionals
#ifndef quantlib_basket_hpp
#define quantlib_basket_hpp
#include <ql/instruments/claim.hpp>
#include <ql/termstructures/defaulttermstructure.hpp>
#include <ql/patterns/lazyobject.hpp>
#include <ql/experimental/credit/defaultprobabilitykey.hpp>
#include <ql/experimental/credit/issuer.hpp>
#include <ql/experimental/credit/recoveryratemodel.hpp>
#include <ql/experimental/credit/pool.hpp>
#include <ql/experimental/credit/loss.hpp>
#include <ql/utilities/disposable.hpp>
namespace QuantLib {
class DefaultLossModel;
/*! Credit Basket.\par
A basket is a collection of credit names, represented by a
unique identifier (a text string), associated notional
amounts, a pool and tranche information. The pool is a map of
"names" to issuers. The Basket structure is motivated by CDO
squared instruments containing various underlying inner CDOs
which can be represented by respective baskets including their
tranche structure. The role of the Pool is providing a unique
list of relevant issuers while names may appear multiple times
across different baskets (overlap).
class Basket : public LazyObject {
Basket() {}
/*! Constructs a basket of simple collection of constant notional
positions subject to default risk only.
@param refDate Basket inception date. Date at which defaultable
events are relevant. (There are no constraints on forward
baskets but models assigned should be consistent.)
const Date& refDate,
const std::vector<std::string>& names,
const std::vector<Real>& notionals,
const boost::shared_ptr<Pool> pool,
Real attachmentRatio = 0.0,
Real detachmentRatio = 1.0,
const boost::shared_ptr<Claim>& claim =
boost::shared_ptr<Claim>(new FaceValueClaim()));
void update() {
void computeBasket() const {
Date today = Settings::instance().evaluationDate();
/* update cache values at the calculation date (work as arguments
to the Loss Models)
\to do: IMPORTANT: notice that defaults added to Issuers dont get
notify as the codes stnds today. Issuers need to be observables.
//this one must remain on top since there are dependencies
evalDateLiveKeys_ = remainingDefaultKeys(today);
evalDateSettledLoss_ = settledLoss(today);
evalDateRemainingNot_ = remainingNotional(today);
evalDateLiveNotionals_ = remainingNotionals(today);
evalDateLiveNames_ = remainingNames(today);
evalDateAttachAmount_ = remainingAttachmentAmount(today);
evalDateDetachAmmount_ =
evalDateLiveList_ = liveList(today);
//! Basket inception number of counterparties.
Size size() const;
//! Basket counterparties names at inception.
const std::vector<std::string>& names() const {return pool_->names();}
//! Basket counterparties notionals at inception.
const std::vector<Real>& notionals() const;
//! Basket total notional at inception.
Real notional();
//! Returns the total expected exposures for that name.
Real exposure(const std::string& name, const Date& = Date()) const;
//! Underlying pool
const boost::shared_ptr<Pool>& pool() const;
//! The keys each counterparty enters the basket with (sensitive to)
Disposable<std::vector<DefaultProbKey> > defaultKeys() const;
/*! Loss Given Default for all issuers/notionals based on
expected recovery rates for the respective issuers.
//! Basket inception date.
const Date& refDate() const {return refDate_;}
/*! Attachment point expressed as a fraction of the total inception
Real attachmentRatio() const {return attachmentRatio_;}
//! Detachment point expressed as a fraction of the total pool notional
Real detachmentRatio() const {return detachmentRatio_;}
//! Original basket notional ignoring any losses.
Real basketNotional() const {return basketNotional_;}
//! Original tranche notional ignoring any realized losses.
Real trancheNotional() const {return trancheNotional_;}
//! Attachment amount = attachmentRatio() * basketNotional()
Real attachmentAmount() const {return attachmentAmount_;}
//! Detachment amount = detachmentRatio() * basketNotional()
Real detachmentAmount() const {return detachmentAmount_;}
//! default claim, same for all positions and counterparties
boost::shared_ptr<Claim> claim() const {return claim_;}
/*! Vector of cumulative default probability to date d for all
issuers in the basket.
