/usr/share/lua/5.2/luxio/event.lua is in lua-luxio0 8-1ubuntu1.
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-- Copyright 2012 Daniel Silverstone <dsilvers@digital-scurf.org>
-- Distributed under the same terms as Lua itself (MIT).
-- A low-ish level event-based main-loop for luxio-based programs
-- ev = require "luxio.event"
-- ev.register_fd(fd, ctx, input_available, output_space, error_event)
-- Register a FD with the poll loop
-- fd is the FD to be registered (should be a FD number)
-- ctx is the context to be passed to the callbacks
-- input_available is the callback for when POLLIN is active
-- want_more = input_available(ctx, fd, urgent)
-- urgent is true if POLLPRI was set.
-- output_space is the callback for when POLLOUT is active
-- have_more = output_space(ctx, fd)
-- error_event is the callback for when POLLERR, POLLNVAL,
-- or POLLHUP happens.
-- error_event(ctx, fd, "hup" or "nval" or "err")
-- If the callback returns true then the event is re-armed, otherwise
-- you will need to call ev.set_events() later to re-arm the event.
-- The error event cannot be disarmed and is the only event armed
-- when you register a FD. If the error event is called then the event
-- system will unregister the FD on return from the handler if the handler
-- has not unregistered it itself.
-- ev.unregister_fd(fd)
-- Removes a FD from the poll loop
-- ev.set_events(fd, input_enabled, output_enabled)
-- Arm/Disarm events for fd.
-- fd is the FD registered with ev.register_fd
-- input_enabled is whether to arm the input event (POLLIN)
-- output_enabled is whether to arm the output event (POLLOUT)
-- If the respective enable is true the event is armed, if it is
-- false then it's disarmed. If you pass nil for the enable then the
-- current arm/disarm state is unchanged.
-- res = ev.step(timeout)
-- Runs one step of the poll loop, returning after timeout milliseconds
-- if nothing happened.
-- timeout is the number of milliseconds to run for.
-- -1 means 'forever'
-- Returns the number of FDs whose events fired, or 0 if timed out.
-- handle = ev.timer(timeout, timer_event, ctx)
-- Call timer_event(ctx) after timeout milliseconds.
-- if the event returns true, re-arms the timer automatically.
-- handle = ev.alarm(wallclock, timer_event, ctx)
-- Call timer_event at (or soon after) wallclock (expressed as time_t)
-- If the event returns a number, treat that as a time_t and
-- re-arm the alarm.
-- ev.cancel_timer(handle)
-- Cancel the timer or alarm associated with the provided handle.
-- ... = ev.run()
-- Runs the poll loop until it is terminated by ev.quit().
-- Returns the values passed to ev.quit()
-- ev.quit(...)
-- Causes ev.run() to return to the caller, with the given values as
-- the return values. Note that this makes no sense unless you use
-- the ev.run() wrapper.
-- The event system runs all event callbacks inside a pcall but ignored errors.
local l = require "luxio"
local pollfds_new = l.pollfds_new
local pollfds_resize = l.pollfds_resize
local pollfds_getslot = l.pollfds_getslot
local pollfds_setslot = l.pollfds_setslot
local bor = l.bit.bor
local bclear = l.bit.bclear
local btest = l.bit.btest
local poll = l.poll
local strerror = l.strerror
local pfds = pollfds_new()
local extend_by = 10
local gaps = {}
local fds = {}
local input_bits = bor(POLLIN, POLLPRI)
local zero_timeval = l.zero_timeval
local gettimeofday = l.gettimeofday
l = nil
local quitvals
local quit_error = {}
local _nval = "nval"
local _hup = "hup"
local _err = "err"
local function _claim_free_slot()
-- Find a free slot in the pollfds
local gap = next(gaps)
if gap then
gaps[gap] = nil
return gap
-- No gaps in the pollfds, so extend
pollfds_resize(pfds, #pfds + extend_by)
-- Store the new gaps for later
for n = #pfds - (extend_by - 2), #pfds do
gaps[n] = true
-- And return the one gap we didn't store
return #pfds - (extend_by - 1)
local function _set_events(_fd, input_enable, output_enable)
local fd = _fd
if type(_fd) == "table" then
fd = _fd.fd
local fdt = fds[fd]
assert(fdt, "File descriptor '" .. tostring(_fd) .. "' is not registered")
local events = fdt.events
if input_enable then
events = bor(events, input_bits)
elseif input_enable == false then
events = bclear(events, input_bits)
if output_enable then
events = bor(events, POLLOUT)
elseif output_enable == false then
events = bclear(events, POLLOUT)
pollfds_setslot(pfds, fds[fd].slotnr, fd, events, 0)
fdt.events = events
local function _null_evt() end
local function _register_fd(_fd, ctx, input_evt, output_evt, error_evt)
local fd = _fd
if type(_fd) == "table" then
fd = _fd.fd
assert(fds[fd] == nil, "File descriptor '" .. tostring(_fd) .. "' is already registered")
local fdt = {
fd = fd,
_fd = _fd,
ctx = ctx,
input_evt = input_evt or _null_evt,
output_evt = output_evt or _null_evt,
error_evt = error_evt or _null_evt,
slotnr = _claim_free_slot(),
events = 0
fds[fd] = fdt
local function rpcall(...)
