/usr/include/ThePEG/MatrixElement/MEGG2QQ.h is in libthepeg-dev 1.8.0-1.1.
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// MEGG2QQ.h is a part of ThePEG - Toolkit for HEP Event Generation
// Copyright (C) 1999-2011 Leif Lonnblad
// ThePEG is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef ThePEG_MEGG2QQ_H
#define ThePEG_MEGG2QQ_H
// This is the declaration of the MEGG2QQ class.
#include "ThePEG/MatrixElement/ME2to2QCD.h"
namespace ThePEG {
* MEGG2QQ inherits from ME2to2QCD and implements the standard
* \f$gg\rightarrow gq\bar{q}\f$ matrix element.
* @see \ref MEGG2QQInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for MEGG2QQ.
* @see ME2to2QCD
class MEGG2QQ: public ME2to2QCD {
/** @name Virtual functions required by the MEBase class. */
* The matrix element for the kinematical configuration
* previously provided by the last call to setKinematics(), suitably
* scaled by sHat() to give a dimension-less number.
* @return the matrix element scaled with sHat() to give a
* dimensionless number.
virtual double me2() const;
* Add all possible diagrams with the add() function.
virtual void getDiagrams() const;
* Return a Selector with possible colour geometries for the selected
* diagram weighted by their relative probabilities.
* @param diag the diagram chosen.
* @return the possible colour geometries weighted by their
* relative probabilities.
virtual Selector<const ColourLines *>
colourGeometries(tcDiagPtr diag) const;
* Get diagram selector. With the information previously supplied with the
* setKinematics method, a derived class may optionally
* override this method to weight the given diagrams with their
* (although certainly not physical) relative probabilities.
* @param dv the diagrams to be weighted.
* @return a Selector relating the given diagrams to their weights.
virtual Selector<DiagramIndex> diagrams(const DiagramVector & dv) const;
/** @name Internal functions returning the matrix element squared
* for different colour configurations. */
* Return the matrix element squared (without common pre-factors)
* for the specific colour configuration.
double colA() const
return uHat()/tHat() - 2.0*sqr(uHat()/sHat());
* Return the matrix element squared (without common pre-factors)
* for the specific colour configuration.
double colB() const
return tHat()/uHat() - 2.0*sqr(tHat()/sHat());
* Standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
static void Init();
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const;
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const;
* Describe a concrete class without persistent data.
static NoPIOClassDescription<MEGG2QQ> initMEGG2QQ;
* Private and non-existent assignment operator.
MEGG2QQ & operator=(const MEGG2QQ &);
namespace ThePEG {
/** This template specialization informs ThePEG about the
* base classes of MEGG2QQ. */
template <>
struct BaseClassTrait<MEGG2QQ,1>: public ClassTraitsType {
/** Typedef of the first base class of MEGG2QQ. */
typedef ME2to2QCD NthBase;
/** This template specialization informs ThePEG about the name of
* the MEGG2QQ class and the shared object where it is defined. */
template <>
struct ClassTraits<MEGG2QQ>: public ClassTraitsBase<MEGG2QQ> {
/** Return a platform-independent class name */
static string className() { return "ThePEG::MEGG2QQ"; }
/** Return the name of the shared library be loaded to get
* access to the MEGG2QQ class and every other class it uses
* (except the base class). */
static string library() { return "MEQCD.so"; }
/** @endcond */
#endif /* ThePEG_MEGG2QQ_H */