Disposable<std::vector<Probability> >
probabilities(const Date& d) const;
/*! Realized basket losses between the reference date and the
calculation date, taking the actual recovery rates of loss events
into account.
Only default events that have settled (have a realized RR) are
accounted for. For contingent losses after a default you need
to compute the losses through a DefaultLossModel
Optionally one can pass a date in the future and that will collect
events stored in the issuers list. This shows the effect of
'programmed' (after today's) events on top of past ones. The
intention is to be used in risk analysis (jump to default, etc).
Real settledLoss() const;
Real settledLoss(const Date&) const;
/*! Actual basket losses between the reference date and the calculation
date, taking the actual recovery rates of loss events into account.
If the event has not settled yet a model driven recovery is used.
Returns the realized losses in this portfolio since the portfolio
default reference date.
This method relies on an implementation of the loss given default
since the events have not necessarily settled.
Real cumulatedLoss() const;
Real cumulatedLoss(const Date&) const;
/*! Remaining full basket (untranched) notional after settled losses
between the reference date and the given date. The full notional
for defaulted names is subracted, recovery ignored.
Real remainingNotional() const;
Real remainingNotional(const Date&) const;
/*! Vector of surviving notionals after settled losses between the
reference date and the given date, recovery ignored.
const std::vector<Real>& remainingNotionals() const;
Disposable<std::vector<Real> > remainingNotionals(const Date&) const;
/*! Vector of surviving issuers after defaults between the reference
basket date and the given (or evaluation) date.
const std::vector<std::string>& remainingNames() const;
Disposable<std::vector<std::string> >
remainingNames(const Date&) const;
/*! Default keys of non defaulted counterparties
const std::vector<DefaultProbKey>& remainingDefaultKeys() const;
Disposable<std::vector<DefaultProbKey> > remainingDefaultKeys(
const Date&) const;
//! Number of counterparties alive on the requested date.
Size remainingSize() const;
Size remainingSize(const Date&) const;
/*! Vector of cumulative default probability to date d for all
issuers still (at the evaluation date) alive in the basket.
Disposable<std::vector<Probability> >
remainingProbabilities(const Date& d) const;
Attachment amount of the equivalent (after defaults) remaining basket
The remaining attachment amount is
RAA = max (0, attachmentAmount - cumulatedLoss())
The remaining attachment ratio is then
RAR = RAA / remainingNotional()
Real remainingAttachmentAmount() const;
Real remainingAttachmentAmount(const Date& endDate) const;
Detachment amount of the equivalent remaining basket.
The remaining detachment amount is
RDA = max (0, detachmentAmount - cumulatedLoss())
The remaining detachment ratio is then
RDR = RDA / remainingNotional()
Real remainingDetachmentAmount() const;
Real remainingDetachmentAmount(const Date& endDate) const;
//! Remaining basket tranched notional on calculation date
Real remainingTrancheNotional() const {
return evalDateDetachAmmount_ - evalDateAttachAmount_;
/*! Expected basket tranched notional on the requested date
according to the basket model. Model should have been assigned.
Real remainingTrancheNotional(const Date& endDate) const {
return remainingDetachmentAmount(endDate) -
//!Indexes of remaining names. Notice these are names and not positions.
const std::vector<Size>& liveList() const;
Disposable<std::vector<Size> > liveList(const Date&) const;//?? keep?
//! Assigns the default loss model to this basket. Resets calculations.
void setLossModel(
const boost::shared_ptr<DefaultLossModel>& lossModel);
/*! \name Basket Loss Statistics
Methods providing statistical metrics on the loss or value
distribution of the basket. Most calculations rely on the pressence
of a model assigned to the basket.