local t = {pcall(...)}
if not t[1] then
print("Error during event handling:", t[2])
return unpack(t)
-- Uncomment this to disable error reporting
-- rpcall = pcall
local function _unregister_fd(_fd)
if type(_fd) == "table" then
fd = _fd.fd
local fdt = fds[fd]
assert(fdt, "File descriptor '" .. tostring(_fd) .. "' is not registered")
-- pull this fd out of poll
pollfds_setslot(pfds, fdt.slotnr, -1, 0, 0)
-- hand the slot back to the gap tracker
gaps[fdt.slotnr] = true
-- and unregister the fd from the list
fds[fd] = nil
local function _step(timeout)
local nfds, err = poll(pfds, timeout)
if nfds == -1 then
local fds_to_process = nfds
for slot = 1, #pfds do
if fds_to_process == 0 then
local fd, ev, rev = pollfds_getslot(pfds, slot)
local fdt = fds[fd]
local cev = 0
if fd >= 0 and rev ~= 0 then
-- Deal with errors first
local did_error = false
if btest(rev, POLLNVAL) then
-- fd is invalid, let the caller know
did_error = true
rpcall(fdt.error_evt, fdt.ctx, fd, _nval)
elseif btest(rev, POLLERR) then
-- fd errored
did_error = true
rpcall(fdt.error_evt, fdt.ctx, fd, _err)
elseif btest(rev, POLLHUP) then
-- fd HUPped
did_error = true
rpcall(fdt.error_evt, fdt.ctx, fd, _hup)
if did_error then
if fds[fd] then
-- No error, process incoming data first.
if btest(rev, POLLPRI) then
local ok, want = rpcall(fdt.input_evt, fdt.ctx, fdt._fd, true)
if ok and not want then
cev = bor(cev, input_bits)
elseif btest(rev, POLLIN) then
local ok, want = rpcall(fdt.input_evt, fdt.ctx, fdt._fd, false)
if ok and not want then
cev = bor(cev, input_bits)
-- Now if we're still registered, process write space
if fds[fd] and btest(rev, POLLOUT) then
local ok, want = rpcall(fdt.output_evt, fdt.ctx, fdt._fd)
if ok and not want then
cev = bor(cev, POLLOUT)
fds_to_process = fds_to_process - 1
if fds[fd] then
-- rearm appropriate events
pollfds_setslot(pfds, slot, fd, bclear(fds[fd].events, cev), 0);
return nfds
local events = nil
local event_handles = {}
local _timer = "timer"
local _alarm = "alarm"
local function _msecs_to_timeval(msecs)
local z = zero_timeval()
z.useconds = msecs * 1000
return z
local function _time_t_to_timeval(time_t)
local z = zero_timeval()
z.seconds = time_t
return z
local function _insert_timer_event(tmr)
if events == nil then
events = tmr
local evt, pevt = events
while (evt and (evt.when < tmr.when)) do
pevt = evt
evt = evt.next
if evt == events then
-- tmr is now earliest
tmr.next = events
tmr.next.prev = tmr
events = tmr
if evt == nil then
-- tmr is now latest
tmr.prev = pevt
pevt.next = tmr
-- tmr is to be inserted just before evt
tmr.prev = pevt
tmr.next = evt
tmr.next.prev = tmr
tmr.prev.next = tmr
local function _remove_timer_event(tmr)
if tmr.prev == nil then
events = tmr.next
if tmr.next then
tmr.next.prev = nil
tmr.prev.next = tmr.next
if tmr.next then
tmr.next.prev = tmr.prev
tmr.next, tmr.prev = nil, nil
local function _timer(timeout, handler, ctx)
local handle = {}
timeout = _msecs_to_timeval(timeout)
local tmr = {
type = _timer,
timeout = timeout,
handler = handler,
ctx = ctx,
when = gettimeofday() + timeout,
handle = handle
event_handles[handle] = tmr
return handle
local function _alarm(wallclock, handler, ctx)
local handle = {}
local tmr = {
type = _alarm,
handler = handler,
ctx = ctx,
when = _time_t_to_timeval(wallclock),
handle = handle
event_handles[handle] = tmr
return handle
local function _cancel_timer(handle)
local tmr = event_handles[handle]
assert(tmr, "Unknown handle passed to luxio.event.cancel_timer()")
event_handles[handle] = nil
local function _run()
local timeout = -1
if events then
local now = gettimeofday()
timeout = ((events.when - now).useconds)/1000
local fnow = gettimeofday()
while events and events.when < fnow do
local evt = events
local ok, ret = pcall(evt.handler, evt.ctx)
if ok and ret then
if evt.type == _timer then
evt.when = fnow + evt.timeout
elseif evt.type == _alarm then
evt.when = _time_t_to_timeval(ret)
error("Unknown time event type: " .. tostring(evt.type))
until quitvals
return unpack(quitvals)
local function _quit(...)
quitvals = {...}
return {
register_fd = _register_fd,
unregister_fd = _unregister_fd,
set_events = _set_events,
step = _step,
run = _run,
quit = _quit,
-- Magic values passed to error_event
nval = _nval,
hup = _hup,
err = _err,
-- Timer related maguffins
timer = _timer,
alarm = _alarm,
cancel_timer = _cancel_timer