Real expectedTrancheLoss(const Date& d) const;
@param lossFraction is the fraction of losses expressed in
inception (no losses) tranche units (e.g. 'attach level'=0%,
'detach level'=100%)
Probability probOverLoss(const Date& d, Real lossFraction) const;
Real percentile(const Date& d, Probability prob) const;
/*! ESF
Real expectedShortfall(const Date& d, Probability prob) const;
/* Split a portfolio loss along counterparties. Typically loss
corresponds to some percentile.*/
Disposable<std::vector<Real> >
splitVaRLevel(const Date& date, Real loss) const;
/*! Full loss distribution
Disposable<std::map<Real, Probability> > lossDistribution(
const Date&) const;
Real densityTrancheLoss(const Date& d, Real lossFraction) const;
Real defaultCorrelation(const Date& d, Size iName, Size jName) const;
/*! Probability vector that each of the remaining live names (at eval
date) is the n-th default by date d.
@param n The internal index to the name, it should be live at the
evaluation date.
---------TO DO: Implement with a string passed----------------------
---------TO DO: Perform check the name is alive---------------------
std::vector<Probability> probsBeingNthEvent(
Size n, const Date& d) const;
/*! Returns the probaility of having a given or larger number of
defaults in the basket portfolio at a given time.
Probability probAtLeastNEvents(Size n, const Date& d) const;
/*! Expected recovery rate of the underlying position as a fraction of
its exposure value at date d _given_ it has defaulted _on_ that date.
Real recoveryRate(const Date& d, Size iName) const;
// LazyObject interface
void performCalculations() const;
std::vector<Real> notionals_;
boost::shared_ptr<Pool> pool_;
//! The claim is the same for all names
const boost::shared_ptr<Claim> claim_;
Real attachmentRatio_;
Real detachmentRatio_;
Real basketNotional_;
//! basket tranched inception attachment amount:
mutable Real attachmentAmount_;
//! basket tranched inception detachment amount:
mutable Real detachmentAmount_;
//! basket tranched notional amount:
mutable Real trancheNotional_;
/* Caches. Most of the times one wants statistics on the distribution of
futures losses at arbitrary dates but some problems (e.g. derivatives
pricing) work with todays (evalDate) magnitudes which do not require a
loss model and would be too expensive to recompute on every call.
mutable Real evalDateSettledLoss_,
mutable std::vector<Size> evalDateLiveList_;
mutable std::vector<Real> evalDateLiveNotionals_;
mutable std::vector<std::string> evalDateLiveNames_;
mutable std::vector<DefaultProbKey> evalDateLiveKeys_;
//! Basket inception date.
const Date refDate_;
/* It is the basket responsibility to ensure that the model assigned it
is properly initialized to the basket current data.
This might not be the case for various reasons: the basket data might
have been updated, the evaluation date has changed or the model has
received another request from another basket pointing to it. For
this last reason we can never be sure between calls that this is the
case (and that is true in a single thread environment only).
boost::shared_ptr<DefaultLossModel> lossModel_;
// ------------ Inlines -------------------------------------------------
inline Size Basket::size() const {
return pool_->size();
inline const std::vector<Real>& Basket::notionals() const {
return notionals_;
inline Disposable<std::vector<DefaultProbKey> >
Basket::defaultKeys() const {
return pool_->defaultKeys();
inline const boost::shared_ptr<Pool>& Basket::pool() const {
return pool_;
inline const std::vector<Size>& Basket::liveList() const {
return evalDateLiveList_;
inline Real Basket::remainingDetachmentAmount() const {
return evalDateDetachAmmount_;
inline Real Basket::remainingAttachmentAmount() const {
return evalDateAttachAmount_;
inline const std::vector<std::string>& Basket::remainingNames() const {
return evalDateLiveNames_;
inline const std::vector<Real>& Basket::remainingNotionals() const {
return evalDateLiveNotionals_;
inline Real Basket::cumulatedLoss() const {
return this->evalDateSettledLoss_;
inline Real Basket::settledLoss() const {
return evalDateSettledLoss_;
inline const std::vector<DefaultProbKey>&
Basket::remainingDefaultKeys() const
return evalDateLiveKeys_;